

This was published 14 years ago

Labor has new leader, same policy: Abbott

Federal Labor might have changed its leader but its policies remain the same, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says.

If the Australian public wanted to see new policies, they would have to vote the Coalition into power, he said.

"They've changed the salesman but they haven't changed the product," he told reporters in Canberra of Julia Gillard's elevation to Prime Minister.

Ms Gillard would continue her predecessor's work, Mr Abbott said.

"She is committed to the same policies, the same dud policies, that [former prime minister] Kevin Rudd has been committed to," he said.

Mr Abbott congratulated Ms Gillard on her accession to "the highest, in this case non-elected, office in the land, because she hasn't yet been elected".

"And it's my job to make sure she is never elected by the Australian people."

He thanked Mr Rudd for his service to the nation.

"Service in high office is a privilege and a burden, especially on families," Mr Abbott said.

"And no one watching the prime minister today could not have been moved by what he's been through.


"Prime ministers should not be treated this way."

Another historic thing about the day was that it was the first time the style of NSW Labor had come to Canberra, Mr Abbott said.

"A prime minister elected by the people has been executed by the unions and the factional warlords," he said.

"The style of the NSW Labor mafia has been in evidence over the last 24 hours."

Mr Abbott made a plug for a Coalition government, which he said had the edge on Labor.

"I can offer the Australian people a united, a stable and experienced team in a way that Labor plainly can't."

Ms Gillard was just as committed to Labor's "deadly" 40 per cent resources super profits tax as her predecessor, he said.

He said the newly installed Prime Minister had still not said she would "compromise" with the mining industry over the proposal.

"The truth is there is only one acceptable position on this tax and this is to dump it," Mr Abbott said.

"It's a bad tax, it's dangerous for our future, it just has to go and everyone needs to understand this if the government is re-elected, people will get this tax."

Ms Gillard and Mr Rudd were responsible for the same policy failures, the opposition leader said, adding they were in denial about Labor's botched home insulation scheme.

They also were "incompetent" over border protection.

Mr Abbott pointed to Ms Gillard's role in the Building the Education Revolution program and the controversial mining tax.

"Julia Gillard along with Kevin Rudd, along with the new Deputy Prime Minister [Wayne Swan], co-authored the great big new tax on mining," Mr Abbott said.

Mr Abbott also criticised Ms Gillard for pulling the taxpayer-funded mining tax ads without withdrawing the tax revenue from the budget's forward estimates.

"Until she pulls the revenue and not just the ads, she is just as committed to the mining tax as her predecessor."

Mr Abbott urged Ms Gillard to implement some real policy work, especially on border protection.

"This government has no policies to stop the boats and there is no evidence whatsoever that the incoming Prime Minister has any new ideas."

The way the change in the Labor leadership came about would influence voters, Mr Abbott said.


"I think a lot of people watching the ugly assassination which has taken place today will be very disillusioned with the Labor Party," he said.


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