

This was published 4 years ago


Let us celebrate Indigenous Australians' difficult journey this Australia Day

In an interview with the Herald this week, Ken Done has kicked off the debate again over the celebration of Australia Day. The Sydney artist, who has spent decades reflecting on Australia through his artwork, has sided with those who support not changing the date. He believes Australia needs to pay respect to England; something, in his view, we should not be ashamed of. He does, however, offer a caveat.

Done floats the idea of having a second national holiday to honour Aboriginal history, and has backed putting more resources into teaching school children about our Indigenous past, a topic he believes most Australians are "quite ignorant" about. He is not wrong there.

Indigenous protesters are seen during the Australia Day celebrations in Brisbane last year.

Indigenous protesters are seen during the Australia Day celebrations in Brisbane last year. Credit: AAP

Over the coming weeks, there is sure to be plenty of tit-for-tat over what is the best way forward. But there is no getting away from the reality that Australia Day has formed two very contrasting narratives. Consisting of 11 ships led by Captain Arthur Phillip, the First Fleet landed at Port Jackson in Sydney Harbour on January 26, 1788. Despite the many challenges in establishing the colony, it went on to thrive, forming the basis of what is now one of the most prosperous, egalitarian countries in the world. That is an achievement worth recognising.

On the flip side, while the colony may have initially been relatively benign towards the local Indigenous people, with the colony's first governor, Captain Phillip, believing they could live together peacefully, this approach did not last long. Since white settlement, countless Indigenous people have been killed while their land and, in many instances, their cultural identity, were dispossessed. That is a part of our history that cannot be whitewashed.

How does Australia reconcile those two legitimate historical viewpoints? Probably not by bickering over a date. Particularly a date that has only been widely celebrated by all states since Australia's 1988 bicentennial celebrations. Would it really matter if it was moved to another significant day of white settlement - say February 7, 1788, when the colony was officially established under the reign of King George III - or just another random day of the year?


Surely the same clash of perspective would still exist. Surely no amount of culture war squabbling over Australia Day is going to replace the hard yards required to reconcile Australia's past. That will not come about from a tokenistic win by changing a date. That type of win is more likely to antagonise and polarise at a time when we are in desperate need of heading in the opposite direction. Surely it's time to shape the argument in a way that offers both sides a chance to contribute in a way that is meaningful and respectful.

The work has begun, with the Uluru Statement from the Heart a laudable beginning to giving Indigenous Australians back a voice in shaping their and the nation's future. And the Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt, is committed to doing everything he can to ensure that the proposed Voice to Parliament turns into something real and tangible.

Instead of a debate over a date, the lead-up to January 26 could be better used to further promote and argue for that proposal. Maybe Ken Done has a point. Let us celebrate on Australia Day the many achievements that have shaped this great land that we all cherish.

But let us also double our efforts to better understand the difficult journey that Indigenous people have travelled during that time and support a consequential path towards giving them a real say in our shared future history. Only then could we genuinely celebrate together.

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