

This was published 3 years ago

‘No means no’ is not enough: What are we teaching young people about sexual consent?

By Wendy Tuohy

When Saxon Mullins was led into a laneway behind Sydney’s Soho club on the night that led to one of Australia’s most controversial rape trials, she went equipped with not a word of education about sexual consent.

Aged 18 and from a background she described as “sheltered”, Mullins was told by a 21-year-old she had just met that he was taking her to a VIP area. Instead, she was escorted out the back and subjected to an act to which she maintains she did not consent.

Saxon Mullins, who has always maintained what happened to her was rape, says there was no consent education in her school years.

Saxon Mullins, who has always maintained what happened to her was rape, says there was no consent education in her school years. Credit: Janie Barrett

“When I was in school, we didn’t even hear the word ‘consent’,” says Mullins, now 26 and a director of advocacy and a board member of the new Rape & Sexual Assault Research & Advocacy Initiative. “Even something as small as just talking a little bit about it would have been better than nothing.”

Her telling of that encounter to Four Corners, when she identified herself as the subject of a five-year legal battle over whether Luke Lazarus knew, or did not know, he did not have her consent to have sex, bears unsettling similarities to the flood of testimonies about sexual assault pouring forth from young women around Australia.

Lazarus told the court: “What happened on that night between Saxon and I, I honest to God believed, was consensual.” He was ultimately acquitted. Mullins’ Four Corners appearance led to the NSW Attorney-General calling a Law Reform Commission review of the section in the crimes act that deals with consent in relation to sexual assault.

Last month, days after former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins alleged she had been raped by a colleague in the parliamentary office of Defence Minister Linda Reynolds, masters student Chanel Contos started a petition for better and earlier education about sexual consent. In the two weeks since, more than 27,000 students have signed it.

Chanel Contos has collected 4000 testimonies of abuse of Australian schoolgirls by male peers.

Chanel Contos has collected 4000 testimonies of abuse of Australian schoolgirls by male peers.Credit: Liliana Zaharia

Some 4000 students added their stories about rape, sexual assault and other unwanted sex with male peers, often performed on them while they were heavily intoxicated or unconscious.

Contos said she started this “because of what I saw every weekend and I didn’t know it was wrong”. The stories are so nightmarish as to grab the attention of parents, principals and politicians vowing to do something to improve young women’s safety and presumably prevent young men from getting themselves into potentially life-altering criminal proceedings.


The content of consent teaching in Australia, when and how it is done, teacher training and what students actually learn appears, at best, inconsistent.

Associate Professor Christopher Fisher, of the Australian Research Centre for Sex Health and Society at La Trobe University, has insight into how well the nation’s school consent programs are performing via his role as lead researcher on the National Survey of Secondary Students and Sexual Health in Australia. This survey has been carried out every five years since 1992.

The latest data, from 2018, shows almost one-third of students (28 per cent) report they have had unwanted sex. Reasons for this happening include “issues of consent, whether it was sexual assault or rape, or that ‘I said no but they kept going’ ... we see some of that in the data”.

“There is also ambivalence, people in relationships who say they weren’t really in the mood but wanted to please their partners,” he says.

Former ministerial press secretary Brittany Higgins started a national conversation about sexual assault with revelations of her experience in Parliament House.

Former ministerial press secretary Brittany Higgins started a national conversation about sexual assault with revelations of her experience in Parliament House.

Seven per cent of students said the last time they had sex, it was unwanted but Fisher says for most students, “some kind of consent conversation seems to be happening – but not for every young person”.

Only a third of students said the sex education they got now “is really relevant to my life”.

Young women are three times more likely to have had unwanted sex than young men, and trans and gender-diverse people 3½ times. “We need to be thinking about what, particularly in the heterosexual context, is the role of young men in this situation ... how do we talk to young men about this, how do we talk to boys about this?” he says. “That conversation isn’t [able to be had properly] just from a two-week sex education unit in secondary school.”

The survey and other research suggests Australian students are mostly receiving 10 to 20 hours of sexuality and relationships education in either years 7 and 8 or 9 and 10. States deliver it in their own ways and it is mainly done by health and physical education teachers. There is “some leeway” for schools to deliver it in ways they feel suitable to their community’s standards.

Depending on the state, independent schools are not always held to national guidelines – “and upwards of 50 per cent of our kids are going to non-government schools”, says Fisher.

Sex education teaching is “opaque, a patchwork and not consistent” across the country, and some teachers report having so little training “they have to figure it out on their own”, he says.

Sex education teaching is opaque, a patchwork and not consistent ... some teachers report having to figure it out on their own.

Dr Heather Nancarrow, CEO of Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), says most Australians have a good understanding of consent but there is a “disturbing proportion” who have poor attitudes: “And there are number of points we could make here under the heading ‘disregarding the need to gain consent’.”

Teaching it is difficult “when every jurisdiction defines [consent] differently and there is not a consistent definition in law”.

Victoria’s Respectful Relationships Education program, developed as a primary prevention tool by experts including long-term gender and sexuality researcher Associate Professor Deb Ollis, of Deakin University, and Professor Helen Cahill at Melbourne University, is regarded as one of the best in Australia and respected internationally.

Under it, schools review their culture to ensure it fosters equality and respect throughout teaching and school community life. The program was trialled in 2014-15 and was found after evaluation by Our Watch to have a positive effect on students’ knowledge and attitudes towards inter-personal relationships, consent and respect.

It was mandated to be rolled out in all government schools after the 2015 Royal Commission into Family Violence and offered to non-government schools. Most of the 2542 state schools have adopted it (the rest will have taken it up by March 31). As of last year, 227 of 498 Catholic schools and 56 independent schools had taken it on.

The program, which Education Minister James Merlino has suggested be adopted nationally, includes material that spans prep to year 12. “It is taught developmentally and sequentially,” says Dr Ollis. “Consent comes up across a number of the activities; some really specific ones looking at relationships, kids identifying what consent and free agreement is, compared with what we understand consent isn’t.”

Many case studies are provided and children must identify what consent means, including that “somebody can’t consent if drunk, asleep or under age”. Legal issues around consent are included as well as gender and power issues. Dr Ollis said she drew from best-practice sexuality education and developed the program over many years.

Levels one and two cover issues such as “respect my space, respect my body” and are taught to children in grades one and two. Levels three and four examine issues such as “rights and responsibilities, seeking safety, seeking help, respect in action” and asking for help in situations of gender-based violence.

“These building blocks in the early years mean by the time students get into secondary school and are looking at issues such as sexual consent, they have the foundations,” says Dr Ollis. The impact of Victoria’s RRE program is currently being evaluated by academics and consultants.

The program is designed to address the drivers of gender-based violence. Statistics in the regular National Community Attitudes to Violence Against Women survey show dangerous attitudes persist. The latest study found nearly one-third (28 per cent) of people believe “when a man is very sexually aroused, he may not even realise that the woman doesn’t want to have sex”.

More than one in five (23 per cent) of respondents think “women find it flattering to be persistently pursued even if they are not interested” and more than one-third (33 per cent) said that “rape results from men not being able to control their need for sex”.

One challenge faced by teachers is the need to tackle the idea that absence of overt resistance is consent, says Michael Flood, Associate Professor at the Queensland University of Technology, whose work is focused on gender, sexuality and violence.

This “negative standard” or norm dictates “a man should stop only when faced with overt resistance from the woman he is with, rather than actively seeking consent throughout”.

”In workshops I have run with teenage boys, I have asked, ‘How can you make sure that you are not pressuring the girl you’re with into sex? How can you make it as likely as possible that you are not raping her?’

“I encourage them to move beyond problematic indicators of consent (the absence of resistance, body language, reputation, previous or current sexual activity, etc.), to the explicit negotiation of consent,” says Flood.

Young men are “taught to see girls and women only as sexual objects, bodies to win and conquer” and some “simply do not care whether or not the girl is consenting”.

Flood says it is not true that sexual assault often occurs because of “harmless mis-communication with young men ‘mistakenly’ believing that the girl was consenting”.

“The research finds that men accurately understand women’s sexual refusals, including ones communicated in subtle ways,” he says.

Focusing on consent alone, especially “simplistic ‘no means no’ messages”, is not enough because this could cause “pressure for consent [as a] tick-box, cover-your-back kind of consent not based on real regard for the other person”. Wider issues such as “sexism and male entitlement, privileging of male sexual desires and needs over women’s” should be addressed in teaching of sexuality.

Research finds that men accurately understand women’s sexual refusals, including ones communicated in subtle ways.

Associate Professor Michael Flood

“[Sexuality and relationships education] must address gender and power. Research finds this is extremely important in sexuality education, programs with content on gender and power were more effective than programs without these,” he says.

Speaking at the National Press Club last week, Australian of the Year and child sexual assault survivor Grace Tame also called for a uniform national standard of sexual consent to be taught across Australia. She has said she has “no recollection of learning the word ‘consent’ at school”.

At present though, each state and territory defines consent differently in criminal codes. It is generally understood to be “free and voluntary agreement”, says RMIT Associate Professor Nicola Henry, who has researched sexual violence for 20 years. She believes better education “will go some way to prevent some sexual assaults”.

“We need education that teaches about an ‘affirmative’ or ‘positive’ model of consent. Essentially, it goes a step beyond ‘ordinary consent’,” she says.

“It requires both parties to take ‘active steps’ to find out if the other person is consenting ... Affirmative consent is based on the idea that consent cannot be inferred if the other person does not say or do anything to express their willingness to engage in the sexual act.”

Some state and territory laws include this but others do not. “In Tasmania, for instance, the accused person must have taken ‘reasonable steps in the circumstances’ to find out if the other person was consenting.”

Henry agrees consent should be taught from a young age and continue into primary, secondary and tertiary education, “as well as to ensure the community more broadly is educated about consent”.

Teaching must note that a person is not consenting if they say or do nothing, and that consent to have sex on one occasion does not mean the person is consenting to subsequent encounters.

If society places greater value on respect instead of sexual prowess, we should start to make some progress.

Associate Professor Nicola Henry

“Consent to one sexual act does not mean consent to others. For instance, if a person is consenting to foreplay, it does not mean the person is also consenting to intercourse,” says Henry.

“Consent can be withdrawn at any time. For instance, let’s say two people are in the middle of a sexual act and one of them falls asleep or if they say they want to stop, or if suddenly it’s clear they don’t want to continue for any reason, then the other person must then stop immediately.”

But while consent education in schools is an important part of prevention, Henry says it is not a cure-all. ”We also need to teach people [generally] about respect and respectful relationships ... if society places greater value on respect instead of sexual prowess, we should start to make some progress,” she says.

Katrina Marson, a Churchill Fellow who has researched sexuality education internationally, says done well, it is proven to be “a protective factor”.More holistic education, that includes consent, starts in early education and is delivered more frequently, will help reduce sexual violence.

Consent is all-encompassing, it doesn’t just mean sexual activity. You might not want to hug someone, or touch someone at that moment.

Saxon Mullins

“Young people have a right to access information about their bodies that is going to assist them as they go into their sexually active lives when they are older. The idea we can just wait until they hit the age of consent and suddenly teach this to them and they’ll be equipped with what they need is not borne out and is really dangerous,” she says.

Saxon Mullins also believes more education about — and clearer legal definitions of — consent may protect other young women. While we are doing better as a society to communicate ideas around consent to young people, Mullins says school education about it must start when children are much younger than year 7.

“People worry when someone says that we need to teach kids in year 4 about sex: that’s not what it means. Consent is all-encompassing, it doesn’t just mean sexual activity. You might not want to hug someone or touch someone at that moment,” she says.


“That builds an understanding that you don’t have to do things someone doesn’t want to do or is uncomfortable with, and understanding boundaries. When they do reach that age [to discuss sexual consent], you can talk about this in a sexual context.”

Then, consent education “is about understanding the need that an enthusiastic ‘yes’ is the only thing that’s acceptable”, she says.

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, or Beyond Blue 1300 224 636.

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