An Australia-first study could spare parents who have lost a baby from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) from losing another child, researchers hope.
Pathologist Professor Roger Byard, of the University of Adelaide, launched a new research project that will study the presence of a protein commonly found in babies who have died of SIDS.
The project, in conjunction with the University of Aarhus in Denmark, will investigate whether changes in brain levels of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) in infants may be a marker for breathing problems that have contributed to death.
The brain tissue of about 200 children who have died of the syndrome in Adelaide and Denmark, will be tested for APP over the next two years.
It will be the first time in Australia the protein will be examined for a link with SIDS.
Prof Byard said evidence that the protein was present in SIDS-affected children would not lead to a cure or a diagnostic test, but would help researchers understand the cause.
He said the research could help prevent the syndrome recurring in the same family.
"It will help us to understand why these children may have died - because they may have trouble breathing and that's not been shown before - but in a medical sense it will help with families who have already had a SIDS death," Prof Byard told reporters.
"So what it means is that people who have had the awful tragedy of having a baby die of SIDS may get an increased chance of preventing a second death."
Prof Byard said in the past six years researchers had discovered that SIDS was not only one disease but a whole series of different conditions of which infants were predisposed.
About one in 3,000 babies dies of SIDS each year in Australia.