

This was published 2 years ago


Many are mourning the Queen, but let’s not forget Australia’s future

The passing of Queen Elizabeth over the weekend saw an outpouring of grief in Britain and Australia. The Australian flags, including the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, are being flown at half-mast, federal parliament will cease sitting for 15 days and an official public holiday was announced following the news of her death.

Indigenous responses here to the news have ranged from sadness and grief to a rejection of the monarchy and its role. The relationship is complex and ambiguous for largely historical reasons.

Indigenous responses here to the news of the Queen’s death have been mixed.

Indigenous responses here to the news of the Queen’s death have been mixed.Credit: Getty Images

Of course, there will be a diversity of responses to royalty and its role in Australia. For Indigenous peoples here and across the globe, the British Empire’s history of colonialism, represented by the Crown, from Ireland, to Africa, to West Indies to North America and Australia, was sadly based on lack of respect and founded in racial violence, and the belief in Europeans being a “superior” race.

While some countries succeeded in decolonising, most did not. In North America and New Zealand, treaties were negotiated by the British with Indigenous peoples, establishing formal relationships between the Crown and Indigenous peoples.

It’s not clear why the British engagement with Australia took such a different turn. We know that Captain James Cook was given clear instructions from Britain to take possession only “with the consent” of the Indigenous peoples. The Law of Nations established those colonising nations were not to take lands without consent or agreement of Indigenous peoples. Agreement or consent was evidenced through treaties, such as the Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand. Lands could also be acquired through conquest or war. Land that was “empty” or belonging to no one could be claimed under the doctrine of Terra nullius, and this was the legal fiction adopted in Australia to acquire Indigenous people’s lands.

The International Court of Justice in the case of Western Sahara (1974) rejected outright the colonial misuse of the Terra nullius doctrine, condemning it as unacceptable and racist. Our High Court in the case of Mabo also rejected Terra nullius as “the darkest aspect of [our] national history”. The Mabo decision led to national native title legislation, but the Court refused to grapple with the question of Aboriginal sovereignty, which is still not resolved.

Accordingly, many Aboriginal people today maintain that we remain sovereign peoples, not subjects of the British Crown. Our sovereignty was never ceded and our ties to this land run deep with 60,000 years of connection to our lands we cannot be colonised.

As Britain, and even Australia, mourns the death of the Queen, we can reflect also on our history with the British Crown and this relationship today. Following news of the Queen’s death there have been calls for the Australian Republic, but Prime Minister Anthony Albanese rightly responded that the Voice to Parliament will come first. After all, we have serious unfinished business to attend to. The Uluru Statement from the Heart and process of Voice, Treaty and Truth seeks to resolve the unlawful acquisition of Australia by the British Crown in 1788.


The commitment to Voice and a referendum will ensure Aboriginal people will always hold a place in the Australian nation moving forward. Constitutional recognition of Indigenous peoples is outstanding business, with commitment from Australian governments dating back more than two decades and flowing from the final report of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. The fundamental principle of self-determination means that Indigenous people’s views must be heard and respected on all matters affecting us.


Treaty making is now happening in Victoria, the Northern Territory and most recently Queensland, with commitments also being made in South Australia by Kyam Maher, the first Indigenous elected attorney. Notwithstanding its commitment to Close the Gap, the West Australian government is failing to recognise Aboriginal people’s rights to self-determination, heritage and sacred sites, Aboriginal children’s safety and right to Indigenous identity and is clearly violating human rights that are well established through the UN system of treaty law. Aboriginal incarceration, child removal and suicides are continuing to rise. We need a Treaty at the national level to address human rights violations that are a blight on our nation and increase respect for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Truth telling is imperative to raising awareness, understanding, and promoting reconciliation in Australia. Unfortunately, history has been whitewashed and the British history of slavery and its impact here is still unacknowledged. But truth-telling processes alone cannot take the place of substantive rights and measures to address systemic and structural discrimination today.

This week as Australia reflects on its continuing ties to Britain, we can also consider the nation-building needed to address the past damage of British colonisation and strengthen our country in a way that ensures respectful relations with First Nations peoples.

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