

This was published 5 years ago

Nano-scale printing promises lab-grown retinas, custom-made bones

By Liam Mannix

You'll have heard of 3D printing. Now there's nano 3D printing, which uses a laser to print things as small as 100 nanometres – about 1000 times thinner than a human hair.

It is far more revolution than evolution.

Lab-grown retinas, armies of magnetically-controlled, cancer-busting robots, and hospitals printing out new bones as soon as someone goes into surgery are some of the fantastic promises the technology holds.

It is simple enough to print something big. Nano printing allows you to make a big object by printing lots of tiny objects and joining them together.

This allows you to imbue that big object with special powers.

A 3D printed bone scaffold (left), and a bone scaffold being colonised by cells (right, cells in green). The scaffold is about the width of a human hair.

A 3D printed bone scaffold (left), and a bone scaffold being colonised by cells (right, cells in green). The scaffold is about the width of a human hair.Credit: Nanoscribe

The technology was pioneered by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s Professor Martin Wegener, who is in Australia to speak about his work at the University of Sydney’s Sydney Ideas series.

“We replace the atoms of ordinary solids with meta-atoms, or small functional groups. You can achieve material properties that normal materials do not have,” he says.

To print a structure, you start with a pool of liquid filled with free-floating molecules – sort of like liquid plastic – and an extremely powerful laser.


The laser is focused to a fine point, only one light-particle wide.

The laser then traces shapes on the liquid plastic. Everywhere it touches, the molecules join together. After the printing is finished, the rest of the plastic is washed away, leaving a solid structure.

What can we make? “All sorts of things,” Professor Wegener says.

Getting down to nano scale would allow us to work at the scale of the building blocks of nature.

One thing in development right now is an artificial retina.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Professor Wegener’s team have developed what he calls a “micro-scaffold” for a retina. This tiny structure mimics protein scaffolds within the body and is specially shaped to prompt human stem cells to grow in a certain order.

Place a stem cell inside the scaffold, and it will automatically be prompted to start growing into a retina. “We hope in perhaps 10 years we could reconstruct a functioning organ,” Professor Wegener says.

At Sydney University’s Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Unit, they are focussing on regrowing bones.

Initially, Professor Hala Zreiqat’s team focused on using materials that mimicked the chemical composition of bone. They soon realised that wouldn't work.

“The design of our skeleton is brilliant,” says Professor Zreiqat. “The materials it is made of seem to be inadequate for holding weight. It’s just proteins and minerals.”

And yet it does the job – because of microstructures. Our bones are made up of incredibly tiny structures, fitted together in a particular order, which makes them light, strong and flexible.

Using Professor Wegener’s printer, we can now make those microstructures, mimicking natural bone. Professor  Zreiqat’s team imagine setting up a printer in a hospital, printing new bone scaffolds as patients undergo surgery. They hope to have the technology in the clinic in two to three years.

The technology also takes the dream of robotic surgery a step closer. Professor Zreiqat’s team is working on small magnetic nanoparticles that could be injected into the bloodstream, and then moved around the body using a magnet.

In a cancer patient, the particles could be manipulated to surround the tumour. Then, using magnets, you could heat up the particles – hot enough to kill the cancer.

The University of Sydney will host Professor Wegener and Professor Zreiqat on Tuesday April 9 at 6pm for a discussion on nano 3D printing at the Messel Lecture Theatre in the Sydney Nanoscience Hub. Entry is free, online registration required.

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