This was published 4 years ago
Norman Swan: 'Why should people trust me? That's a very good question'
Veteran ABC health presenter Norman Swan says he has filled a "vacuum" left by the government's poor communication on the coronavirus crisis, accusing health authorities of putting out "public relations Valium".
The broadcaster of nearly 40 years, who is a doctor by training, has become a beacon of guidance for many confused and concerned listeners. But he says he has never sought to portray himself as an official spokesperson or adviser on managing the pandemic.
"There's something wrong with the system if it's me that people are relying on," Dr Swan said.
"You see all these Twitter messages saying 'Norman for chief medical officer'. Thanks very much, but no. I don't want to be the national spokesperson for coronavirus. My job is to hold the government to account."
Why should people trust him? "That's a very good question that I've got no answer for, apart from the fact that I know how to communicate," he says.
Dr Swan, who hosts the daily Coronacast podcast and appears frequently on ABC radio and TV, defended his robust commentary on the crisis, in which he has criticised the government for poor communication and condemned the chief health officers for bad advice and acting too slowly.
He spoke to The Sun-Herald prior to remarks from the Public Health Association Australia and Australian Medical Association telling doctors to rally behind chief medical officer Brendan Murphy and stop "second-guessing" the official advice.
The government has been criticised for inconsistent messages because its advice is changing on a near-daily basis. However, Dr Swan has also emphasised different points at different times.
He has called for schools to be closed to slow the spread of the virus. But on Wednesday night he told The Sun-Herald: "We've got rapid growth [of COVID-19 cases] in NSW … but it's off low numbers so I can understand why they don't shut the schools. Because it's an enormous decision."
On Friday he told podcast listeners if he had school-age children he would keep sending them to school. "If and when the authorities decide to shut down schools, that's when you keep your kid at home," he said. "At the moment, your child is not going to be saved from very much of anything by staying at home."
After Prime Minister Scott Morrison banned indoor gatherings of more than 100 people, Dr Swan told The Sun-Herald the government's messaging had improved.
"The dominant mode until this week has been 'we can't panic people, we can't frighten the horses, we've got to project this calm leadership'," he said. "I describe this as public relations Valium. And that has been 100 per cent the wrong thing to do."
Professor Julie Leask, an expert in public health and risk communication at the University of Sydney nursing school, said Dr Swan's contributions filled a void because the official messages had been "a little bit wanting in some ways".
"Clearly, he's filling a gap there for people," Professor Leask said.
"However, I think any second-layer commentator needs to be also respecting that there is strong expertise in a field where you can get qualifications and get experience over many years that is informing our management strategies, and there needs to be some respect for that.
"Not this sort of ... external policy advice that is made without the full information."