

This was published 2 years ago


New testing criteria might shorten queues but won’t change COVID reality

By Raina MacIntyre and Nancy Baxter

We have rapidly developing outbreaks of COVID throughout Australia. Numbers have increased from 1703 cases nationwide three weeks ago to at least 18,171 on Wednesday.

Case numbers are doubling in some states in as little as three days. Given that cases are unlikely to peak for weeks, and COVID has not suddenly become as mild as the common cold, the number of people needing care from GPs, hospitals, and ICUs over the coming months will place an incredible strain on our healthcare system.

The number of people needing healthcare over coming months will place huge pressure on the system.

The number of people needing healthcare over coming months will place huge pressure on the system.Credit: Penny Stephens

In NSW we already have 10 times as many cases as during the peak of the Delta wave in August, and soon may have 100 times more as modelled by the Doherty Institute. This means even a halving of hospitalisations due to Omicron will still overburden the health system. In less than four weeks, NSW has gone from 154 hospitalisations a day to 625 a day, and still rising. Controlling the spread of COVID before our health system is overwhelmed is therefore critical.

Our capacity to provide high volume, freely available PCR testing for COVID in Australia has been second to none and has contributed greatly to our success – test and tracing are cornerstones of effective pandemic management and key to this is, of course, having the ability to test contacts of confirmed cases. Knowing who has COVID is critical to controlling the spread of a highly transmissible airborne virus.

With the 10-fold increase in cases over the past three weeks in an outbreak that is gaining speed, our PCR testing capacity has reached the limit. This is not because folks are turning out for testing unnecessarily – far from it. In NSW, 7.1 per cent of people tested on Tuesday had COVID, the highest positivity rate ever in that state.

For comparison, during the peak of the Delta wave test positivity at no time exceeded 1.3 per cent. In fact, at the current positivity rate in NSW a substantial number of cases are almost certainly going undetected. But now, facing soaring case numbers, strain on hospitals and the collapse of the testing system, the solution, it seems, is smoke and mirrors.

A significant number of people who were tested in NSW on Wednesday were positive.

A significant number of people who were tested in NSW on Wednesday were positive.Credit: Kate Geraghty

On Wednesday the Prime Minister Scott Morrison told us that PCR testing would now be restricted to a narrow section of the community – health workers, those meeting the new definition of “close contacts” and a few other groups. Instead of investing in scaling up testing, we are going to reduce testing. Many people are being turned away after waiting in queues for hours, and regional and remote areas have even less capacity.

Further, there have been more than a thousand erroneous negative test results sent to infected people, and this problem has not been addressed transparently.


Given that we have reached capacity for testing in some states, rationing of PCR testing to those most likely to be positive, those most at risk themselves or to others, and those most likely to benefit from early intervention is a necessity. Fortunately, we have an alternative – rapid antigen tests (RATs) – that could be used to fill the gap.

Unfortunately, RATs cost $12 to $20 or more a test and are unaffordable for many people, given the need to test multiple times during the pandemic. A box of 25 tests can set you back $300 to $400. Currently, there is a severe shortage of RATs nationwide. This means even people who can afford them and could take pressure off the laboratories cannot buy a RAT kit.

Lacking action federally, the Victorian government announced they will buy 34 million RATs to distribute free of charge to Victorians, and the Federal government followed saying they will co-fund RAT tests with states. This may help in a few weeks, but by then the outbreak will have gained considerable more steam.


We knew at some point we would need to increase capacity for testing – surges to high case numbers have long been predicted in our roadmap. Yet somehow we now find ourselves surprised and in crisis mode. Sadly, our lack of planning and preparation does not change the fundamental nature of COVID transmission.

The Prime Minister, who is taking his overhauled plan to national cabinet on Thursday, redefined who is a “genuine” close contact, limiting this to only those in households of a COVID positive individual to address the lack of testing capacity means many people at substantial risk of contracting COVID from a confirmed case at work, during socialisation and recreation, or other prolonged exposures will continue to circulate in the community until becoming symptomatic (when they will be deemed to “need a test”).

As we all know, many COVID infections are asymptomatic and even in people who develop symptoms, the peak of infectiousness is in the two days before symptoms begin. Misleading messaging (telling people NOT to test if they don’t have symptoms) will result in more cases of transmission that otherwise would have been prevented providing fuel to the outbreak.

These changes in who is a “genuine” close contact will improve the optics of our situation temporarily – lines for PCR testing will be shorter, the number of tests far fewer, and the rise case numbers will appear to be dampened – but smoke and mirrors won’t change reality. We are being told to look after ourselves at home, to not call 000 and to avoid testing centres and hospitals if possible.


But to “get through” this next phase of the pandemic we need to invest in public health, not withdraw public health infrastructure and services. We cannot have it both ways – letting it rip and abandoning the community to “personal responsibility” will crucify the economy, already seen with Sydneysiders avoiding and cancelling bookings for the holidays. People expect to be safe. What we need for that is expanded testing capacity, both PCR and RAT, enhanced digital tracing capacity with QR codes, high quality masks for everyone and clear messaging about safe indoor air.

Professor Raina MacIntyre is head of the biosecurity research program at the University of New South Wales’ Kirby Institute. Professor Nancy Baxter is head of the school of population and global health at the University of Melbourne.

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