

This was published 3 years ago

Naked City podcast: ANoM: The app that spied on crooks

By John Silvester

The Naked City podcast will take a journey into the dark depths of the Australian criminal underworld. In this series you will hear recordings of some of Australia's most dangerous criminals, all of whom have been remarkably frank in their recollections.

Any police intelligence officer knows there is only one iron law. To defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy.

And the best way is to listen to them.


Police have listened at keyholes, peered through windows, employed lip readers, used body language experts, tapped phones (legally and illegally) and bugged beds, pot plants and televisions.

With each move there has been a countermove. As soon as the crooks learned of police tactics they would change theirs.

Drug dealers who used to talk freely on the mobile phone now wouldn’t order Uber Eats on the blower for fear cops would turn up with the woodfired pizza.

On the internet they head to the dark web and now use purpose built encrypted apps to talk freely around the world.

Occasionally police would crack the code and the crooks would move to another secure app.


When international police disabled Phantom Secure, a Canadian encrypted service that let crooks destroy messages remotely, the FBI recruited one of the system’s former operatives who was building a new app called ANoM.

In exchange for a reduced sentence and $120,000 (US) he gave the FBI control and built-in a backdoor. Three international gangsters (two connected to Australia) became enthusiastic controllers spreading it through the world.

Police had pulled an international sting providing about 12,000 encrypted phones to gangsters connected to 300 criminal syndicates in 100 countries. There were about 1100 phones operating in Australia.

In three years, they monitored 27 million messages from crooks who thought their conversations were secure.

When police lowered the boom in June, Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said it had resulted in 224 arrests, 525 charges, raids on six clandestine laboratories and thwarting 21 threats to kill. Police seized 104 firearms and weapons and almost $45 million in cash.

There were nearly 1000 arrests in Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Britain and the United States.

The ANoM material showed organised crime is multicultural with Triads, Russian Mafia, bikies, and Middle Eastern crime gangs all co-operating because money speaks all languages.

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