

This was published 1 year ago

Are Coles and Woolies ‘holding the public to ransom’? Lettuce look

As their grocery bills surge, shoppers are looking for ways to opt out of the supermarket duopoly. Letters writers and online comments agreed it was time to turn up the pressure on the big two: Coles and Woolies.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit: john shakespeare

Is competition good?

  • Business reporter Millie Muroi explained that, until recently, she would shop with her flatmate exclusively at the big supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, because of their proximity. But sick of their growing grocery bills, they ventured out to a market with a mission: to conduct their own inquiry into grocery pricing.

Shan Competition is good and I hope the government will encourage a couple of established players to come in to major population centres in Australia. I’m pretty sure the duopoly didn’t like the arrival of Aldi either.

Herbert Simple solution. Everyone invest in the big two supermarkets and vote to lower their margins. Sorted.

Aiden My neighbourhood has two Coles, two Woolies, two IGAs, and a bunch of independents – the Coles and Woolies are way cheaper than the rest of them.


Zahn Pithers The supplier should be setting the costs, not the buyer. Fix it, government. That’s what we pay you for.


Maramanah The ACCC preview has identified numerous strategies used by the duopoly to force customers to accept price increases, such as “shrinkflation” where the size is reduced, but the price remains the same.

Dray Not sure why anyone would defend the supermarkets. The reality is that they make significant profits and hold the Australian public to ransom. Things such as salaries are taken into their operating profit margins, so this doesn’t explain anything. It’s time for the pressure to be turned up against this duopoly.

Chậu Vuông Xi Măng I’ve said it a million times. Supermarkets are for milk, toilet paper, washing stuff and cans. That’s it. Everything else, go to the market.

Braaap If you really want to save on groceries, go to Aldi. Only buy the weekly specials at Coles and Woollies. Plan your meals, make a list and stick to it. Eat leftovers for lunch or a second meal and freeze excess for another time. If you find your veggies are going bad before you use them, switch to frozen and save time prepping meals.

Willy Wonka Flemington markets are brilliant, but Sydney could do markets a lot better. We have Paddy’s Markets in the city but for a city of our size there should be more outlets for producers to sell directly to consumers. When I lived in Melbourne, I was spoilt for choice with markets. It’s beyond the ACCC to recommend it but definitely something for city planners across Sydney to consider. Not just monthly farmers markets, but proper large markets where people can do their weekly shopping.

Illustration: Dionne

Illustration: DionneCredit:

Are supermarkets all about profit?

  • After working a student summer job in the head office of the British behemoth Sainsbury’s, where he was assigned to its elite fresh produce department, author and journalist Nick Bryant only had one question about the Woolworths and Coles duopoly: why are the major Australian supermarkets so bad, especially given the scale of their profiteering?

Considered Simple, Watson. In Australia, they maximise home brands, reduce selection on the shelves, package anything that moves in black trays and plastic wrap. Why do I need mushrooms in a plastic container all cut up? It’s gone to the dogs.

Gen-X One has to wonder whether the concentration of Australian supermarkets in big box shopping centres, and the consequent cost of rent, one of the main distinctions from the UK. Are most UK supermarkets on the high-street and stand-alone, or beholden to the likes of Westfield?

Janet Argal, Dulwich Hill Supermarkets in the UK put the Great in Britain. Years living in London gave me a deep appreciation for their supermarket supremacy. Returning to our duopoly desert was one of the rare times I considered Australia the unlucky country, vowing to UK friends ‘aisle’ return one day.

Hya-Who Australia suffers twice from the tyranny of distance, both within its borders, and from outside its borders. We also don’t have the critical numbers of customers. Doesn’t excuse what the cosy little duopoly is doing to us, but it is part of the explanation of what we/they have to deal with. They certainly don’t have a conscience. And our governments don’t have the balls to set up an effective watchdog.


Andy Supermarkets are all about profit. My theory is that once they got a taste for how much money they could make (as seen during the height of the pandemic), they set themselves big targets that required large price increases.

True Perspective French, Italian and Japanese supermarkets are also more inspiring than in Australia, each in their different ways. One of the greatest joys of travelling is to go to supermarkets around the world and see their different take on grocery selling. Australian supermarkets are very standard and overall not cheap.

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