

This was published 6 years ago

'A line between us': parents reject new Inner Sydney High boundaries

By Jordan Baker

A redrawn catchment for the new inner Sydney high school has failed to appease parents, who accuse education authorities of splitting their community and trying to neutralise calls for a new eastern suburbs high school.

When the catchment for Inner Sydney High was revealed last year, there was an outcry from families that lived across the road but would not be included in the enrolment zone. Education Minister Rob Stokes ordered a review.

The new boundaries, released on Friday, include larger sections of Redfern than the previous catchment, but are otherwise the same. They still extend east to Centennial Park and Edgecliff, and exclude Waterloo and parts of Darlington.

The new school will be 14 storeys high, have brand new equipment and cutting-edge design, and feature five floors devoted to subjects such as science, music, food technology and visual arts, making it attractive to parents in the surrounding suburbs.

Skye Molyneux from the Community for Local Options for Secondary Education (CLOSE), which campaigned for a school in the inner city, said parents did not understand why half of Darlington was left out. "It doesn't make sense to draw a line through the middle of the community," she said.

CLOSE East is now campaigning for a new school in the eastern suburbs, which has been promised by Labor but not the Coalition, which proposes instead to use existing capacity and investigate turning Randwick Boys' High into a co-ed school.

CLOSE argues a school is needed because the only co-ed, state school in the northern part of the eastern suburbs, Rose Bay Secondary College, is full. The new catchment for Inner Sydney High would take pressure off the school at Rose Bay.

"It's naughty of the Department of Education to run the boundary that far over [to the east], because it looks like they are attempting to create capacity in the east to avoid building a much-needed campus out that way," Ms Molyneux said.

Jenny Leong, the Greens MP for Newtown, said the catchment seemed to be an attempt by the NSW Department of Education to solve a problem. "They feel pressured to deliver on an eastern suburbs high school," she said.


She said the boundary did not seem to take in practical issues such as forcing some students to travel out of their way to avoid a rail line, or the logistical issues of travelling between Darling Point and Redfern.

"Will parents [in the east] actually travel that distance? Will it be easy for those kids to get to [Inner Sydney High] school?" she said. She called for more flexibility in the boundaries while the school was being established.

An artist's impression of the new Inner Sydney High School.

An artist's impression of the new Inner Sydney High School.

Resident Karen Freyer's children will be able to attend Inner Sydney High school because of the re-drawn boundaries, but is still organising a petition calling for another re-think.

"I've been included, but that doesn't mean that I'm not upset by it," she said. "It's our neighbours, our community. One of the good things about the community schools, is keeping your community together. That's put a line between us."

Many students to the south of the catchment will attend a new school at Alexandria Park, while those in the Darlington and Ultimo areas will be zoned for Sydney Secondary College's Balmain Campus.

A spokesman for the NSW Department of Education said catchments are determined after consultation between demographers, the regional director and local school principals.

"The school catchment area for the new Inner Sydney High School has been revised to more evenly distribute the geographic area between the new Inner Sydney High School and Alexandria Park Community School," he said.

The department would closely monitor projected and actual enrolments in Inner Sydney High and would provide extra facilities or new schools as necessary.

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