


It’s more than a shake or a shuffle, and you can get it young. Inside the world of Parkinson’s

More than 11,000 Australians discover they have Parkinson’s every year, and they’re not all over 65. What’s it like to live with the condition? And what’s the breakthrough offering fresh hope?

World experts tackle myths and misunderstandings about common health issues in our Explainers.See all 21 stories.

Bill Soong had started to shuffle. At the gym, the agile 71-year-old was holding on to the handlebars instead of running with ease. On a trip to New York, he couldn’t move his legs fast enough to board a train, leaving him stranded on the subway platform while his family waved to him from the carriage. His niece nicknamed him Uncle Slow Motion.

At first, Lesley Soong wasn’t fazed. Her husband was still a regular at the gym and working full-time as a payroll manager. When he developed a tremor, she assumed it was just a side effect of one of his medications; his fatigue and slowness just part of getting older. But to a retired nurse, there was something about the way he shuffled to the toilet at night that reminded her of the patients with Parkinson’s she used to care for. She asked their GP for a referral to a neurologist.

“He more or less diagnosed him when he walked into the room,” Les recalls.

Every year more than 11,000 Australians discover they have Parkinson’s, and more than 150,000 live with the disease, making it the second-most common neurological disorder after Alzheimer’s. And the numbers are going up; globally, cases are expected to double from 6.9 million in 2015 to 14.2 million in 2040. “We are going through a Parkinson’s epidemic,” says Professor David Finkelstein, who heads the Parkinson’s Disease Laboratory at Melbourne’s Florey Institute. “We’re getting better at diagnosing, we’re getting better at treating, but the rate is still increasing.”

Former Australian cricket captain Allan Border has revealed he has been living with Parkinson’s since 2016. Canadian-US actor Michael J. Fox’s public battle with the condition and fight for a cure is the subject of a recent documentary (now 62, Fox was diagnosed at 29). Scottish comedian Billy Connolly has been managing the disorder since 2013, joking that he hypnotises his left hand to stop it shaking.

Tremors and shakes in older people are commonly associated with Parkinson’s. Yet researchers are uncovering other symptoms, such as loss of smell, sleep disorders and even constipation, that can occur decades earlier. The recent discovery of a probable “biomarker” promises to pave the way for earlier diagnosis and treatment. But scientists are still in the dark about the exact cause.

So, what is Parkinson’s disease? Who gets it? And how is it treated?

Bill Soong with his wife, former nurse Lesley, who noticed him shuffling and asked for a referral to a neurologist.

Bill Soong with his wife, former nurse Lesley, who noticed him shuffling and asked for a referral to a neurologist. Credit: Justin McManus

What are the physical symptoms of Parkinson’s?

In 1817, James Parkinson, a doctor in the east London area of Hoxton, wrote An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, in which he described an “involuntary tremulous motion … with a propensity to bend the trunk forwards, and to pass from a walking to a running pace.”

For Lesley Errington, Parkinson’s started in 2016 with the classic symptom: a tremor in her right arm. The 66-year-old was having shoulder issues at the time (not unusual for someone her age) but her GP suspected there was more behind it, and referred her to a neurologist.

Her tremors weren’t too different to an essential tremor, but there were some key differences. An essential tremor is a condition of the nervous system that causes uncontrollable shaking and most often appears during adolescence or middle age while Parkinson’s is most often diagnosed between 60 and 65. Essential tremors are inherited from a parent in more than half of cases but having a parent with Parkinson’s increases a person’s chance of developing the disorder by less than 1 per cent. Most importantly, essential tremors occur most often during activity, and don’t come with other neurological symptoms.

In Parkinson’s, tremors are just one of many symptoms – to do with movement, psychology and cognition – that vary in every patient.

Errington’s neurologist diagnosed her almost immediately. When she asked how he could be so sure, he told her she was dragging her right foot (another telltale sign of Parkinson’s). “I live life at a fairly quick pace, so I don’t actually have time to notice things like that,” she says. “I have to say, it shattered me.”


After her diagnosis, Errington began to notice other symptoms. She wasn’t swinging her right arm when she walked. She lost her sense of smell, became easily tongue-tied, and her heavy legs were catching on steps. Over time, symptoms seeped into every aspect of her life. ”You’ve got to think all the time about what you’re doing, how you’re walking, how you’re speaking. If you’re going to lift something up, you’ve got to make sure you put both hands out to lift it so you don’t drop it,” Errington says. “Everything is just a bit harder.”

‘If someone’s shuffling along, hanging on to a walker, and they get stuck, people just don’t know what to do.’

Lesley Errington

She says some of the more visible symptoms, such as the distinctive shuffling gait and the “freezing” episodes that happen to some people with Parkinson’s, can be confronting. “If somebody’s shuffling along, hanging on to a walker, and they get stuck, people just don’t know what to do,” she says. “Coming across anybody with a neurological condition, I think, is confronting for people who don’t understand or don’t have much experience with it.“

Another telltale symptom is the “mask-like” face some people with Parkinson’s develop as they lose the ability to control their facial expressions. For Fox, who made his living as an actor who could convey the most subtle – and comical – of meanings through facial expressions, this was particularly difficult to take. “It sucks. It really, really sucks,” he says in the documentary, Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie. “I get frozen, physically and facially … I struggle to smile, to show expression, it gives me a kind of blank countenance.”

Lesley Errington: “Everything is just a bit harder.”

Lesley Errington: “Everything is just a bit harder.”Credit: Brook Mitchell

How can it affect the mind?

For others, it is the cognitive symptoms – the foggy memory, fatigue and anxiety – that are most difficult to navigate. Bill Soong, who once tallied payslips in his head without a calculator, eventually found full-time work too demanding and retired (although he was still called back for agency work well into his 70s). At home, it is Les who deals with bank accounts now, replies to messages and organises someone to mow the lawns.


Says Bill: “My mind is always travelling 100 miles an hour, and I have been working all my life, since I was a kid. So when I’m not working, I feel anxious.”


About a quarter of people with Parkinson’s show a deficit in cognitive tests when they are first diagnosed, says Professor Simon Lewis, a consultant neurologist and professor of neuroscience at the University of Sydney. Some of Lewis’ patients never experience tremor and movement issues but have trouble sleeping and suffer with depression. These patients are more likely to develop dementia as the disease progresses, he says. “Patients who have little in the way of tremor, more in the way of stiffness and slowness, and have a history of depression, those are the risk factors for developing dementia.”

‘I have been working all my life, since I was a kid. So when I’m not working, I feel anxious.’

Bill Soong

Researchers are beginning to discover more early symptoms. Constipation, for example, can begin more than a decade before motor symptoms as the disease affects the nervous system, slowing movement in the digestive tract.

Clyde Campbell was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2009 when he started shaking uncontrollably during a public speaking engagement. After his diagnosis, he realised he’d been experiencing one lesser-known symptom of Parkinson’s for years, called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder.

Normally, the body shuts down active movement during sleep to allow deep sleep and prevent you from acting out dreams. But that wasn’t the case for Campbell. “If you think you’re being chased by someone or you’re in a fight, you’ll be kicking, kicking or hitting out at that person that you think’s attacking you,” he says. “Obviously, in a shared bed, it’s not an easy thing for your partner to go through.”


If a person is acting out their dreams in middle age, their risk of developing Parkinson’s later in life is about 75 per cent, says Lewis: “You’re either going to get Parkinson’s, or you’re going to get something else [neurological] that looks a lot like Parkinson’s.”

Michael J. Fox: “It really, really sucks,” he says of the mask-like symptoms.

Michael J. Fox: “It really, really sucks,” he says of the mask-like symptoms.Credit: AP

What causes Parkinson’s?

The cause is a breakdown of nerve cells in the brain that produce the chemical messenger dopamine. Known for making us feel good, dopamine is also involved in transmitting messages from the brain to other parts of the body. Reduced levels of it can impair brain function and movement.

But what’s killing these dopamine-producing cells is still something of a mystery. Tangled deposits of the protein alpha-synuclein, called Lewy bodies, are associated with the second-most common form of dementia, and are found in the brains of people with Parkinson’s. They are two different conditions; dementia is just one potential symptom of Parkinson’s, and not everyone with Parkinson’s will develop dementia. But in both cases, researchers aren’t sure whether these tangles of proteins are the cause or a byproduct of the disease.

“It (the Lewy body) looks guilty because it’s inside the affected cells, but you don’t know if that is what drives the death or whether the cell creates these tangled proteins in an effort to protect itself,” says Lewis.

Certain mutations in genes are known to contribute to Parkinson’s, but how great a role genetics play is unclear. In Australia, a very small proportion of Parkinson’s cases (less than 2 per cent) are linked to causative genes that guarantee the disease.


Roughly one in 10 people with Parkinson’s carries a “risk gene”, which does not guarantee the disease but significantly increases the chances of developing it. Mostly, though, the disease is either not related to the presence of a particular gene, or the guilty gene has not yet been discovered.

“For most patients, we do not understand what is driving the progression of the disease,” says Associate Professor Antony Cooper, a cell and molecular geneticist at the Garvan Institute’s Parkinson’s and neurodegeneration lab. “Genetics is contributing to Parkinson’s, there’s no doubt about that. People might debate how much, but it is certainly playing a role, [and] not everyone whose grandfather or father has Parkinson’s or father is destined to get Parkinson’s.”

In India and China, Parkinson’s has increased by 30 per cent and 116 per cent, respectively, in the past 25 years.

Environment could also be a factor. A longitudinal study of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s hospital admissions in the United States found an association between increased air pollution and an elevated risk of admissions. Other studies have investigated pesticides and plastics as potentially increasing the chances of developing Parkinson’s disease.

The Florey Institute’s David Finkelstein says plastic particles such as those found in drinking water and bottles, for example, are concerning because of their ability to absorb into molecules on the outer membrane of the brain and then cross the blood-brain barrier. “The brain is a highly active area and because it’s so active, it’s susceptible to irritants like plastics,” he says. “The body wants to get rid of it, so you get inflammation.”

Rates of neurodegenerative disease, including Parkinson’s, increase dramatically as people age, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that rates have increased alongside life expectancies worldwide. But Finkelstein is among a number of scientists alarmed by a “man-made pandemic” of neurological diseases, particularly in industrial countries such as India and China, where Parkinson’s prevalence has increased by 30 per cent and 116 per cent, respectively, in the past 25 years.

Mandy Baker with her dog Poppy: “My world came crashing down around me.”

Mandy Baker with her dog Poppy: “My world came crashing down around me.” Credit: Chris Hopkins

How is Parkinson’s diagnosed?

Mandy Baker first noticed something was wrong in 2017 when she had a fall at her childcare job. She laughed it off with colleagues but had noticed her balance and co-ordination rapidly declining (she struggled to use scissors). She decided it was time to find a new job. “I just started to feel very uneasy around the kids, feeling that I was going to trip and hurt one of them.”

Because there is no definitive medical test for Parkinson’s, it can take doctors and neurologists months or even years to eliminate other causes and diagnose. Even back in 1817, Parkinson noted, “So slight and nearly imperceptible are the first inroads of this malady, and so extremely slow its progress, that it rarely happens that the patient can form any recollection of the precise period of its commencement.“

Lewis says he will often speak with family, to get a sense of how the patient’s physical movements – arm swing, tremors, facial expressions – change throughout the day.

‘I was just finding that I couldn’t keep up, I couldn’t cope. That was a really heartbreaking time.’

Mandy Baker

In October 2020, three years after she first noticed symptoms, Baker was referred to a neurologist. He conducted movement, co-ordination and walking tests before prescribing her with levodopa, the main drug that has been used to treat Parkinson’s disease since the 1970s. She returned in December. The drug had worked: she no longer had a tremor and was feeling on top of the world. But her neurologist was quick to give her a reality check. “He said, ‘Your body wouldn’t have responded so well to the levodopa if you didn’t have Parkinson’s’,” she says. “And my world came crashing down around me.”

She was 49.

While men are one-and-a-half times more likely to develop Parkinson’s, the disease progresses faster and has a more dramatic effect on life expectancy in women. Most people are diagnosed between the ages of 60 and 65, but Baker is among the 10 per cent diagnosed before 50, and its effect on this group is particularly pronounced.

For Baker, it meant giving up work to focus on her health, and selling her small acreage and three beloved horses. “It was me that was fixing fences, it was me that was feeding the horses, and I was just finding that I couldn’t keep up, I couldn’t cope,” she says. “That was a really heartbreaking time.” Her dogs, Tonka and Poppy, have been saviours.

Geoff Constable: “I can’t shut down, I can’t give in to this.”

Geoff Constable: “I can’t shut down, I can’t give in to this.”Credit: Michael Kai/Fight Parkinson’s

How does Parkinson’s progress, and how is it managed?

The gold standard for treating Parkinson’s is levodopa, which has dramatically improved lives. It has allowed Geoff Constable, also diagnosed with Parkinson’s in his 40s, to fly across the Yarra in the Moomba Festival Birdman Rally and cycle 2000 kilometres from Brighton to Barcelona to raise awareness for the disease.

Constable, who works as a draughtsman for an engineering firm, says receiving his diagnosis, after six years of uncertainty and worsening symptoms, gave him a new perspective on how he wanted to live his life. “I just got to one day, and I said, ‘I can’t shut down, I can’t give in to this’,” he says. “We get obsessed with Parkinson’s and the negative side of it. If you use it right, you can lead a good life.”

Levodopa works by replacing the dopamine that is depleting in the brain. Like any drug, it has side effects. The most common are nausea and vomiting, although most patients are prescribed a complementary drug called carbidopa, which alleviates these symptoms.

Geoff Constable takes the plunge during the Birdman Rally at Moomba in Melbourne in 2023.

Geoff Constable takes the plunge during the Birdman Rally at Moomba in Melbourne in 2023.Credit: Chris Hopkins

After a few years on levodopa, patients can develop dyskinesia, erratic and involuntary movements of the face, arms, legs and body. (If you have seen the Michael J Fox documentary, you will recognise these dance-like movements that appear to pulse through his face and body like a wave.)

Lesley Errington was initially hesitant to take levodopa because of this, but her shakes progressed to the stage where it was the only option. It took away the tremor, and she hasn’t had any side effects since.

Bill Soong describes levodopa as his petrol: when the dopamine runs out, he stops. It allows him to do things he wouldn’t be able to do otherwise — gardening, driving and long-haul flights to visit family in Malaysia.

As people with Parkinson’s age, their levodopa dose needs to be constantly increased to keep up with depleting dopamine levels. Levodopa, Lewis says, always works “a little bit” but its effectiveness diminishes over time, while side effects worsen as the dose increases. “Levodopa needs your brain cells to convert that medication to dopamine,” says Lewis. “So if your brain cells are dying, their ability to do that is reduced.”

Bill Soong: “Life goes on, you’ve just got to do as much as you can.”

Bill Soong: “Life goes on, you’ve just got to do as much as you can.” Credit: Justin McManus

Nor is the drug a cure-all, and social interaction and exercise are particularly important soon after diagnosis. Errington runs a support group for people with Parkinson’s on the south coast of NSW while the Soongs run one in suburban Melbourne. It helps them debrief, exchange information and resources, and motivate each other to exercise. Bill’s group has given him two close friends who regularly exercise in the Soong home gym.

“One of us might’ve forgotten something but the other remembers – it’s handy,” he says. “And if you help someone, you forget about your own problems.”

Lewis says high-intensity aerobic exercise has been shown to help younger people in the early stages of Parkinson’s while both core strength exercises and those focused on flexibility are important to retain mobility in all age groups.

What these look like will depend on the age and symptoms of the person. “There’s no use getting an 84-year-old on a treadmill, it’ll break them,” says Lewis.

Nobody dies directly from Parkinson’s but it can significantly impact quality of life. People with Parkinson’s are more likely to be placed in residential aged care, and the physical toll the condition takes can lead to complications that shorten life. Pneumonia is a common one, says Victor McConvey, a clinical nursing consultant awarded an Order of Australia for his work with Parkinson’s patients. “We’re all probably going to die of pneumonia when we get to a certain age, but the level of disability that Parkinson’s brings about might mean that you prematurely start to develop those chronic chest infections that often lead to end of life.”

Bill Soong lost one of his good friends earlier this year – one of seven in his support group to have passed away since July 2022. The Soongs have seen the disorder progress in others – the increased falls, worsening dementia and respiratory issues – and are under no illusions the next few years will be difficult. They have had an occupational therapist assess their home, and are preparing for Bill to see a speech therapist.

“When I went home [to Malaysia], I explained to my brother and sister – maybe the next few years will be my last,” says Bill. “Life goes on, you’ve just got to do as much as you can.”

What will the latest discovery mean for patients?

After his diagnosis in 2009, Clyde Campbell created a charity called Shake It Up, to fund better research into Parkinson’s disease in Australia. Soon after, he became involved in a global push by the Michael J. Fox Foundation to find a genetic biomarker for Parkinson’s, which involved taking samples from patients and tracking them over five, 10 and then 15 years.

Australia was one of the earliest to volunteer samples for the study, which required patients to have their spinal fluid drawn. “It’s a high-commitment thing,” Campbell says. “But people with Parkinson’s want to see a change in the disease, and it’s one way we can actually assist.”

Michael J. Fox, left, with Clyde Campbell and daughter Zoe in New York in 2012.

Michael J. Fox, left, with Clyde Campbell and daughter Zoe in New York in 2012. Credit: Channel Seven

The fruits of their labour came almost 15 years later, in the form of a paper published in the Lancet journal of neurology in April. The study showed the strongest evidence yet of the link between Parkinson’s disease and a mutation in the alpha-synuclein protein. Currently, neurologists are able to diagnose Parkinson’s correctly about 80 per cent of the time, Finkelstein says. “That means you’ve got 20 per cent of people that are not going to respond [to a trial treatment] and therefore your trial is going to fail.”

But the accuracy of the method in the Lancet study – a forensic analysis of spinal fluid combined with a scratch-and-sniff test to see if the patient’s sense of smell has also been affected – is 98.6 per cent. “What that means is that clinical trials can now work on a homogenous group of people for the first time in history,” says Finkelstein. “It’s a remarkable study, and it’s got us all very excited.”

‘It’s a remarkable study, and it’s got us all very excited.’

Professor David Finkelstein

The method will most help those in the early stages of Parkinson’s who are yet to experience physical symptoms. Finkelstein says there is a range of anti-inflammatories and antibodies already on the market that could be given to this group to help slow the progression of the disease.

Meanwhile, Lewis will soon begin recruiting for a clinical trial using anti-inflammatories to treat patients with REM sleep disorder in the hope it will prevent or delay the onset of Parkinson’s symptoms. “Our idea would be to treat those people before the cell death happens,” he says.

The research comes too late for Bill Soong, Lesley Errington, Clyde Campbell, Mandy Baker and Geoff Constable. But they hope it will help others in less advanced stages of Parkinson’s get a headstart on the disease.


“The earlier we can attack this and get ourselves set up, change our lifestyles, introduce a lot more exercise, we’re going to have a better quality of life, and for longer,” says Constable.

Baker says if she’d found out she had Parkinson’s earlier, medication might have allowed her to stay in her job longer. “Earlier diagnosis means earlier treatment, and that means a better outcome in life.”

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