

This was published 2 years ago

Barnaby’s billions: so much for ‘technology, not taxes’

Illustration by Cathy Wilcox

Illustration by Cathy WilcoxCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

This skewers the government’s climate policy (“The Nationals get reward for agreeing to harm the regions”, October 25). Firstly, how are these “boondoggles” going to be paid for, if not through higher taxes on the rest of us? So much for “technology, not taxes”. - David Rush, Lawson

I find it curious that the Nationals, who once talked about a carbon price being too expensive, have found it within themselves to extract tens of billions for the net zero pledge (“Nation to go carbon neutral by 2050”, October 25). It’s strange that once upon a time, the polluters paid the taxpayer, now taxpayers are paying the polluters. It’s clear we’re doing it wrong. - Jasper Lee, Ashfield

Barnaby Joyce wanted to see the menu before signing up to any carbon reduction policy. He said nobody would sit down to lunch if they didn’t know how much the meals cost. But he now says Australian voters have to eat whatever it is he has ordered without knowing the cost, or what the meal is or what the options were. - Dave Snell, Enmore

It is an opportunity missed that both Coalition parties are seen to be agreeing to emissions targets only as the way “to solve a political problem for the government” (“Defining moment, but the real test is action”, October 25). Many regional Australians do not trust city folk to look after their interests. I wonder why. Not much land clearing reduction happens in the cities. Not many fossil fuel job losses will be in the cities. The Murray Darling water management plan does not have any direct impact in the cities. How about mobile phone reception? The impact of emissions reduction in the bush needs to be seriously considered and measures need to be padlocked in. Vague and untested promises about hydrogen exports to Korea will not yet cut it. - David Hind, Neutral Bay

We should remember that net zero emissions does not mean zero emissions. Net zero means that there has to be a viable way for emitters to offset their emissions. This means there has to be a national carbon trading mechanism. Until the government introduces such, its policy lacks credibility. - David Curtis, Fairy Meadow

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

The conversation between the PM and his deputy would have been fairly straightforward, and mostly concerned with arithmetic. Scott might have pointed out to Barnaby that in 2050, they would both either be dead or in their dotage and beyond caring, so how good is that? In the meantime, there’s an election to win, and nothing works better than good news. Deal done. - Kristina Vingis, Church Point

With billions in undisclosed concessions to the Nationals, it looks like that meaningless slogan “technology, not taxes” is finally scrapped. “Dead, buried and cremated”. - Rob Firth, Cremorne Point

Maybe Barnaby and Scott can’t reveal details of their deal because they are locked away in a blind trust. Despite this obfuscation, some will go on to blindly trust this crowd. Incredible. - Peter Thompson, Grenfell


What about our utes? Our poor beleaguered tradies? Our sacred weekends? Pensioners losing their beloved old runabout? And heavens to Betsy, an end to the under-sixes soccer team in the back of the SUV. All gone. How could life possibly get any worse? - Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

Building more houses will benefit investors most

Nicole Gurran (“Supply will not fix housing affordability issue”, October 25) is clearly correct in stating that mere supply of housing will not make it affordable – because it hasn’t. Our public policies need to be much smarter and recognise how they are interconnected. Bringing heaps more people in will delight the developers and importing skilled people will please employers who don’t want to invest in training cadets or pay higher wages for locally trained graduates. But eventually Australians will become reluctant to undertake training for which they are not rewarded and induce some of our most employable people to go overseas. Family reunions and the negative effect of expensive housing on the birth rate (families delayed or reduced) will ensure rapid population ageing continues. As it has. Simple panaceas such as more mass immigration and high-rise housing will not increase per capita productivity and income, or improve our lives. Immigration as an economic stimulus is futile. The intake should favour people with cutting-edge skills who can teach us a lot. - Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

An extra 30,000 to 40,000 new dwellings a year is not enough for a city that’s been growing by up to 100,000 people a year and would grow faster if property were cheaper. While Sydney’s population didn’t grow last year, many people upsized or bought second homes. Gurran is right to say that planning regulations are not the problem. Companies that used to be big property developers have become big property speculators; they hold far more land than they develop and sell. One multi-billion dollar company I will not name (starts with M) owns unsold properties and undeveloped land worth 28 times its annual cash flow. - Ben Aveling, Alexandria

Housing in Sydney has turned into a game for investors and a nightmare for both first home buyers and renters. Supply is not the issue – there would be enough homes if most people bought and lived in their own house and did not buy another one (or three), which they glibly sell when the market is right. This offers no stability for renters, who are discouraged to personalise their space and make a home for themselves. In other countries, long-term renting is a legitimate choice because renters have rights and protections. Instead of pouring more money into developers’ pockets and widening the gap between the super rich and the rest of us, let’s rein in investors and set up better conditions for tenants. - Penny Szentkuti, Tempe

Professor Gurran says: “We need new housing supply as our population grows.” But who accepts that the population must grow? Not Sydneysiders, who now appreciate the huge socio-environmental downsides of unsustainable growth. Stabilising the population would go some way to resolving Sydney’s housing issues. - Alan Jones, Narraweena

Cronyism fears must be allayed

It is not before time that the huge increase in Liberal Party-affiliated appointees to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal since 2015 is put under the microscope, albeit by a Senate committee (“Five tribunal members paid to do nothing”, October 25). Up to 2015, AAT appointments were scrutinised by the independent Administrative Review Council, made up of statutory office holders such as the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Law Reform Commission president. This body, part of the original AAT legislation, could check the credentials of AAT appointees to ensure the overall integrity of the AAT. The compromising of the integrity of the AAT is a direct result of the Abbott government, which abolished the Administrative Review Council in 2015. In keeping with the original legislation, it should be restored and funded if we are to have faith in the integrity of the AAT. - John Payne, Kelso

Less concern, more action

Leaving Australian women and children to die in the al-Roj camp in Syria is simply unforgivable (“Family pleads for return of ill girl stuck in Syrian camp”, October 25). Being “deeply concerned” is not enough. The excuse of “dangerous security conditions” is laughable when NGOs, journalists and even family members have visited the camps. Australian lives are at stake. No more excuses. It is time for the government to act. - George Rosier, Carlingford

Year 8 is enough

From a student who is just entering her teenage years, in an evocative, deep and deeply felt piece, Olivia Campbell demonstrates the writer’s power to breathe life into us (“A year 8 student’s plea against hate”, October 25). Our world now is as fractured with hatred, misuse of power, exploitation and bias as the beleaguered world of Olivia’s Safta. By eloquent reasoning this talented young writer is illuminating another way. - Pam Connor, Mollymook Beach

Bucks stop here?

The parents of NSW schoolchildren are to receive a $250 bonus for their support of online learning during lockdown. I have calculated that the cost of this bonus given to about 30 sets of parents per class will be about $7500. This is more than enough to equip each classroom with an air filtration unit. Surely that is a better use of the money than dribbling it out as a $250 bonus to tens of thousands of parents. Parents want their children to be safe at school, but public schools will struggle to provide COVID safe classrooms. There will be little or no temperature testing, rapid antigen tests or air filtration units for public school students. How can the government justify giving generous bonuses when it cannot take recommended measures to protect our children? - Irene Buckler, Glenwood

Polio’s lessons

What lessons can we learn for today’s pandemic from the fight to eliminate polio? (“The viral scourge on edge of extinction”, October 25). That vaccination is key; that elimination in wealthy countries doesn’t mean we are all now safe; that it takes money, political will and a globally co-ordinated effort to truly eradicate a disease. We are so close to ridding the world of this ancient deadly and debilitating scourge. Let’s not let it slip through our fingers. - Maree Nutt, Newport

Truth to set ink free

What a sad indictment on our society when so many eminent citizens put their name to a full-page advertisement pleading with our Federal Parliament to pass a law forcing the regulation of truth in political advertising (October 25). If the media and political parties are held accountable for what they say and print, then there is bound to be a lot of surplus yellow paint and printers ink available soon. Unfortunately, we have now come to the point where legislation is needed for the truth. - Mick Simpson, Sefton

I see Cheryl Kernot signed the truth in political advertising petition as “Former Leader of the Australian Democrats”. She must have stopped paying her ALP membership. - John Dinan, Cheltenham

Let me take a seat

The last sentence in this story says it all (“Bid to save Indigenous artefacts at Adani site”, October 25). This project is supported by the federal government, especially Central Queensland MPs, because the latters’ seats will be crucial in the next election. This project exemplifies self-interest and the dodgy state of politics, where the influence of lobbyists and donors overrules any public good. It is not about jobs; we know that job creation in today’s climate is in technology and renewables, not down coal mines. The risks to Indigenous heritage, the reef, our climate and extinctions make it all the more heinous. - Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Life-saving measures

It’s not just film sets where lives are lost when working conditions are poor and corners are cut (“Conditions on set where Halyna Hutchins was shot sickeningly familiar to Aussie crews”, October 25). The role of unions in ensuring compliance with safety standards is always important. On remote and/or dangerous sites it really is a matter of life and death. - Tony Judge, Woolgoolga

Sic ’em: vexed

The Morrison government is arguably the most incompetent and morally bankrupt government we’ve ever seen (“Time for Albanese to kick a goal”, October 25). However, in spite of Scott Morrison’s many own goals, Anthony Albanese still lags. Now with the grand final approaching fast, Labor lacks an effective attacker and is yet to produce a game plan. Hopefully, they all have shin guards this time. - Graham Lum, North Rocks

Now that the Coalition has so deftly done the “divide” part of the task for Albanese, could he please get a wriggle-on with the “and conquer” bit? Remember, as Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar: “There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune”. - Peter Russell, Coogee

Time to grow up

Michael Clarey (Letters, October 25) makes some interesting points about Australia’s relatively small global emissions compared with nations such as China and the United States. However, when emissions created by our fossil fuel exports are taken into account, this figure is closer to 5 per cent of the global total. Domestically, our per capita emissions are also much higher than most developed countries. We may have little control over what actions other nations take to reduce their carbon footprint, but we do over our own. It would be a sign of our maturity as a nation if we took more responsibility for ourselves. - Anne O’Hara, Wanniassa (ACT)

Nothing corny in this

What a beautiful feel-good story to go down with my cornflakes (“Transformation of a wasteland”, October 25). Wonderful work with refugees who are so hardworking and versatile. - Shirley Flynn, Fingal Head

Pouty power trips

What is the point in having power if you can’t abuse it (Letters, October 25)? - Ron Russell, Leura

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Nationals accept net zero target by 2050
From Barfiller: “Weasel words. A ‘target’ is something you can hit ... or miss.”

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