

This was published 4 years ago

Labor and Liberal MPs fascinated with Cuba

By Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson

A small number of federal MPs took a break from debating emissions reduction and a coronavirus Armageddon this week to mark a special moment in, er, Cuban revolutionary history.

Susan Templeman, Maria Vamvakinou and Warren Entsch. Illustration: John Shakespeare

Susan Templeman, Maria Vamvakinou and Warren Entsch. Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

But the low turnout for Cuban ambassador Ariel Lorenzo Rodriguez’s Tuesday evening bash at St Christopher's Pastoral Centre in Forrest was surprising given the strength of the mojitos on offer. Our correspondent noted only Labor MPs Susan Templeman, Maria Vamvakinou and Steve Georganas, and Liberal MP Warren Entsch, in attendance.

The occasion, of course, was the 61st anniversary of the Cuban Revolution (technically marked on January 1) when in 1959 Fidel Castro captured the cities of Santiago de Cuba and Santa Clara and military dictator Fulgencio Batista fled to the Dominican Republic.

Entsch was overheard declaring “I’m fascinated with Cuba” while Templeman and Vamvakinou, moments later, took to the dance floor. No sign, however, of Foreign Minister Marise Payne.

For the record, Cuba’s Foreign Ministry has also had a busy week, releasing its annual diplomatic review and policy projections. Or as it was summarised in Granma, the official voice of the Communist Party of Cuba: “Our diplomacy will continue to be one of Homeland or Death!”

Meanwhile, the appointment of former NSW premier Barry O’Farrell as Australia’s next High Commissioner to India obscured another diplomatic anointment.

Remo Moretta, a career public servant and the Department of Foreign Affairs’ assistant secretary for European trade, is heading to Mexico City. As ambassador to Mexico, Moretta will also have carriage of much of the region including Cuba (and, as it happens, the Dominican Republic).


Here’s one for the diary. Labor’s agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon and outspoken Liberal MP Craig Kelly — together the leadership of the Parliamentary Friends of Resources — will next Wednesday host a cocktail event with … Santos chief Kevin Gallagher.


Gallagher, also the chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association, will be there with the lobby group’s advisory board chair (former Labor minister) Martin Ferguson.

The Private Dining Room drinks marks the launch of the Carbon Capture and Storage Policy Forum.

Fitzgibbon was only earlier this month fingered as a convener of a group of Labor MPs who want the party to be more sympathetic to coal mining.

He faces a backlash from Victorian Right MPs, according to The Australian, with some wanting to limit his power in the faction’s national caucus.


Mumbrella editor Vivienne Kelly was the talk of the trade mags on Wednesday after a snafu at a closed-door Foxtel-hosted dinner the previous evening.

Kelly — who last year told her publication’s subscribers (apropos of absolutely nothing) that she’d gone to the tennis and “been drinking” — was among several journalists and senior Foxtel operators including chief executive Patrick Delany at the Rockpool knees-up.

She had, we are told, arrived after a lengthy lunch at Woollahra diner Chiswick.

In the midst of a discussion about the male-dominated viewership of Foxtel’s sports-streaming service, Kayo, tempers flared. The conversation turned to how Kayo could find more female viewers and former Financial Review scribe Paul McIntyre asked Kelly what sport she watched.

To say Kelly took this as an insult would be an understatement. “Would you ask that of a man,” she apparently replied. Delany managed a bemused stare. “Pretty awkward,” was how one attendee put it. McIntyre, it so happens, is now the editor of Mumbrella's newish rival Mi-3.

Kelly told CBD she took issue “with the implication that a female journalist had to prove her sport credentials when asking a simple business question”.

“It's profoundly disappointing I've had to justify this, but for the record — I'm a tennis tragic, have a mean backhand, a mediocre forehand and only about 42 per cent of my first serves go in,” she said.

McIntyre said he was “simply interested in what sports content … would trigger more potential subscription interest from women, so I asked one”. “Not such a good idea, it seems,” he added. “I like tennis too but [I’m] really shit at it. Viv and I should have a game and a chat.”


Spotted: John Sidoti, Gladys Berejiklian’s suspended sports minister, enjoying a break from Macquarie Street with Liberal lobbyist Joe Tannous on Wednesday.

The pair were catching up at Chifley Square cafe District. Still, Sidoti has to fill his days with something — he’s almost spent longer being suspended from Cabinet than he was in it. It’s been five months, as the Herald pointed out last week, since standing aside after the Independent Commission Against Corruption began investing his property interests.

Sidoti’s relationship with people who had the Tannous surname was scrutinised in a Budget estimates hearing in September. “Look, there are many Tannouses,” he said at the time.

Co-incidentally, nominations to be a Liberal Party candidate for the City of Canada Bay, which covers Sidoti’s electorate, opened on Wednesday.

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