

This was published 2 years ago


Not so easy for Novak Djokovic to bend this reality

The same personal qualities that took Novak Djokovic to the top of world tennis have brought him to the humiliation of what his brother Djordjie is calling “a migrant hotel [in] a dirty room” in Melbourne.

Djokovic’s all-round tennis game relies on no stand-out weapon and though his physical attributes are obviously supreme, it has been his mentality that stands him as one of the greatest male tennis players and athletes to have drawn breath. Chief among those psychological features are his indomitable willpower and his disregard for some prevailing mores of sportsmanship.

Novak Djokovic’s ability to overcome almost anything has made him a sporting great.

Novak Djokovic’s ability to overcome almost anything has made him a sporting great.Credit: AP

Djokovic, who as a boy learnt his tennis while bombs were falling around him in Belgrade, believes he will win from any position. Repeatedly, he has. One of the most resilient counter-attackers to have played any sport, Djokovic is never more dangerous than when on the brink of defeat. Nobody has come from as many desperate situations to win as many big tennis matches. He has the mental strength to bend reality and turn black into white.

While piling up 20 grand slams and a place among the greats, Djokovic has convinced himself that he is an object of adoration; he “throws his heart” to crowds at the end of his matches even as they are booing him. Something in his brain converts the sound of derision into cheering. Anywhere other than a sporting arena, this kind of solipsistic superpower would require a diagnosis and treatment.

Why should anyone not admire such an athlete? Since the beginning of his career, Djokovic has also made it his trademark to eliminate sportsmanship as if it were a minor round one opponent. His method is not the incendiary tantrum exploited by earlier champions such as Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe – though Djokovic is not without an explosive temper, and was disqualified from the 2020 US Open for smashing a ball in anger into a lineswoman, among other occasional eruptions.

Instead, he is a master of niggle. Umpires used to warn him for his water-torture tactic of bouncing the ball before he served, a tricky little ploy to get under opponents’ skin. He pulled back on that, but he never gave up his main exploitative trick, the faking of injuries and the use of the medical time-out to disrupt an opponent’s concentration and momentum when they were beating him.

Novak Djokovic receives medical treatment during his third-round match at the Australian Open last year.

Novak Djokovic receives medical treatment during his third-round match at the Australian Open last year.Credit: AP

Tennis allows players to interrupt the play when they feel ill or hurt. Because the claim is entirely subjective, the sport relies on the player’s honesty not to use this loophole as a tactic. Djokovic’s consistent success at using injury time-outs to change the course of his matches has to be seen to be believed.

Watch footage of his nine Australian Open wins, and there is invariably a sequence where commentators Lleyton Hewitt and Jim Courier are saying, “Gee, Novak is in a lot of pain here, he’s a set down and seems to have some kind of cramp/twisted ankle/back strain/asthma attack, and he’s already a set and a break down, I can’t see him getting out of this.”


Every time, they say it as if they’ve never seen it before. And each time they are surprised when he bounces up from his crisis and overpowers an irritated and rattled opponent. Djokovic’s mastery of the medical time-out has, of course, been widely imitated, and governing bodies have moved unsuccessfully to iron out a practice which can only be solved by trust in the ethics of the individual.

It is grimly ironic that after a career of exploiting a health and safety rule, Djokovic is now in immigration detention accused of exploiting a health and safety rule. After a career of believing he can shape reality to his will, Djokovic arrived in Melbourne believing he was free to play in the Australian Open, and if he wasn’t, he would make it so. His Federal Circuit Court appeal, which is his right, continues this exercise of will.

The Park Hotel in Carlton, Melbourne, where Novak Djokovic is being held.

The Park Hotel in Carlton, Melbourne, where Novak Djokovic is being held.Credit: Chris Hopkins

Nobody should be surprised when an athlete of such powers fails to understand when brick walls become literal and not mental obstacles. In Melbourne, Djokovic’s powers to single himself out above the world have butted into a reality he can’t yet shape. Five and a half million deaths, 300 million cases, and Djokovic still came to Australia apparently figuring COVID-19 was another system he could game.

That it should come to this also provides a glimpse of the strangeness of the elite sportsperson’s hall-of-mirrors existence. Djokovic would be far from the only athlete surrounded exclusively by people telling them what they want to hear. Often this is the one qualification for remaining in the athlete’s circle: to reinforce their self-confidence, to assure them they are always right. From their bizarrely grandiose comments about Djokovic as a defender of the free world and an embodiment of his people reflecting the iconography of the great dictators, it would appear that his family belong to the retinue of yes-people.

More damagingly for Australian tennis, tournament director and Tennis Australia chief executive Craig Tiley will have his dealings with Djokovic fully examined in this light. Tiley is one of the most highly respected administrators in Australian and global sport. He has worked hard for that reputation. And yet the line between administrator as boss of an event and as major domo to the stars is increasingly blurred when the power balance shifts from the event itself to some individual’s drawing power.

From the admissions that have been made this week, Tiley did all he could to assist Djokovic to play. TA set up a process of medical panels assessing exemptions from COVID vaccination. It was TA who approached Djokovic and told him he could fly to Melbourne, the move which set him up for his humiliation. Tiley had been speaking with Djokovic frequently. But Tiley has confessed that he never once asked Djokovic if he was vaccinated, and if not, why not. Nor did he tell Djokovic that he could play if he simply took the shot.

Novak Djokovic’s family attend a rally in Belgrade calling for his release from immigration detention in Australia.

Novak Djokovic’s family attend a rally in Belgrade calling for his release from immigration detention in Australia.Credit: Getty Images

Djokovic has insisted on personal privacy as his reason for not speaking publicly about his vaccination status. In accepting this even in their private dealings, Tiley took a step away from the role of responsibility for putting on the tournament and towards the role of enabling this one valuable individual to believe that the rules that apply to everyone else didn’t apply to him. It will sadden Tiley’s many admirers to see clearly his role in this mess.

The other flip on the usual script is the activism of social media and the Australian government. Both are stock villains and too much should not be made of their positive role in this case; it’s no way to make policy. But when Djokovic told Twitter he was coming to Australia, Twitter responded like Succession’s Logan Roy uttering his signature expletive. Public comments on media sites soared. Nearly all were anti-Djokovic. A world waiting with a baseball bat after two years of tragedy and deprivation now had someone to hit. Djokovic was reaping the whirlwind of 15 years of questionable ethics.

Would Scott Morrison have responded so firmly if not for the social media eruption? Maybe not, but that doesn’t make the federal government’s stance a publicity stunt. If the absurd loophole apparently allowing Djokovic’s entry – that an anti-vaxxer cannot enter Australia, but an anti-vaxxer who has had COVID-19 within the past six months can – was so badly transmitted, it was for the social media mob to raise the alert. Call it direct democracy. Morrison has never been shy of a bandwagon and no doubt he and the Victorian government were equally stimulated by the potency of latent anti-government anger that would be unleashed were Djokovic, a grade-A personality, be allowed to stroll through immigration.


A Federal Circuit Court judge will have to decide whether Djokovic was simply caught trying to game the system, or if that system was so poorly constructed that it enabled this grave insult to so many millions of Australians and billions worldwide. Here’s the result: someone has screwed up, and the court will tell us who. Just as Djokovic is not out of the game yet, nor are the Australian and Victorian governments out of the woods.

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