This was published 2 years ago
Barangaroo’s ‘phallic forest’ a monument to Sydney’s impotence
Clover Moore
Lord mayor of SydneyHas the process of development in Sydney changed much since the Rum Corps held sway? It seems not.
Consider the Barangaroo opportunity, those 22 hectares of magnificent harbour foreshore land becoming vacant in 2003 when shipping moved to Port Botany. A concept plan was developed to guide the transformation of this prized site. It envisaged a gross floor area of about 388,000 square metres with 11 hectares of public open space for the western edge of our city. The entire site was, after all, publicly owned.
The flawed redevelopment of Barangaroo demonstrates once again that developers hold too much sway in how Sydney operates.Credit: Sydney Images
An international design competition was won by a locally based team of Hill Thalis Architecture, Paul Berkemeier Architects and Jane Irwin Landscape Architects.
Under their scheme, higher buildings were located to the south of the site, stepping down to the north, with a generous entry from Millers Point and the whole precinct was carefully integrated with the city. But the key was to keep the entire foreshore as public land, with continuous green spaces and harbour pools.
This plan was the unanimous choice of the jury from a hotly contested field. But by 2009 the plan was abandoned, and modifications had already begun. Lendlease was selected as the preferred developer for Barangaroo south and the gross floor area was expanded to about 508,000 square metres for this area.
As lord mayor, I had initially accepted a seat on the Barangaroo Delivery Authority in an effort to get the best possible outcome but by 2010, I resigned over the lack of transparency and the authority’s failure to respond to concerns expressed both by the community and by experts. It also seemed major decisions for the site were being made by others elsewhere.
Under the Labor government more modifications followed. Increasing building heights, including a new hotel, shockingly reduced the foreshore promenade from 60 metres wide to just 27 metres.
Then, in 2012, with a Liberal government installed and under a conveniently devised planning instrument – “unsolicited proposals” – a casino was imposed on the site approved by both major political parties.
This 75-storey gaming facility and luxury apartment tower is now located on planned public foreshore parkland, overshadowing the harbour and blocking views to and from the Observatory and Millers Point. As well, the delivery of the 2.3 per cent of affordable housing at Barangaroo south has been deferred until the end of the project. And while the latest modification to the Concept Plan claims (with no verification) the open space remains at 11 hectares, that is now made up of street spaces, and odd gaps and corners here and there, unconnected to each other or the limited green space which does exist.
In 2022, two years after it was found unfit to hold a gaming licence, Crown Casino was granted a conditional licence to open to VIP customers.
What should be a magnificent Sydney harbour precinct ... is a phallic forest, a monument to greed and poor process
And now comes “modification 9” to the concept plan, which seeks to increase the total gross floor area across Barangaroo from 602,354 square metres to 708,041 square metres, reduce the size of Hickson Park, and allow for a new 73-metre residential tower with no affordable housing.
This adds more than 100,000 square metres to the gross floor area and impacts views from Millers Point heritage area. The City has opposed this, as did the local community, Heritage Council and the state member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich. The outcry against the latest modification has led the planning minister to refer the proposal back to the proponents for review. As mayor of the city, I believe to salvage some recreational benefits, there should be no development on Barangaroo Central, just parkland. It is a golden opportunity to create a Domain-scaled public recreation land on the city’s western flank.
The process that has brought us to this point is not how great cities evolve; it is developer-led city-making that gifts public land to private interests without commensurate public benefit. It has prioritised profit over usefulness – a western equivalent to the Domain – and amenity.
What should be a magnificent Sydney harbour precinct, a delight to residents, workers and visitors, is a phallic forest, a monument to greed and poor process carried out by both major parties. Those responsible could well say to Sydneysiders, in a slightly rephrased line from Shelley’s Ozymandias: “Look on my works, ye powerless, and despair.”
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