

This was published 4 years ago

ALP 'fixer' and ICAC no-show back home after Lebanon spell

By Kate McClymont

A Labor party "fixer" who failed to appear at a corruption inquiry has returned to Australia after a lengthy spell in Lebanon.

Bechara Khouri, who prefers to call himself a "facilitator," was a key person of interest during the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s long-running inquiry into planning matters handled by Canterbury City Council.

Bechara Khouri leaving his home last week.

Bechara Khouri leaving his home last week. Credit: James Brickwood

The inquiry heard that Mr Khouri, a former business partner of Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid, had a substantial interest in several of the properties under scrutiny and that the 62-year-old had lobbied councillors Michael Hawatt and Pierre Azzi to achieve favourable planning outcomes without disclosing his interest.

Since his return from Lebanon in November 2019, Mr Khouri has met frequently with Mr Azzi.

Eddie Obeid ... former business partner.

Eddie Obeid ... former business partner.Credit: AAP

On May 3, 2019, the last day of Operation Dasha, Commissioner Patricia McDonald, SC, noted "there has been no appearance and a failure to appear pursuant to the summons by Bechara Khouri".

A failure to appear can result in a warrant for the person’s arrest.

The inquiry, which is yet to release its final report, was investigating whether former Canterbury City councillors Mr  Hawatt and Mr Azzi, former general manager Jim Montague and former planning head Spiro Stavis dishonestly exercised their official functions.

Mr Khouri gave preliminary evidence in April 2018 where he repeatedly said, "I honestly can’t remember," "I can't remember, honestly," "I honestly can’t, I’d lie to you if I tell you I remember anything" and "I would love to assist but I honestly and sincerely can’t recall."


The inquiry has heard that Mr Khouri received $15,000 a month from developer Charlie Demian and $8000 a month from property developer Dyldam. He also had a substantial interest in several properties in Canterbury owned by brothers Marwan and Ziad Chanine, which received favourable development outcomes from the council.

Developer Marwan Chanine admitted at the ICAC that Mr Khouri had lobbied the council over several developments without disclosing his own interest and that Mr Khouri had an amazing ability to get meetings with the general manager Mr Montague and councillors Azzi and Hawatt. The inquiry also heard Mr Khouri helped install Mr Stavis as the council's planning chief in 2014.

When he gave evidence in April 2019, Mr Khouri was told he was not excused from his summons. "You will have to return in the second sitting of this public inquiry in June."

But when June came around Mr Khouri was in Lebanon.

Last week Mr Khouri told the Herald that he had travelled to Lebanon for business when he was "knocked down" by a heart attack. He said he had "massive hospital charges" because of weeks spent in hospital after his operation. Mr Khouri added that because of problems with his blood pressure, "they would not let me fly".

He said that the ICAC had been provided all these details and there was never a warrant for his arrest.

Mr Khouri denied that he was a developer, instead telling the Herald he was merely an investor "in property trusts". He also derided the suggestion that he was person of interest at the inquiry.

He admitted that Mr Montague, then general manager, had set up meetings with council planners for him but that was only because "the place was chaos" and applications were taking 140 days to get a decision.

"People [were] trying to influence people because the whole place is stuffed," he said.

He also doubted that any corruption would be found by the ICAC as the inquiry was a "lot of bullshit and hearsay." He also said that "it all boils down to people stabbing each other in the back" because of a power grab following council amalgamations.

Mr Khouri has been mentioned in two previous inquiries.

In 2005 he featured on a phone tap where the corrupt former mayor of Strathfield, the late John Abi-Saab, was caught trying to blackmail his mayoral successor.

"Did you fix the testicle?" Mr Khouri was heard asking Mr Abi-Saab who later denied at a public hearing that "fixing the testicle" referred to removing the mayor.

A 2003 inquiry heard an allegation that Mr Khouri received a bribe from an earth mover who later said the $30,000 he paid Mr Khouri was for "consultancy work". No corruption findings were made against Mr Khouri.

Shadow transport minister Chris Minns accepted a $1200 donation from Mr Khouri in 2014. Since donations from developers are banned, Mr Minns referred the matter to the NSW Electoral Commission. In January he was notified that the commission "will not be taking further action."

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