

This was published 2 years ago

Barilaro fiasco raises more questions than answers


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

The NSW parliamentary inquiry into the US trade commissioner job fiasco raises more questions than it answers (“More heads will roll in saga that won’t cease”, July 12). Did the former deputy premier use his political position for personal gain? That in itself needs to be examined by the ICAC. The other key issues involve the need to identify all the others involved in this travesty. This is not a bottle of Grange, or a love affair gone wrong, but it involves the misuse of government process and public funds at a higher level. If the premier has told us the truth, then who lied to him? If not, then this is not just a case of political spin. Either way, we need to know. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

What exactly does a NSW trade commissioner do? The role can’t carry any real weight if it can be seen as a “present”. We already have a trade minister, so why do we need both? We are the most over-governed democracy in the world, and it is time to trim some fat. Genevieve Milton, Newtown

A highly respected and professional woman is dumped from her new job and then made redundant from her old job. The reason is looking as though someone wanted to “organise” to give John Barilaro “a present”. There is a distinctly fishy smell surrounding any statement about this issue. I’m looking forward to hearing the phone calls, text messages and emails at ICAC sooner rather than later. Wendy Atkins, Cooks Hill

The New York trade position was “a present for someone”? Has Santa relocated to Macquarie Street? What’s the number for ICAC? Wayne Eade, Mudgee


Credit: John Shakespeare

When John Barilaro travelled to his lavish holiday home while COVID travel restrictions were in place, he claimed he was there for maintenance. I did not believe him. Relating to the plum trade commission debacle, he claims all the correct processes were followed. I do not believe it. This is the person who declared he was proud of the NSW Coalition’s pork-barrelling and who would have been happy to hasten the extinction of koalas. He did not need FriendlyJordies to make him look bad; he does a pretty good job on his own. Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Having failed to bring down the NSW government with his threat to remove himself and the Nationals from the Coalition when Gladys Berejiklian was premier, John Barilaro may yet succeed with his apparent attempt to install himself in New York on Dominic Perrottet’s watch. The Liberals must be loving him and the Nationals no end. Gary Stowe, Springwood

I assume Nicola Walker will play Jenny West in Barilaro: the Movie. Vijay Randev, Stanwell Park

Our premier claims national security and relations with the Commonwealth to be reasons for hiding the facts and documents associated with the Barilaro fiasco. I claim my right to know as a citizen of this state. Secrecy is the enemy of democracy. I suspect the real reason for secrecy is to prevent further damage to the Coalition in NSW. Peter Hull, Hat Head


Church’s ancient rules need an urgent update

Your correspondent (Letters, July 12) says the church should be measured against principles that have stood the test of millennia. This is the problem – a refusal to question these ancient customs or mores. They have stood the test of time because of the church’s refusal to engage in a rational discussion of these issues. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for daring to propose a heliocentric universe, which the church claimed contradicted Joshua 10:13. Slavery was accepted because of Ephesians 6:5. Homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22. Over the centuries violations of these so-called principles have been construed as criminal behaviour within the secular legal system. There are still 71 countries where homosexuality is a criminal offence, with 11 imposing the death penalty. Michael Bright, Moss Vale

Religion does have a problem with women. One only has to examine the opening pages of the Bible to see how that temptress Eve sowed the seeds of all the world’s problems by encouraging Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. From then on, women are viewed either as chattels of their husbands, treacherous vessels or as saintly virgins. Only two books of the Bible are named after women (Esther and Ruth) and 90 per cent of the females mentioned are denied a name and only referred to by their town of origin or as the property of a man. Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie


Credit: Jean-Baptiste Santerre,

Women in the Catholic Church are not after the “dominant societal narrative or view” to determine their place in the church. They are after what is rightly theirs and was theirs in apostolic times before the institution of the church existed: a place at the table in their own house. Megan Brock, Summer Hill

Your correspondent is wrong that discrimination against women is part of Christianity’s original theology. The original church was inclusive, the key summary verse being Galatians 3:28: There is no male and female, we are all one in Christ. Jesus was radically inclusive of women. Women were the first witnesses of the resurrection, when a woman’s testimony was not acceptable in court. When you list all of Paul’s co-workers greeted at the end of his letters, a quarter were women and they did all the available jobs. But then the men took over and all that was lost and you end up with the appalling situation we have now. Keith Binns, Goulburn

“Adam and Eve’s daughters-in-law are not named” (Letters, July 12), but more importantly, where and who did they come from? Ann Babington, Lambton

PM ushers in renewables era

After more than a decade of the Coalition stalling in the field of renewable energy production, it is so refreshing to see our new PM’s enthusiasm (“Albanese aims for superpower status in energy”, July 12). His proclamation that “the numbers shouldn’t daunt us, they should energise us” is a new mantra for our younger population to embrace. May they now discard the negativity they were exposed to in their formative years, when they monotonously heard the misguided dialogue from a government who seemingly did not care for their future, or the condition of the Earth they will be raising their children on. We have all the necessary resources on our continent for a big renewables industry. All we need is for the rising generation to take up the challenge and work to fulfil this vision. James Allison, Vaucluse

A recent report from the CSIRO indicates that renewables remain the cheapest new-build electricity generation in Australia (“Old and costly, nuclear has loyal friends”, June 6). Renewables are “the cheapest and getting even cheaper” the report says. The positive CSIRO costing information contained in its report relating to renewables is of prime importance, because if renewables will be the means of carrying Australia through to net-zero greenhouse emissions before or by 2050, acceptable pricing will be an essential ingredient. Reading the CSIRO report provides me with great confidence that renewables will provide Australia, and the world, with the means of reaching net-zero greenhouse emissions, at least by 2050. Brian Measday, Myrtle Bank (SA)

Fly the flag

The Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House precinct provide a recognisable image of Australia that is often broadcast internationally. One of the best things about permanently flying the Aboriginal flag on the bridge is the message it sends to the rest of the world: we are no longer some sort of “little Britain” but a mature, independent nation that embraces its Indigenous people and their rich and valuable cultural heritage. At home, the decision by the Albanese government to use the Aboriginal flag at press conferences and to give it the central position between the Australian flag and Torres Strait Islands flag is also appropriate and laudable. These important steps, at state and federal levels, help to advance the cause of reconciliation and pave the way for a Voice to Parliament and other long-overdue reforms. Pam Timms, Suffolk Park

Curb the cash splash

Your correspondent (Letters, July 12) has thrown out a challenge to readers to identify government projects that should be scrapped. Top of the list should be the plan to turn the Ultimo Powerhouse into a glorified function centre, with a few items of clothing scattered among the huge, early industrial innovations that are too big to move to Parramatta – at an estimated cost of $450-$500 million. This represents a huge opportunity cost to the people of NSW, who desperately need more funds invested in the health and educations systems, public housing and carbon emissions reduction strategies. The architect who gave us this prize-winning institution has estimated the existing structures could be brought back to life as a museum displaying old and new technological innovations, located in the heart of the government’s much trumpeted “Innovation Corridor”, for an estimated $250 million. Sharing the top of the list of scrapped projects should be the plans to construct another function centre branded as a museum on the flood-affected site in Parramatta, while the former heritage Female Factory is crying out for refurbishment as a museum displaying items relevant to the people of western Sydney, who oppose the imposition of the relocated Powerhouse on this unsuitable riverside site. Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont

The Female Factory

The Female FactoryCredit: Edwina Pickles

Send help to Sri Lanka

Desperate, starving people will be considering boarding dangerous boats from Sri Lanka right now. We need to ship food such as rice to every village there now – a new Colombo plan. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

Speak the truth

The assassination of the former prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, has, unsurprisingly, produced many examples of the old axiom, “Speak only good of the dead” (or, preferably, very little that is uncomplimentary). Peter Hartcher (“Japan’s warrior spirit rekindled”, July 12) at least reminded us that Abe strove to allow Japan to be a “normal nation” with the ability to make war. Abe’s nature and disposition were far darker and compel me to believe that Malcolm Turnbull’s declaration that the world will “miss Abe’s wisdom” is hyperbole. Abe stoutly denied Japanese atrocities in and before World War II; he was closely associated with the notorious Society for History Textbook Reform (i.e. he supported the sanitisation of Japanese history); and his several visits to the lamentable Yasukuni Shrine were notorious. In short, he was a right-wing militarist and we would be well advised to remember him in that way. John Carmody, Roseville

Flaw show

The letters of July 12 highlight all the flaws in our society. Domestic violence, possible political corruption, religious misogyny and climate mismanagement head a list we should be ashamed of, one that tells us we are not the greatest country in the world, as many would have us believe. Tony Re, Georges Hall

Creation negation

Will the amazing images of the cosmos as it was 13.8 billion years ago from the James Webb telescope spell the end of the biblical myth of Genesis (“First image from James Webb Space Telescope revealed”,, July12)? Brian O’Donnell, Burradoo

Fall guy

With advancing age and fast-vanishing further procreational prospects, count me in for the big population fall (“Get ready: world population to decline”, July 12). Never let it be said that I didn’t do the least I could do. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Flagpole cost sky-high

Your correspondents assume the vexillological problem is fixed (Letters, July 12). But, as an engineer, I’m still wondering how a flagpole costs $25 million. John Court, Denistone

Parting words

Perhaps, before Boris Johnson leaves the world stage (Letters, July 12) reporters can ask him the one question on everyone’s lips: ″⁣Who is your barber?″⁣ Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga


Credit: Getty Images

Lift your hat

My father’s strict rule was always ″⁣hats off in the house″⁣ (Letters, July 12). And we obliged.
Peter Nelson, Moss Vale

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Albanese aims for superpower status in global energy transition
From Megaphone: ″⁣We have a visionary government back in power. As JFK once said: ‘We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone ...’ Never more apt than now!″⁣

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