

This was published 1 year ago


Negative gearing isn’t the problem – it’s NIMBYs like me

This nation has been strangling the future of younger Australians for decades. Our housing policies are perhaps the single worst example of that – we do dumb things, and those decades of dumb things can’t be fixed fast.

But the wheel is finally starting to turn. Recent days saw the newly elected NSW premier tell his state – and the nation – that success in the housing fight lies more in going up than it does in going out. Chris Minns’ call has encouraged a range of Labor MPs to go further still, calling for a radical rewrite of the party’s national housing platform.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Illustration: John Shakespeare. Credit:

So, what can and should we do?

First, the bad news. There’s no magic wand. Or, worse still, what people believe is the simple solution to this complex problem actually isn’t. The discussion at any barbecue turns fast to negative gearing and capital gains tax. But here’s the thing: big changes to both would barely move the dial on housing affordability.

A variety of studies over a number of years have estimated the impact of changing federal taxes on housing. Like it or not, they find that chopping or ditching those policies would reduce housing prices between 1 and 4 per cent. No, that’s not nothing. But it’s massively shy of where public opinion thinks it is. Sydney housing prices are already back to rising by more than 1 per cent a month, while Melbourne could soon follow.

Besides, negative gearing really isn’t as evil as some see it. You need to spend money to make money, and most tax systems around the world allow that cost to be deducted. The same principle that lets a chef deduct the cost of their uniform against their wages also allows an investor to deduct the cost of their borrowing to earn the rent from their investment property.

Rather, Australia’s overuse of negative gearing is a symptom of our problems much more than it is the cause of them.

So, no, what many think will solve the problems here really won’t. And continuing to worship at that altar – abolish negative gearing or bust – just isn’t going to be helping young Australians all that much.


If we spend all our energies on small solutions, we’ll only get small outcomes. I’m all in favour of better ways of taxing housing. I’ll cheer if the capital gains tax discount is wound back. And I won’t be that fussed if the dial on negative gearing is moved too. But they’re distractions much more than they are solutions.

Now the good news. There are solutions. Housing can be much more affordable than it is. Australia’s position as a global failure for our housing affordability (alongside Hong Kong and Vancouver) isn’t pre-ordained. We can and should do better.

New housing in Prestons, in Sydney’s south west.

New housing in Prestons, in Sydney’s south west.Credit: Brook Mitchell

The answer? YIMBY – Yes In My Backyard. The evidence continues to pile up that we’ve been strangling ourselves into our affordability problem. We build far too little, and we deliver what we do build at truly stupid prices. That challenge is even worse right now as population growth surges at the same time as a bunch of builders are going bust.

The problem is that our planning and heritage laws are bent in favour of doing nothing. And when they finally do allow something to be done, the attached red tape means that costs are astronomical.


Studies suggest that, in Sydney for example, planning restrictions are 41 per cent of apartment prices – meaning that planning restrictions are at least 10 times bigger as a source of our housing affordability problems than our federal taxes are.

Heritage – “preserving what we have” – sounds great. But in practice what it actually means is locking out everyone else. Every time residents fight to keep a pub that’s closed, that comes at a rising cost to housing affordability – one that cruels the opportunities for their kids.

Planning laws are great too. Yet in practice they also allow rich residents to pull up the drawbridge of opportunity behind them. Even worse, because NIMBYism is so rife, it has meant that house prices have grown faster than share prices and the prices of any other investment. In other words, NIMBYs make money by being NIMBYs. And so our planning and heritage restrictions have turned us into a nation of strikingly successful speculators in housing.

That’s a really vicious circle – planning restrictions make existing homes more valuable, which turns them into money-making machines for their owners, which then makes it even harder for the next generation to get a fair go. Yes, we’re an entire continent. But we’re also one of the most urbanised nations on earth, and our failure to properly plan our cities is steadily dudding us.

Greenfield development in Sydney’s Marsden Park.

Greenfield development in Sydney’s Marsden Park.Credit: Brook Mitchell

NSW’s new premier seems to get that. But solving the housing crisis will be a hard, messy and long fight. That’s because it needs to be fought suburb by suburb against the most formidable political foe in the land … me. Or, to be more exact, millions of people just like me – older and richer, we make money from stopping things happening around us.

But it’s time. We can’t get better housing outcomes for younger Australians until we stop doing dumb stuff in planning.

Bring it on.

Chris Richardson is an independent economist.

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