

This was published 1 year ago

A Coalition legacy: Decaying institutions a sign of misplaced priorities

This series explores the plight of the National Gallery of Australia, an institution in a state of disrepair and in desperate need of funding.See all 11 stories.

It is no surprise that the national capital’s cultural institutions are falling into decay (“Australia’s leading artists back action on leaky roof”, March 30). Since WWI Australia has been an anti-intellectual and Philistine country. Between 1901-14 Australia was renowned in Europe for artists, writers and scholars like Percy Grainger, Nellie Melba, Charles Conder, Gilbert Murray and others. Now we’re known for people like Rolf Harris. We name our universities after politicians, explorers and soldiers. Ireland names its warships after poets, novelists and playwrights to remind its armed forces what they are fighting for. We have public bronze statues of sportspeople, like those that used to adorn the former East Germany.

The extension to the Australian War Memorial is costing at least $550 million and the Sir John Monash Centre in France, opened in 2018, cost more than $100 million. To suggest these buildings have cultural value is grotesque. They are just emblematic of the macho-male archetypes that have blighted this country since its convict origins. Our soldiers are no better, or worse, than the soldiers of other countries – to make a cult of the dead warrior is sentimental and obscene. We don’t even have a National Museum of Indigenous Culture. Poor fella my country – poor fella, poor fella. Michael Boylan, Glebe

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

It may have taken 10 years to become apparent, but the National Gallery of Australia is now bearing the costs of the ridiculously named “efficiency dividend”.

I defy anyone to nominate a thriving business that has cut costs by 1 per cent or more per year for a decade, while still maintaining the quality of its products and services. Jeff White, Killara

That the NGA is starved of funds to make it waterproof is a perfect example of where the arts fit into political priorities. It also says a great deal about the building’s design and maintenance as it is not an aged structure. I know that there are many deserving organisations that rely on government funding and that health and education take precedence but buckets and towels in the NGA is just not a good look. Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill

Would it be cheaper to build a new NGA? Even on a small scale, such as a block of units, water penetration can be an ongoing issue that’s not easily fixed and keeps costing a lot of money. Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay


If we can afford hundreds of millions of dollars to buy submarines for our defence yet not afford the maintenance on the roof of the NGA then what are we bothering to defend? Bruce Moir, Greenwich

Yet another legacy of years of Coalition government – the NGA starved of funds. We visited the gallery mid last year and were stunned to see it was a shadow of its former self. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach

Why don’t we run a lottery to fix the NGA? Take the money from the casinos, poker machines and sporting bet companies, and give it to our country. It worked for our Sydney Opera House. I’m not advocating gambling, just a bit of Robin Hood’s theory. Caz Willis, Bowral

Are we sure the buckets on display at the NGA are for catching rain and not just more bad art collecting drips of alleged meaning? Peter Fyfe, Enmore

Dithering Dutton misses chance to be positive force

Niki Savva writes that Dutton has “been unable or unwilling to begin the task of redefining himself since assuming leadership” (“Will Liberals be torpedoed again?”, March 30). I disagree. He’s shown the same dour, humourless negativity, obstinacy and lack of imagination that characterised his time in government. He boycotted Rudd’s apology to the stolen generations and now muddies the water over the Voice referendum. He’s opposed his own party’s previous policies: the emissions safeguard bill, and changes to taxation levels on large balance superannuation accounts, and has only supported the government on the questionable multibillion-dollar AUKUS submarine contract. It’s no wonder Dutton hasn’t surfaced to campaign for the Liberals. If Dutton is the answer, then God help them. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:


Can a leopard change its spots? It is an old cliche but applicable to Peter Dutton as Savva argues in a follow-up to her devastating critique of what ails the Liberal Party in her recent book Bulldozed. If Dutton can change, or feigns change, who will believe what would be for him a Damascene conversion? He is not just a captive of his illiberal past but his current nay-saying and dithering on crucial issues like the Voice. As unlikely as it might be, there is room for him to present himself more positively by helping ensure the referendum succeeds and on matters like cost of living pressures where policies benefiting the needy would bring kudos. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Yes, Niki Savva, it was a classy concession speech by Dominic Perrottet, but let’s not get carried away by suggesting voters booted out a good NSW government. Its list of failures is too long to set out in prose so let’s try shorthand: Daryl Maguire; Powerhouse Museum; light rail debacles; icare; TAHE; privatisations; bus, train and ferry failures; little money for hospitals and schools; too much money for stadiums; rampant pork-barrelling; nepotism; premiers and MPs forced to resign; failure to preselect women; western Sydney lockdown discrimination. Please feel free to add to this list. Rob Mills, Riverview

The thoughtful piece by Savva covered a range of issues pertaining to Dominic Perrottet’s government and the track record he leaves in his wake. There is at least one issue that didn’t make it into her column that surely warrants a mention – Perrottet’s decision to place a First Nations flag permanently on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Inconsequential to some, deeply significant to many others, it stands as a great achievement and highly commendable legacy. Vic Alhadeff, Kirribilli

A problem of principles, not principals

As a state high school teacher for 40 years, 30 of them as master, deputy or principal responsible for the education, discipline and safety of my staff and students, I marvel at the fatuousness and irrelevance of the official response to problems that today’s teachers face in the classrooms (“More teachers want out of profession”, March 30).

These problems are not solely classroom problems, they are society’s problems. A social and political system that has deprived state schools of the ability to discipline unruly students who have been brought up believing no one can tell them what they can or cannot do, cannot expect classroom teachers, no matter how well paid or trained, or even principals, to do what it does not.

Private schools can dismiss or suspend at significant financial costs to parents. State school suspensions, when permitted, usually leave unruly students at the school gates or the nearby shopping centres with little or no pressure on parents.


Society reaps what it sows, so don’t expect the teachers or principals to solve the problem. Workable solutions do exist, but it is doubtful if any government, even our newly elected one, would be willing to implement them. Patrick Wilson, Newcastle East

The minister states he is “committed to getting every school on a path to fair funding”. Schools need teachers. Federal and state governments need to properly respect teachers, by simplifying workloads and beginning to address the need for higher wages, and schools prioritised because of genuine educational needs. Those with heated swimming pools, orchestra pits and extensive gymnasiums should be least prioritised. John Cotterill, Kingsford

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Your correspondent mentioned the inaction regarding 5000 demountable buildings in NSW (Letters, March 30). I would like to bring to his attention the small town of Tottenham, NSW. This school was opened in 1908. It commenced with a temporary wooden demountable building. That building is still there. It was extended and the school was expanded with the addition of another temporary wooden demountable. The primary school children are still housed in these buildings. There are extra brick buildings now for the secondary children. Tottenham is too small a community to have a political voice like the NRL. It is a community made up of wonderful parents, fantastic staff and wonderful pupils. The school motto is “Better Our Best!” I hope the Minns government will try to better their best with their limited budget. They can only do so much with finite funds. I am an old rugby league player but I would rather see a school with demountable buildings dating back to 1908 supported by our new government than huge footy clubs being provided with modern stadiums to generate more income for our footy codes. Neville Smith, Elderslie

Jam with caution

Some 20 years ago as a teacher I was faced with a life-and-death situation and needed to use my mobile phone to summon emergency services and other help (“Telcos warn against using mobile jamming technology in schools”, March 30). If that school had phone-jamming technology help would have been greatly delayed. Help arrived, but sadly a young student died.

From that, and other experiences, I would encourage school executives to explore ways that the use of mobile phones can be controlled in schools without resorting to phone-jamming. In a well-managed school, I have no doubt that students, parents and teachers would accept such a minor inconvenience. Brian O’Donnell, Burradoo


Pool resources

Stopping the stadium splurge is only half of what’s required (“Minns will end NRL stadium splurge insanity or he won’t last long”, March 30). Aussie swim stars did not train to win Olympic gold by sitting on their backsides watching footy. New Olympic pools, especially to serve the huge population growth in western Sydney, would promote a healthy lifestyle, and provide opportunities to learn to swim, thus reducing the death toll from drowning. The Parramatta pool, sacrificed to the NRL, would be a good start. George Rosier, Carlingford

Heritage wars

Heritage is not a weapon (“Heritage used to stop development”, March 30). It defines and refines a site so its heritage is recognised and retained while still allowing appropriate alterations. Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point

Landlording it up

My blood pressure suffered a severe surge this morning after reading about the collective “excitement” experienced by members of the Australian Landlord Association when there appeared to be a rent growth in metropolitan Melbourne (“Landlords welcome ‘exciting’ rent rises”, March 30). One of the committee members suggested that a rise in rents might mean you lose a tenant – but not to worry! They’re easily replaced – similar to buying the latest brand-name fridge to replace the outmoded model. And just like the unfortunate fridge, the tenant is left out on the street.

Landlords are already getting enormous rents and advantages in their tax returns. They need to realise that their investment in property comes with social responsibility. Judith Reynolds, Leura


Back to the future

Your correspondent is to suggest the Singapore Solution and direct government involvement in building houses and providing low-interest loans to those wanting to buy them as a solution to the current housing crisis (Letters, March 30). This approach worked very well here in the 1950s and 1960s when the two major parties accepted the post-war social compact and the Housing Commission housed many hundreds of thousands of us. Paddy Cavanagh, Katoomba

Nothing learnt

I sat stunned. As Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus introduced the historic legislation for a referendum on The Voice, the camera in the House of Representatives panned across the opposition seats, the vast majority of them empty of Liberal and National Party elected politicians (“Voice to parliament will take Australia forward, Linda Burney says”,, March 30).

At the end of the speech, the few opposition members present just sat there while the rest of the people in the chamber applauded a necessary but magnificent statement. What disrespect, not just to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, but to all Australians. They have learnt nothing. Peter Dutton was not present. They have ignored and not learnt a thing from the clear statements of the people of Australia over the past year. We have been diminished as a nation by their arrogance, lack of empathy and inherent sense of privilege and entitlement. Kevin Farrell, Beelbangera

Gun horror

I had to do a double take while reading about the school shooting this week in Nashville (“‘Something bad is about to happen”‘, March 30). The 130th school shooting this year? That’s beyond normal comprehension. Sadly, there is no political will to bring about change in the US. The gun lobby remains more powerful than the government. Thank you, John Howard for your strength of character. Pam Ayling, West Pennant Hills

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

In view of the 130 USA mass shootings so far this year, I wonder why the federal government’s Smartraveller website still shows the USA at “Advice Level No.1, exercise normal safety precautions”. Surely, it should be at “Advice Level No.3, reconsider your need to travel” or at No.4, “Do not travel”. Bruno Lima, Turramurra

Independents’ sway

I rejoice in our democracy in Australia (Letters, March 30). Here, it is possible for minor parties and independents to achieve results. This means that nearly everyone can vote for a candidate who will reflect their interests. If people feel their points of view are represented they will be less inclined to act out of a sense of powerlessness – the results of which we saw in the January 6 storming of the US Congress in 2021, a country where a political duopoly is firmly entrenched. Gerianne Rudd, Toowong (Qld)

Vote with your wallet

I’m with Cherie Gilmour: everyone wants a rating (“From our mail to our meals, it’s all overrated”, March 30). I’m happy to give a star, but when that leads to “Why did you give us that rating?” followed by “Would you mind telling us a little about yourself” such as age, gender, etc, then that’s the end of it for me. No star, no rating, and I’ll vote with my wallet. You’ll get repeat business if you’re any good and nothing from me if not. That’s all the feedback you really need. Frank Paterson, Mount Annan

Trust us, service providers, if we’re happy with what you’ve provided, we’ll come back. If we’re not, we won’t and we’ll probably tell you face to face anyway. One thing, though, is for sure: however we feel about that service, clogging up our email with your inane requests for reassurance will not win you any brownie points. The bin’s the thing there. Anne Ring, Coogee

These emails drive me nuts. Who even reads the feedback? Angie Miller, Bondi Junction

Plain as day

The predictable discussions that happen every time our clocks are changed to accommodate daylight saving would be avoided if only someone with common sense, and the necessary authority, would permanently change the clock by half an hour (Letters, March 30). Too simple. Judith Bennett, Umina

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Banking on mum and dad: Most prospective home buyers are relying on inheritance, survey finds
From A.W.R: ″⁣Relying on an inheritance when people are living longer and medical costs are on the rise is not a good strategy. Years of free money and low interest rates are about to take their toll.″⁣

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