

This was published 4 years ago

Mystery stops and a flag change: The Pong Su's erratic journey south

Episode two of the investigative podcast series traces the Pong Su’s voyage from North Korea to Victoria where it came dangerously close to shore to enable a record amount of heroin to be landed.

By Richard Baker

The journey of the Pong Su to Australia started out ordinarily enough. The ship's master, Song Man Sun and his crew left their home port of Nampo in North Korea in February 2003 and headed across the Yellow Sea to China.

But there was nothing ordinary about this ship. It was ageing, rusting and dangerous. It had been modified to travel vast distances without refuelling. And on board among all the sailors was a mysterious political officer from North Korea's ruling political party.

The most unusual thing about the Pong Su, though, was its route, and what it picked up along the way.

The Pong Su's master and his 28 crew had enviable jobs. Unlike nearly all their countrymen, they got to see the outside world. They ate a wide range of foods – a rarity in a country often plunged into famine by poor government and economic sanctions. And these men could make as much as $US500 a month – hundreds of times the average wage. Some had paid bribes to get a job on this ageing vessel.

But there was one man on board who was not a sailor. Political secretary Choi Dong Song represented the Workers Party of Korea, the ruling and only political party in North Korea. His job was to keep an eye on everyone and make sure no one defected.


About 60 years old, Choi was one of the most senior men on board, both in age and rank. Reportedly quiet and somewhat aloof, the political secretary ensured the crew adhered to party doctrine, resolved disputes and heard confessions.

A studious note keeper with a cabin of his own, Choi’s role on the Pong Su was a long way from the start of his working life as a tractor driver on a North Korean farm.

Episode two of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald’s new investigative podcast series, The Last Voyage of the Pong Su, introduces Choi among other key characters.

We trace the Pong Su’s route from North Korea to Victoria’s Great Ocean Road coastline, where late on the night of April 15 2003 and in huge swell it came dangerously close to shore to enable a record amount of heroin to be brought ashore to waiting members from an Asian crime syndicate in a deserted car park.

One of the men transporting the $100 million cargo drowned. The other survived and managed to get 125 kilograms of heroin to the waiting men. Much of the action was captured by a listening device covertly installed by federal police inside a van rented by a crime syndicate member. Recordings from this listening device are central to the podcast.

But in a maritime tale of big characters, the biggest and the one that tied them all together, was the Pong Su herself.


Run down and dangerously modified

The Pong Su was built in Japan in 1980 as a bulk carrier of timber and other raw materials. But by the time she was sent to Australia 23 years later, her condition was poor and potentially dangerous.

Several experienced Australian sea captains who examined the ship believed she would have been detained by Australian authorities if she had berthed at a port. It is normal for Australian authorities to inspect visiting foreign ships. The Pong Su’s condition was so poor that the captains believed her crew and the environment were at risk had she been allowed to leave.

Captain John Milward, a freight ship captain with decades of experience, believed after inspecting the ship that the Pong Su's master had no intention of ever entering an Australian port.

“She wasn't in pristine condition by any means. But interestingly enough, she had been modified ... because she didn't have the range to reach Australia from North Korea. So they had actually modified her with extra fuel tanks,” Captain Milward said.

The Pong Su’s ballast tanks had been converted to dual-use extra fuel tanks with a crudely built piping system. The modification allowed the Pong Su to travel vast distances without refuelling, but it was in breach of an international maritime convention in place since 1980 which banned such modifications.


Unscheduled stop

On her way to Australia, the Pong Su conducted a little bit of normal business as well as carrying drugs. In the Chinese port of Yantai she picked up a load of feldspar, a mineral sand used to make glass and ceramics. The ship also got a much needed coat of paint.

But after leaving Yantai, Master Sun set course back towards North Korea even though the feldspar was to be delivered to Jakarta, Indonesia. On the way, he stopped the Pong Su at a place known as Sister Island – a tiny spot not far from the home port, Nampo. Only those on board the Pong Su at the time can really say what happened there, but it is highly likely that two special passengers and 150 kilograms of heroin came aboard.

The Pong Su

The Pong SuCredit: James Alcock

Sun, the ship's master, also made a note to the Pong Su’s management requesting “two units” of extra pocket money after stopping at Sister Island, and manifests show the master reporting to Indonesian and Taiwanese port authorities after the stop at Sister Island that there were 32 souls on board. When the Pong Su first left her home port, she only had 30: the crew of 28, the master and the political secretary.

The fresh arrivals, a man who would later claim to be named Ta Sa Wong and another who still remains unidentified, had extremely important roles. They were the custodians of the $100 million of heroin.

And it was these two men who were in charge of the tiny dinghy that tried to unload that heroin at the other end of their journey, at Boggalley Creek near Lorne on Victoria's Great Ocean Road. The unidentified man died on that dinghy in heavy weather, and Wong was left hiding in the hills with no way of getting back on board the ship.


The entire Pong Su crew would later deny Wong or the other man were ever on board. They maintained their denials even when told by Australian police that paint flecks found in their shoes matched the paint from the deck of the ship.


Flagging a change

The Pong Su was the flagship of Pyongyang’s Pong Su Shipping Company. In 2003, the company had five other vessels. North Korea has always maintained the Pong Su Shipping Company was privately owned – an extraordinary claim in a country where the state controls everything.

When the Pong Su left the port of Nampo to wind its way to Australia, it was sailing under the flag of the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea. But when the Pong Su stopped off Singapore to be re-fuelled at sea, its mysterious owners arranged for its flag to be changed to that of the tiny Pacific nation of Tuvalu.

Tuvalu earns income from providing its flag to shipping companies around the world under a maritime arrangement known as a “flag of convenience”. There are many reasons why a shipping company might use a flag of convenience. Often the change is used to reduce operating costs, pay crews lower wages and avoid stricter maritime regulations.

For the Pong Su, the obvious reason for the flag change was to attract less attention in Australian waters.


In 2003 Port Phillip sea pilots were unable to recall the last time a North Korean ship had been in Victorian waters. However, ships sailing under the Tuvalu flag were relatively common.

“It wouldn't cause so many questions to be asked,” Captain Milward said.

Temporarily changing flags took considerable effort and cost the Pong Su’s owners more than $US12,000. It was a lot of money for a cash-strapped country like North Korea.

But when your ship was carrying more than $100 million worth of drugs, it was a small cost of doing business.

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