

This was published 4 years ago

Monkey kidneys and old-school science: Inside Melbourne's coronavirus breakthrough

By Liam Mannix

An old-school science technique allowed Melbourne’s Doherty Institute to grow coronavirus in a flask, the first lab outside China to do so.

The important breakthrough allows scientists to immediately develop much better tests for the virus. And it is a crucial first step towards developing treatments or a vaccine.

Coronavirus-infected cells in a dish at the Doherty Institute.

Coronavirus-infected cells in a dish at the Doherty Institute.Credit: Doherty Institute

Most diagnostic labs around the world use cutting-edge genetic sequencing techniques to test for viruses.

The Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, based in Parkville, is one of the few to maintain extensive cell lines, which allows it not only to test for but also to grow a wide variety of viruses.

"It’s costly, and it needs skills that are not generally available these days," says Dr Mike Catton, the institute's deputy director.

"We have a mix of the old and the new, the classical and the cutting edge. I’d say we’re the first among equals – although my colleagues might not like that."

Watching monkey kidneys at 3am

On Friday a man in his 50s, who was visiting from China and had respiratory symptoms, was brought into the Monash Medical Centre at Clayton. Within hours, a nose swab was under the microscope at the Doherty.

The first step was to check the virus' genetic code. By 2.15am on Saturday the team had it – and it was a perfect match for the Wuhan coronavirus.


As the announcement of Australia’s first case of coronavirus reverberated around the nation, the team were already onto the next step: trying to grow the virus in a flask.

This was a far more difficult challenge, but crucial. A live virus allows other researchers to develop more effective tests for it.


"It’s a key step in the development of vaccines," says Dr Catton.

Labs around the world had tried without success to do it. The Chinese have grown a sample but have not yet shared it with the international community.

But the Doherty had been preparing for this for years.

Many viruses are fussy, and will grow only in a certain type of cell. The lab’s freezers house a huge collection of cells from humans and animals. Among them is the institute’s secret weapon: a line of monkey-kidney cells.

"This particular monkey cell line is almost the best cell line there is, because it just grows so many viruses," says Dr Julian Druce, head of the Doherty’s virus identification lab.

Dr Catton says: "It’s an art, and Julian is the artist."

Material from the infected man was placed in a flask filled with a layer of monkey cells. The Doherty’s lab is extremely secure, so the easiest way for the scientists to watch their test was via a video camera on top of the flask. Many team members would get up at night to watch the camera feed online.

"That was a bit of fun," says Dr Catton. "If you’re into that sort of thing – I guess maybe we need to get out more."

The researchers watched the cells. If they died, it was a sign the coronavirus was active.

Vision released by the institute shows the transparent cells turning black – a few at first, and then more and more until the dish is filled with death.

The living virus will now be used to develop an "antibody test", which can tell if someone has coronavirus even if they are not showing symptoms. That will allow authorities to work out the true scale of the outbreak.

The Doherty will also sequence its genes so it can be properly compared with other cases in China, allowing it to work out if the virus is mutating.

And when enough copies of the virus have grown in the monkey cells, they will be "harvested" and sent to other labs around Australia and the world– including CSIRO researchers who are hoping to give animals the virus to test potential treatments.

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