

This was published 16 years ago

Mitts off our Sydney Opera House, writes Paul Keating

JOERN UTZON gave Sydney not only the greatest building of the 20th century but one unique in all history. Its plastic yet classic forms confounded his competitors, who entered designs based on their idolatry of the steel beam and the box-like structures which grew, Meccano-like, from their drawing boards.

Utzon was striving not only for function leading to form, he was also possessed of the location. More than any of his contemporaries, he wanted his building to sit in contextual harmony. Utzon's design was not simply that of a building or, in his case, three buildings. Rather, it was a composition in landscape for a site surrounded by water on three sides with the fourth providing a green forecourt when viewed from the east and a wonderment in an urban setting when viewed from the west. Utzon made clear with his smaller shell structure at the south, sitting atop its chamfered podium, that he meant his composition to taper out into the flatness which is the Opera House forecourt. That is, to taper to infinity.

This place is no site for a structure of the kind proposed by Ken Woolley as illustrated on the front page of Saturday's Herald. Viewed from the most advantageous place, Mrs Macquaries Chair, or the wider Botanical Gardens, it would present as an ungainly and all too proximate appendage to the great composition. And from the harbour it would appear as some giant garage at the rear of the house; or a large, lookalike auditorium.

Right now, the Opera House is approachable on foot from either the city or the gardens. You can stroll up to it, where all of a sudden it reveals its majesty: you do not have to work your way around or have your vista obliterated by another building.

A giant box dropped into this space, I believe, has absolutely no merit. And to provide a theatre on the scale proposed by Woolley would need to be much larger, far larger than that illustrated in the Herald. A major auditorium will look like a major auditorium.


Woolley is an esteemed member of the architectural fraternity of Sydney. And justifiably so. Many of his works have added to the common stock of this city. But what he is proposing for the forecourt of the Opera House and the foot of the gardens has more to do with landscape, composition and aesthetics than it has to do with architecture.

Utzon has done the architecture and his building sits harmoniously in its space.

Any changes to be considered for the future should first and foremost be considered only in Utzon's terms.

Woolley's proposal seems to arise from the spurious notion that Opera Australia could only make a grander opera theatre work if it was co-located at and with the Opera House. In his article Woolley made the case for Opera Australia taking on repertoire that cannot be undertaken now at the Opera Theatre. In that case, what is wrong with new repertoire being done in an altogether new place? If it cannot be done now at the Opera Theatre, what would the Opera Theatre be missing?

For instance, Darling Harbour is crying out for reinvention. There is space a plenty there for an opera theatre and there is parking to go with it. Another theatre in an altogether different location can operate within the one organisation and the one budget without the need for co-location on Bennelong Point.

The Opera Theatre at the Opera House deserves refurbishment in its own right, simply as an integral part of that unique complex. After 35 years of service why would we deny it refurbishment? And given the building's stunning composition why should we shortchange it, or begrudge the expenditure it warrants?

Already we have seen the Botanical Gardens Trust resile from its mandate as a manager of a place of botany and quiet enjoyment to one where the Domain is now an epicentre of musical spectaculars and the gardens one of muscular tourism and seasonal entertainments.

With such a finite reservation for the gardens, do we really need to have another chunk of it excised and given over to masonry?

When the NSW Labor government of Joe Cahill settled on Utzon's design, with all its engineering problems, the city got tapped on the shoulder by a rainbow. The odds of Sydney picking up the building of the 20th century must have been millions to one. Let us rejoice in that masterwork and the outcome and not pander to the interests of opera administrators or their willing pipers.

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