

This was published 7 months ago

Brandis’ Morrison myopia misses all the bad points

George Brandis’ attempt to salvage the reputation of Scott Morrison is at best hopeful, certainly premature (“History will be kind to PM Morrison”, February 26). To call AUKUS a legacy is a stretch. If any submarines are actually delivered it will still be a questionable achievement to many Australians. What galled me the most in Brandis’ myopic claims was the apparent consigning of Morrison’s role in the robo-debt scheme to the title of “ephemera”. People lost their lives because of the scheme to illegally claw back non-existent debts from some of our most vulnerable welfare recipients. Morrison still accepts no blame or responsibility for that fiasco. A royal commissioner had a very different view. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Former prime minister Scott Morrison

Former prime minister Scott Morrison Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Brandis claims Scott Morrison will be remembered more for the good than the bad and cites AUKUS, net zero by 2050, the management of the pandemic and a free trade agreement with the UK as his glowing achievements. The value of the AUKUS deal is questionable at best and was done behind a friend’s back. The public clamoured for action to reduce carbon emissions for years and the Coalition had to be dragged screaming to make any form of solid commitment to it. And as for negotiating a post-Brexit trade deal abroad and properly managing the pandemic at home, aren’t they the kinds of things that any prime minister faced with those issues would be expected to do? Adrian Connelly, Springwood

I see Brandis brands Julia Gillard’s performance as “hopeless”. Perhaps he missed the Clean Energy Bill, Mineral Resource Rent Tax, schools funding following the Gonski Review, ending the logging of native forests in Tasmania, $1.8 billion flood levy following widespread damage to Queensland and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Hardly “hopeless”. Patrick McMahon, Paddington

Because there is very little to say about Morrison who went on holidays while the country was burning and believed that COVID-19 vaccinations was not a race, but duly received one of the first jabs. The really sad statement by Brandis is the comment that Gillard was hopeless as PM. Gillard was actually brilliant in delivering many reforms such as the NDIS and school funding under Gonski and did so in a minority government. These reforms will endure for many years. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Let me count the ways. Lives destroyed by robo-debt. Away on holidays while people’s homes are destroyed by devastating bushfires. Forty billion dollars in JobKeeper paid to companies which didn’t qualify. Skulking inside in response to the women’s march on parliament; “if you want to talk with me, make an appointment with my office”. Compare that with John Howard’s appearance in front of a large crowd of angry gun owners. There is surely much more to celebrate for the Minister for Everything. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach

How lucky are we in Australia to be blessed by two comedic geniuses in (the late) Barry Humphries and George Brandis. It is interesting to note the purposeful humour and societal observations of the former vs the unintentional, unrealised guffaw created by the latter. Both immensely entertaining and, at times, hard to split for a good laugh. Howard Young, Clovelly


Council still committed to stamping out tree vandalism

It was very disappointing to read the published letter from one of our residents in Mosman wrongfully suggesting there has been a change in the management of trees and that the poisoning of the beautiful and venerable Port Jackson figs at Balmoral may have been a political protest (Letters, February 26). Placing private views above the benefits and amenity of public trees is a questionable premise; doubling down and suggesting that voters take direct action by poisoning loved public assets is both dangerous and extreme. Nothing has changed here at Mosman, either in terms of policy or approach, and we remain committed to prosecuting every illegal tree felling, pruning or poisoning to the fullest extent of the law. Any attempt to gain political capital from this vile act fails and should be contrasted against the massive outpouring of community grief and concern about our beloved figs and the ongoing commitment to protecting our prominent tree canopy, created by public and private trees alike. Carolyn Corrigan, Mayor of Mosman

Vandalised trees at Balmoral

Vandalised trees at Balmoral Credit: Laura Chung

How can he suggest that views are disappearing when the good burghers of Mosman get to see water and trees? A full tree canopy is a magnificent view in my opinion, one I often wish for. And property values evaporating? Oh come on. It’s well established that full tree cover increases biodiversity and lessens heat impact. And increases home value. If the folks in these multi-million dollar homes can’t live with viewing a full tree canopy “blocking” some of their water views, perhaps they can just poison all the trees, thereby increasing global warming and bring the water view right up to and within their front doors. Richard Abram, Bexley

If Mosman property values are indeed “evaporating” or “disappearing” because a view is filtered or even hidden by trees I’d be very surprised. Anybody who takes matters into their own hands and thinks poisoning trees is anything other than anti-social vandalism deserves to be prosecuted.
Sheryl Black, Coffs Harbour

Such a shame house prices are falling in Mosman due to trees being “allowed to reach their full potential”. If your correspondent’s attitude is representative of the Mosman population, it seems like we can expect more trees to be poisoned just to protect house prices of a few privileged people.
Todd Hillsley, Homebush

Your Mosman correspondent, despite his views to the contrary, does not own a view and I’m sure his point of view would not be endorsed by the majority in his local government electorate. Trees trump self-entitled interests! Bob Nicoll, Hat Head


School funding is not a give/take

Everyone in education supports public schools being fully funded because we know public education is the backbone of our schooling system (“We’ll find out soon if Labor does care about public schools”, February 26). School funding is not a zero-sum game; one sector has never had its funding cut to fund another. NSW public schools received on average $9,500 more per student in government funding than non-government schools in 2021/22 ($23,558 v $14,061 according to the Productivity Commission). This is because the funding provided to non-government schools is reduced according to parents’ income, a reduction that does not occur for public schools. The more parents earn, the less government funding a non-government school attracts. The independent sector includes hundreds of faith and non-faith based schools. They educate students from all cultural backgrounds. Islamic schools, for example, educate students with Asian, African, Middle Eastern and European heritage. Many Christian schools educate non-Christian students. Margery Evans, chief executive, Association of Independent Schools of NSW

Private schools

Private schools

Ross Gittins’ article makes a good point that by attending a public school, children get to rub shoulders with others from different backgrounds and religions, which in turn boosts social cohesion. With Australia now representing over 130 nationalities, it is vital that we encourage curiosity and tolerance in our public schools, as cohesion is at an all-time low. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah

Besides receiving more money from the government and charging higher and ever-increasing fees I’m sure the private schools will continue to offer more money to secure teaching staff, creating another area of concern for the public system - how do we get more teachers into our public school system? We all look forward to the solutions that will be offered by Education Minister Jason Clare as we move towards this year’s budget and the future planning and changes in education that he is suggesting. Robert Mulas, Corlette

The 80/20 state/federal funding split for public education is an incentive for states to underspend on, and dare I say run into the ground, public education. A poorly perceived public offering drives parents to “choose” private education, where the cost will largely be borne by the federal government and the parents of the students. Franz Weiss, Maroubra

One aspect of the chasm between public and private schooling in both funding and prestige is the effect this has on the attitudes of public school students towards their schooling and so their learning success. Public school students are continually told by the media and conservative politicians that their teachers and schools are second rate. As a consequence many students have a negative attitude towards their schooling and their own ability to learn in such circumstances. By continually telling public school students they and their teachers are second rate we create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Denise Woods, Orange


Ross Gittins has written a cracker of an article stating the importance of government funding being dependent on need as Gonski intended. On my way to school in the morning, I catch the train from the local transport hub and see a kaleidoscope of colour in students sporting various uniforms criss-crossing the city in every direction and I think to myself, wouldn’t it be marvellous if every child’s needs could be met in their local public school? Diane Dennis, Epping

Amen to everything Ross Gittins writes. Over to you Jason Clare. Helen Kebby, Woollahra

Election campaign

Is anybody surprised that Dutton and his fellow white-anters have taken the lead on the primary vote (“Coalition closes gap on ALP”, February 26). They have been in full election campaign mode since Australians dumped them from office and have done nothing other than obstruct the government’s efforts to progress the country. True to form, they are still taking the taxpayer dollar in the form of salaries and using the time that we fund for their own selfish purposes. Dave Watts, Avalon

Great Gough

Paul’s put downs were fiery and targeted, but I still prefer Gough Whitlam’s (Letters, February 26). “The honourable member has the brains of a goat!” “The member for Werriwa will withdraw that remark!” “Certainly. The honourable member does not have the brains of a goat!” Robert Hosking, Paddington

Gough Whitlam in 1972.

Gough Whitlam in 1972.Credit: Rick Stevens


Extra mile

Though Caroline Milburn’s argument about the overburdening of teachers with administrative tasks is on the money, I feel she rather misses the point about the role of teachers (“Burdening teachers with admin is failing our kids”, February 26). I taught in government and independent schools for almost four decades, and relished my time in the classroom. Not being burdened with pointless, irrelevant box-ticking and form-filling certainly enabled me to focus on lesson preparation. However, what proved invaluable in enhancing the classroom experience was my involvement over many years in running debating and public speaking, taking school camps, coaching squash and soccer, staging musical and drama productions, editing the school magazine, and on one occasion being fortunate enough to escort an overseas trip. I invariably found that students appreciated teachers going the extra mile outside the classroom, especially those students in less advantaged schools. Ken Webb, Epping

While I wholeheartedly agree that teachers in government school are overloaded, I would question Catherine Milburn’s assertions concerning the nature of that overload. As a teacher for 43 years, I accepted such things as parent/ teacher evenings, student musicals, sporting events and organising excursions as part of my job. They provided important educational experiences which enriched my students and provided me with means of interacting with them. It is the new administrative burden placed on teachers that both crushes and infuriates them. Endless forms and reports supposedly to prove that they are doing their job but in fact cutting into lesson preparation, bureaucrats demanding that even the most unreasonable parents and lobby groups be satisfied, and sudden changes of policy and curriculum that have to be implemented instantly. And on top of this, a senior bureaucracy making unrealistic requirements, being without qualifications in education or understanding of the nature of schools. Gary Ireland, Elderslie

Music goes on

I can’t let this theme fizzle out without a mention of the documentary of Joe Cocker’s Mad Dogs & Englishmen tour of America, with two plane loads of musos, WAGs, assorted children, roadies, equipment and substantial quantities of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll (Letters, February 26). But the music – wow! Stein Boddington, St Clair

Joe Cocker with friend Eileen Webster in 1972.

Joe Cocker with friend Eileen Webster in 1972.Credit: Staff

Well, it was a writer called Bill Wyman who started this interesting series of letters about rock movies. Now we have a contribution from Brian Jones. Where are you Mick, Keith, Charlie? My contribution, for what it’s worth, is The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration, which was a
celebration of the music of Bob Dylan with numerous artists performing his many wonderful songs including George Harrison, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, Tracy Chapman, Neil Young and Chrissie Hynde. John Lees, Castlecrag


Forgotten or forgiven

A correspondent (Letters, February 26) suggests, “few would disagree with Nick Bryant that Trump’s character and many alleged felonies should disqualify him from high office.” I’m guessing the “few” assessment has little truck with the more than 70 million Americans who’ll vote for Trump. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

Pet peeves

It’s not leaving the cap off that’s the relationship deal-breaker (Letters, February 26), it’s squeezing it from the top. Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

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