

This was published 2 years ago


Let evidence not fear drive policies on trans athletes

All of us have implicit stereotypes that guide the way we view the world. Many people will look at a transgender woman’s face or height and think “it’s unfair” if she wants to play in a women’s sport. That is an assumption.

As an endocrinologist who treats trans people and a clinician scientist, I am passionate about research to improve health to guide policy and enable evidence-based decisions. Sometimes, as in the case of transgender health, which has long been stigmatised, there is not a lot of evidence, but plenty of assumptions.

Lia Thomas has abided by all guidelines for testosterone-lowering over three years,

Lia Thomas has abided by all guidelines for testosterone-lowering over three years,Credit: AP

So, what does the science show?

First, being trans is not a choice and a person’s gender is complex and influenced in part by innate factors such as genes. We don’t know the exact proportions as the Australian census does not collect data on LGBTQ individuals, but approximately 0.5 per cent of the general population are transgender, or trans, where they have a gender that is different from that presumed at birth. Only a third of trans people identify as trans women.

A trans woman who has had puberty blockers as an adolescent, has never had testosterone-driven puberty, and if they are taking feminising hormone therapy, have the physiology of a woman.

It’s different for trans women who transition later in life and have experienced male puberty. When trans people start feminising hormone therapy, testosterone drops (from upward of 10 to 2 nanomoles per litre) and estradiol rises to female ranges.


Testosterone-related physical traits such as height, bone shape and voice don’t change with hormone therapy. But many changes do occur. Trans women lose muscle mass. Our research shows they have 7 kilograms less than men who are not trans. (No one has compared the muscle mass of trans women with that of other women adjusted for height, so the jury is out on the difference between them.)

In sports cheating via “blood doping”, red blood cells are raised. The opposite occurs in trans women: oxygen-carrying red blood cells drop to female levels. Trans women gain fat mass and lose bone density.


Changes start within three months and a small study shows that at three years they are continuing. Exactly how long these changes continue is unknown.

Notably, muscle mass doesn’t correlate precisely with strength or power, and depends upon height and other factors. No long-term research with adequate comparison groups (adjusted for height) has examined the impact of hormone therapy on strength, fitness or endurance. It is possible that a larger stature may be an advantage for some sports. It is also possible that someone with larger stature, but smaller muscle mass, might be at a disadvantage. I use the analogy of a four-wheel-drive with a hatchback engine. It might look powerful, but performance won’t match appearance.

Media reports about Lia Thomas “dominating” US college swimming appear to be subject to implicit bias. What isn’t reported is that she has abided by all guidelines for testosterone-lowering over three years, and her recent 500-yard-freestyle winning time of 4:33.24 was slower than the National Collegiate Athletics Association record of 4:24.06 and the 4:31.34 achieved by the defending champion Brooke Forde, who has said she does not have a problem racing against Thomas. As a comparison, the men’s final times ranged from 4:06.61 for first place to 4:14.30 for eighth.

University of Pennsylvania transgender athlete Lia Thomas competes in the 500-yard freestyle finals at the NCAA Championships.

University of Pennsylvania transgender athlete Lia Thomas competes in the 500-yard freestyle finals at the NCAA Championships.Credit: AP

Much remains unknown scientifically. Should there be different testosterone level thresholds and treatment duration times that would ensure a level playing field for different sports? At present, no data suggests safety in women’s sport is compromised by including trans women. Various codes already have in place rules to deal with safety (i.e. weight categories or rough play guidelines).

As a doctor, I have found motivating people to exercise an enormous challenge. Trans people aren’t exercising or playing sport. A Human Rights Campaign Foundation study in 2017 found that 68 per cent of high school students participated in sport, 28 per cent of lesbian, gay and bisexual students but only 12 per cent of trans girls, often because of fear of discrimination.

Yet trans people need exercise for its physical and mental health benefits. Trans women have higher risk of heart attacks than the general population, 73 per cent have depression and an alarming 43 per cent have attempted suicide. Exercise has profound benefits on physical and mental health, community and belonging.


We need to break down barriers to encourage trans people to exercise and participate.

So, is the recent debate a storm in a teacup? The Sex Discrimination Act already allows for discrimination in sport where relevant. No sporting organisations have called for a revision. Sport Australia, with the Australian Human Rights Commission, has existing guidelines for the inclusion of trans people in sport. Of the last 71,000 Olympians, only two were trans women. One came last, the other 37 out of 42.

Further research is coming. My research group at the University of Melbourne, in collaboration with the Institute for Health and Sport at Victoria University, have started the GAME research study examining how feminising hormones impact fitness, endurance, physique and gene changes in muscle over time in comparison groups. With funding and volunteer participants (both trans and not trans), we can provide better evidence-based guidance for sports policy.

In the meantime, the unrelenting debate uses an already marginalised and traumatised trans community with substantial mental health vulnerabilities as political footballs. LGBTQ mental health services are telling me they’re experiencing the highest demand in nearly 20 years. Our leaders and legislators must avoid fear-driven policies and make balanced evidence-based decisions for the benefit of all in the communities that they serve.

Associate Professor Ada Cheung is an endocrinologist at Austin Health and leads the Trans Health Research Group at the University of Melbourne. Support is available: Lifeline 13 11 14; QLife 1800184527

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