

This was published 3 years ago

Blockades long overdue on information superhighway

I take my hat off to social media platforms for blocking Donald Trump (‘‘ACCC calls for new social media rules’’, January 11). Free speech is one thing; inciting a riot is another. The printed media was once the almighty medium to influence the mob, but these days that medium is social media. The biggest problem is that anyone can post things on social media, true or not, and there are enough dimwits out there believing every post or tweet and sharing it, such as our own George Christensen.
Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

The editor may publish this letter or not, but that decision has nothing to do with any assumed notions of free speech. Similarly, social media platforms that have closed Donald Trump’s accounts did so on the basis of their editorial judgments and commercial responsibilities. That is their right, much like a publican refusing to serve a repeatedly offensive drunkard. In any case, it is not as if this president has been short of media attention for the past four years. No world leader has enjoyed more ‘‘free speech’’. David Salter, Hunters Hill

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

The banning of Donald Trump by social media platforms is too little, too late. Twitter has told The New York Times that Trump’s supporters are using its platform to organise demonstrations similar to the one Trump incited in Washington. Clearly this kind of communication among Trump supporters needs to be banned or removed, lest we have another insurrection more violent than the last. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Forget Democrat v Republican in the election, or positive v negative with COVID-19: the latest and best test result for democracy was Twitter 1, Trump nil. How tweet it is. Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale (Vic)

For the term of his presidency, platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have hosted and broadcast content from Donald Trump. Now that his term is 10 days from expiration, they are boldly terminating his accounts. They certainly know on which side their bread is buttered. Stephen Gates, Ashfield

The principle of freedom of speech is a virtue for any open, lawful society, but peddled by the likes of George Christensen and Craig Kelly as a defence for their spread and amplification of lies against demonstrable fact makes my skin crawl. Whether our existing laws and regulatory bodies are enough to prevent the kind of disinformation, intimidation and violence we see growing through unfettered social media and some traditional media I leave to lawmakers, but I hope they act. Marie Del Monte, Ashfield

Peter Lewis comments on Twitter banning Trump for unacceptable tweets that could have led to more insurrection (‘‘In Trump ruling, Twitter concedes contested point’’, January 11). This action has been objected to by George Christensen, who has continued to assert that Joe Biden’s election win was based on fraud. When did speech lose all restrictions? When did ‘‘free speech’’ come to mean saying anything to anyone at any time under any circumstances? When did free speech lose its connection to responsibility for the effects caused by such speech? Valerie Craig, Orange

C’mon Aussies: time to dismiss the racist rubbish

Verbal abuse and vilification aimed at the Indian team at the SCG is just not cricket (‘‘India demand ‘iron fist’ over racism claims’’, January 11). Boorish, ill-mannered behaviour has no place in any sporting event and needs to be firmly stamped out. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood


There was a nasty disease apparent at the SCG Test on Sunday. This disease always bubbles below the surface but often manifests in groups of people. It is spread by shouting, ignorance and stupidity. It is called racism. John Byrne, Randwick

Racial abuse is unacceptable but sledging has been an undeniable part of cricket for years, both of players by a lively crowd and between players on the ground. Richard Tainsh, Potts Point

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Any spectator who resorts to racial abuse at any sporting venue should be photographically named and shamed by the media after investigations by police and sporting authorities prove conclusively that this individual was responsible. A life ban should be imposed to ensure the guilty party is never allowed back into any professional sporting venue. Eric Palm, Gympie (QLD)

Racial abuse at the Sydney Test and Cricket Australia tells us it is ‘‘not acceptable’’. Then there is Adam Goodes forced out of football. Leadership on racism comes from the top; no less a personage than federal minister Peter Dutton said in 2018: ‘‘People in Melbourne are afraid to go out to restaurants because of African gang violence.’’ The racist attack at the Sydney Test is just the latest episode and tacitly accepted by those who are supposed to lead us. Who from the federal government has condemned it? Nobody. Is this another triumph for Australian Exceptionalism? Michael McMullan, Five Dock

The alleged racial abuse of Indian cricketers Bumrah and Siraj during the SCG Test is deplorable and must be condemned. Some of my friends from India were rightly critical of this on social media and in phone calls to me derided Australia as being a racist country. I responded by showing them television and print news coverage of this event where it was being headlined and included a condemnation from the Acting Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, for this alleged bigotry. In many countries such an event would have been ignored both on and off the field, and the attention we have given this, even at the highest level of government, should silence and reassure everyone that such sad occurrences are not the norm in our sport-loving country. Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy

Be careful what you ask for

In any new form of democracy in Australia, we certainly don’t want a governor-general who can sack a legally elected government, or a Trump-style power maniac who thinks he/she is answerable to nobody (Letters, January 11). Be careful what you ask for in any changes to our current, not perfect, but better than most, democracy. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

Let’s keep it simple. Just remove constitutional references to the monarch and let the title, identity, powers and mode of appointment of the governor-general be the same. And call ourselves a federation, not a republic. Philip McCouat, Mosman

Your correspondent – who believes we will ‘‘barely notice anything has changed’’ when an Australian president is declared – is reflecting a ‘‘she’ll be right, mate’’ perspective. Unless something changes, a rogue president will have the reserve power to dismiss a government. We could be plunged into the mayhem of 1975, and we wouldn’t be able to blame the Queen. Brian Jeffrey, Gunnedah

If we become a republic, the office of president will simply replace that of governor-general; the office of prime minister will remain our head of government. The way this country will be governed will not change. Christopher Jobson, Monash (ACT)

Let’s not talk about a republic and a president in our march to constitutional independence. Surely we can simply remain the Commonwealth of Australia and retain the position of governor-general, perhaps called the head of state as the minimalist strategy. Brian Roach, Westleigh

I blanched at the suggestion of Princess Mary. My nomination is Paul Keating, so we can enjoy his fiery wit while we still have him. Heather Johnson, West Pennant Hills

We don’t need a president of Australia; we are a Commonwealth, and when Britain was a Commonwealth, its head of state was the Lord Protector (Cromwell). Admittedly, the lord bit is a tad quaint, but changing the title of the governor-general to protector of the Commonwealth would be appropriate, as the person’s function would be to protect our constitution and our democracy. John Grinter, Katoomba

Australia should have its own resident monarch. I’m available. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Alt shift elites

I am surprised that Tim Soutphommasane should recommend taking notice of Plato and recommending rule by elites (‘‘Republic needs to revisit Plato’’, January 11). He usually is on the side of the underdog. The most important thing in governance is consistency. That is: treat citizens equally. This is not happening. Not only in the US but here, too. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. The poor do not need contempt, they need respect and equal rights. Plato talked of the ‘‘aristocracy’’, the philosophers who should govern, but also with recognition of what would be best for the polis; the people of Athens. And that meant the men. Not the women, not the slaves.
We have fought hard for equality of rights. Let us not allow the elites to take over. June Zentveld, Newrybar

Alt thrift receipts

For some time, we have been told that Australia’s niggardly contributions to foreign aid are ill-considered and dangerous (‘‘Aid budget spread very thin: experts’’, January 11). My own experience tells me the Coalition is always relatively mean with money, but this government’s trademark short-sighted and counterproductive parsimony may have disastrous consequences as China takes our place as the major ally of those nations we once assisted. The same trait shows in the failure to provide decent support to the poor and unemployed, which would be the best economic stimulus possible at this time. Misguided thrift may haunt us in future. Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay

Wing them home

Sarah Homewood’s article (‘‘Pregnant pause on the way home’’, January 11) hits the spot. Many of us seem to carry a smug and privileged viewpoint from our relatively safe abodes about the reasons ‘‘these people’’ should have come home earlier. The truth is, as Sarah states, it’s complex and complicated and it’s not always possible to just pack up and leave another life in a hurry. Surely we can reclaim the compassionate and egalitarian outlook for which we were once known worldwide, put aside our sniping and holier-than-thou viewpoints, and urge our recalcitrant and parsimonious government to pull the stops out and bring them all home? We’re all Australians here. Judy Finch, Cedar Party

Grim reaper

Your correspondent (Letters, January 11) offered an observation from the Bible apropos Trumpism and the Capitol riot. We can also add this: ‘‘As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it’’ (Job 4:8). Let’s pray this will not come to pass in the next week and a half, or beyond. Hendry Wan, Alexandria

Needling reminder

There has been much discussion about the priority groups for the coronavirus vaccine (Letters, January 11), but so far I have seen no comments about the geographically targeted areas. Surely it should be possible for our state and federal leaders to ensure that Liberal electorates are prioritised? This was such a success in the bestowing of public funds for the sports rorts, council grants et cetera. Such a well thought-out tactic should be repeated when necessary. Sandra Sullivan, Oatley

Loony new year

Can we agree that 2021 doesn’t start until the Lunar New Year on February 12 and acquit all this current nonsense as 2020? Peter Fyfe, Enmore

Did I hear right?

Tell me it’s not the first day of April (‘‘Irish pub tells Sirius developer to amp up noise-proofing’’, January 11). Margaret Hogge, North Curl Curl

Read all about it

Try reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. Winston Paul Etingoff-Lourie, Murwillumbah

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of Pride and Prejudice must be in want of a life. Steve Cornelius, Brookvale

How to turn children off reading for life – my school text for year 7 was Lorna Doone, full of regional dialects. Katriona Herborn, Blackheath

We were at a ballet with an audience of young people. At one point a ballerina returned to the stage and a little voice said, ‘‘Not her again!’’ John Brown, Kianga

A reviewer wrote of Joan Sutherland’s autobiography: ‘‘This is a book that once you have put it down, you can’t pick up again’’. David Isaacs, Eastwood

The digital view
Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
MPs, regulators want new social media rules after Trump ban
From Richard Moore: ‘‘Free expression’’, at least the unfettered version promoted by the libertarian far right, on display in its most extreme form this last week, comes at a huge price, especially for those on the receiving end. At the very least there needs to be a basic floor, a kernel of truth to the expression.

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