

This was published 11 years ago

An inspiration for brightest young minds

Many former students went on to walk the corridors of power.

By Gareth Hutchens

Frank Stilwell has just sat down for lunch at his favourite cafe when he starts dropping - in the nicest possible way - the names of some of his former students.

"This respectable federal minister, I recall, was actually suspended from the university for his activism on one occasion," he says with a smirk. "He broke into the clock tower of the main quadrangle as part of an occupation movement."

Pre-eminent Australian economist: Frank Stilwell.

Pre-eminent Australian economist: Frank Stilwell.Credit: Tamara Dean

He's talking about Anthony Albanese, the federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, when a student at the University of Sydney in the early 1980s.

"Michael Costa was also very obviously political when he was a student … by comparison Morris Iemma, who was another of my students, I frankly can't remember."

Former student: Anthony Albanese.

Former student: Anthony Albanese.Credit: Andrew Taylor

It is the start of a new university year and students are everywhere. The new ones are still getting used to their surroundings. We're sitting at the Mint Cafe, near a Co-op Bookshop, and have ordered lunch.

Professor Stilwell, one of Australia's pre-eminent economists, began teaching at the university in 1970, and after more than 40 years has only recently retired.

His Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas, is used as a standard textbook for all political economy students in the country.

"One of the nice things about staying around university for a while,'' he says, ''is you get to see some very interesting trajectories of your former students."


Many of his former students have held, or now hold, positions of power: Mark Latham, Albanese, Greg Combet, Carmel Tebbutt, Costa, Iemma, Peter Kell (ASIC), and professors Steve Keen and Clive Hamilton.

Other students of his ripple through the media: Stephen Long, Eleanor Hall, Jessica Irvine, Michael Janda. Most of his students would recall his pointing out the success of those who once sat in the chairs they now occupied.

"Does that mean I have any power?'' he says. ''I don't think so. Somebody like Ross Gittins [the Herald's economics editor] I think would be much more powerful. More people would read his columns in one week than I've taught in my career."

(He estimates he has taught 15,000 students.)

I point out that despite his years in Australia, he still speaks with a distinctive English accent.

He tells of his postwar upbringing in Southampton, a southern England port from which migrants to Australia and ships to the US would leave. His mother was an infant school teacher, his father a junior clerk in the Department of Customs and Excise.

We quickly move to politics and economics. Stilwell says his father found personal fulfilment by getting involved in local government. He eventually became mayor.

"He was initially an independent," Stilwell says. "But he later joined the Conservative Party as a Conservative councillor. That was after the Conservatives threatened to stand a candidate against him … he was pragmatic till the end."

Stilwell came to Australia in 1970 after he secured a teaching post at Sydney Uni.

He left his parents and older brother behind to take the post.

"I was very close to my parents. I would send postcards, letters, make phone calls as often as I could.''

It's at this point I notice that for the first time during our chat his quick delivery has slowed.

"They've both been dead for many years now,'' he says. ''I always felt it was quite a wrench to come away to the other side of the world."

When I turned up at midday to meet Stilwell, he wasn't in his office. He had gone to move his car before the parking inspectors got to it.

But his research assistant, David Primrose, was there. Primrose has been helping Stilwell to find his personal papers after the National Library sent him this letter:

"For nearly a century biographers and historians have drawn on the library's holdings of diaries, notebooks, letters, research notes, unpublished drafts, scrapbooks and photographs accumulated by individuals and families.

"The personal papers of key economists are a growing resource within this manuscript collection. The field includes early figures such as E.O.G. Shann, Sir Douglas Copeland, and L.F. Giblin, as well as more recent figures such as H.C. Coombs, Sir Leslie Melville, Heinz Arndt, Sir John Crawford and Russell Mathews.

"I invite you to consider placing your own papers in the library as these individuals have done."

It was a great compliment, Stilwell says over lunch.

The university has recognised his contribution too, and next week a two-day conference and dinner is being held in his honour.

Stilwell played a role in one of the most acrimonious and long-running disputes in the history of Australian academia: the 40-year fight to establish a separate department of political economy at Sydney Uni, finally achieved in 2008.

The dispute was between rival factions of economists and students. The mainstream ''orthodox'' economists were on one side, proponents of an alternative program in ''political economy'' the other.

Stilwell says when he arrived at the university he found himself at the centre of this aggressive push by radical students to have a range of alternative theories taught.

As the decades unfolded, the protests stirred plenty: tactical police units called in; rooms occupied; the clock tower occupied; vehicles parked on the lawn in protest; tents erected; national conferences and dissident workshops held.

Stilwell says he had actually come to teach the orthodox economics in which he had been trained.

Once he got here his opinions of mainstream economics, and how it was taught, changed thanks to three big influences: the Vietnam War protest movement, his friendship with the late Professor Ted Wheelwright and the enthusiasm and dedication of his radical students.

Albanese says he remembers Stilwell's support for protesters in the early 1980s.

"[Frank] was very supportive of political activism," Albanese says. "There was an attempt by the conservative ideologues to shut down debate about progressive economic thought. That was the context. It was a very interesting struggle because it was overtly political about education and people's rights to learn a diversity of views."

Stilwell is a popular lecturer. His enthusiastic teaching style breathes life into a subject that falls flat in others' hands. For years he has drawn large numbers of students to his first-year introductory class.

Kell, a commissioner with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, recalls Stilwell's lectures fondly. "He was someone whose lectures you actually wanted to go to because they'd always be interesting and engaging. He really had the ability to engage students, especially for those massive first-year lectures where you've got hundreds of people in the one hall."

Our buzzer starts rattling, so we walk inside to get our meals. I like the look of Stilwell's salt and pepper squid. As cafe food goes, it looks a bit more inviting than my chicken breast with avocado and salad.

He pours water into plastic cups for the both of us. We sit outside in the sun, beside the footpath that takes students to Redfern station.

Stilwell's wearing a white hat to shade himself. He has a small scar on the tip of his nose from a recent operation to remove a melanoma.

"We got to it in time," he says.

Lunch moves at a leisurely pace. Conversation is given priority over eating. We talk politics, economics and big ideas - he has an opinion on everything from the European debt crisis to wealth distribution.

Stilwell recalls details from conversations held decades ago.

He becomes animated when speaking of Malcolm Turnbull's time at Sydney Uni, and his role in the disputes (Turnbull was never a student of his). "He was well known around the campus … he was an elected student on the academic board, and he took it upon himself on one occasion to try to solve the political economy dispute, which was very hot in those days.''

At the time rival factions were ripping the economics department apart. The Herald regularly reported how the dispute was damaging the reputation of the university.

"So young Malcolm decided he'd fix it," Stilwell says. "Like Henry Kissinger engaged in a bit of shuffle diplomacy, he went to see the vice-chancellor, the professor of economics, then the dissident students and young staff like myself on the other side, and tried to engineer some sort of rapprochement. He was unsuccessful, but it was a clear indication of his self-confidence that he thought he could actually resolve this unfortunate conflict.''

To Turnbull's credit, Stilwell says, he did achieve one thing as an elected student representative on the academic board.

''He introduced a motion to set up a committee of inquiry, and that did help to push the dispute along and find some sort of institutional progress through the correct channels."

Stilwell is also the co-ordinating editor of the Journal of Australian Political Economy, and he's still involved somewhat with Politics in the Pub, a once-a-week gathering of old political progressives.

An hour and a half has passed quickly. And Stilwell has to go. But a week or so after our lunch I call him again to check a few facts.

It was days after the federal Labor Party, in front of the nation's television screens, had tried to prove to everyone it's not a party of real politicians, just actors pretending to be so.

Stilwell tells me some students had just protested in the middle of the street, a whole crowd of them, which shut down the traffic. But the police soon turned up to redirect the traffic, and things got going again.

No doubt they're the political leaders of tomorrow. And Stilwell was still feeding off their enthusiasm.

Life and times

1945 Born in England.
1970 Moves to Australia to teach at University of Sydney.
1975 After five years, new political economics course introduced, called Economics I(P). Taught by dissident political economy group, including Ted Wheelwright, Geelum Simpson-Lee and Stilwell.
1977 First Journal of Australian Political Economy published.
2001 Stilwell appointed to a personal professorship, making him the first professor in political economy.
2008 The university’s department of political economy is established.
2012 Stilwell becomes professor emeritus in political economy.

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