

This was published 5 years ago

It's a real heartbreaker: Bachelor Matt Agnew's secret gig at NAB

By Michael Koziol and Samantha Hutchinson

There's no morale booster like having a celebrity in the office. And if any workforce was in need of some joy, it's the paper pushers over at NAB.

That's where you'll find Ten's latest Bachelor, astrophysicist hunk Matthew Agnew, toiling away his weekdays.

Bachelor-cum-banker Matthew Agnew is on secondment at the troubled NAB.

Bachelor-cum-banker Matthew Agnew is on secondment at the troubled NAB.Credit: Edwina Pickles

Technically, Agnew is employed by the international data analytics giant, Quantium. But for the past three months, he's been working as an analyst on secondment at the troubled bank.

Not that he is broadcasting that fact. The NAB stint is conspicuously absent from Agnew's LinkedIn profile.

It's hardly a glamour posting these days, with Ken "did you think I was being pompous?" Henry under pressure to walk away as chairman immediately after it was discovered he told consultants EY he was confident the bank was still selling rip-off products during the Royal Commission.

No doubt The Bachelor's producers have been keen to keep Agnew's NAB day job on the down-low - far better to picture the astrophysicist looking pensive against the night skies he's supposed to be studying.

NAB wasn't prepared to confirm Agnew's position in its Melbourne office, citing privacy - a curious line to spout about someone looking for love on national television.

"We treat personal information about our employees and contractors as confidential," a spokeswoman said.

But there was a concession: "Quantium do from time to time provide contractors to NAB."


We know one NAB staffer who is sure to be excited about the Bachelor’s presence in the building: perpetual employee-of-the-month Mike Baird.

Who could forget the then-NSW premier live-tweeting an episode in 2015 after claiming - preposterously, in our view - that his daughters had hijacked the remote.

Also a Bachelor fan, according to Baird? None other than his replacement in the top job, Gladys Berejiklian.


Former PM Kevin Rudd has revealed he led police on a cat-hunt through the streets of Kirribilli. Illustration: John Shakespeare

Former PM Kevin Rudd has revealed he led police on a cat-hunt through the streets of Kirribilli. Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

It pays to pick up a copy of the Big Issue magazine. Case in point: without it, we wouldn't know about the time Kevin Rudd - while shadow minister for foreign affairs - had his passport eaten by his dog.

In Rudd's telling, Dovely the golden retriever "had a particular nose for the glue used in Chinese visas", and devoured family passports on at least four occasions.

The former PM has written at length about his pets in the street mag's latest issue, including how his cat Jasper would terrorise public servants during meetings at the Lodge.

To CBD's delight, Rudd also recounts the time he led his police minders on a cat-hunt down the streets of Kirribilli, emitting what he describes as "deep, guttural, feline" meows.

One of Australia's corporate leaders was apparently rather shocked to discover the PM on the roadside on all fours trying to coax Jasper off his neighbour's porch.

In addition to scribbling for Big Issue, Rudd has in recent days uploaded a video claiming he's "re-entering the field" of competitive handball and offering to take on any challengers.

Perhaps Kevin from Queensland is surveying the current state of the Labor Party and thinking: "I'm here to help."


He was called a hero of the Liberals' federal election win, and now deputy campaign director Isaac Levido is off to London's Downing Street for a plum role inside the office of newly-minted Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

A one-time staffer to Crosby Textor in Sydney and the UK, Levido also worked on a slew of US Republican Senate campaigns and inside Theresa May's 2017 campaign war room, before returning to Australia to help engineer the Morrison Miracle.

His next moves have been closely watched, with sources close to the political insider adamant his return to the UK would in no way include a return to CT's UK offices.

Levido's former Liberal colleagues back in Canberra reckon his new job title is Johnson's "political director" working inside Number 10. He couldn't be reached yesterday.


CBD was pained to miss the Sydney University Liberal Club's annual dinner at the weekend - which, by the sound of it, fell victim to the city’s increasingly hostile attitude toward fun of any kind.

Apparently, it's club tradition to sequester the evening's raffle tickets inside helium balloons. Sadly, the custodians of the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel didn't take too kindly to the sound of incessant balloon-popping at 10.30pm.

That's bedtime in Sydney under the O’Farrell-Baird-Berejiklian government. According to CBD's spies, hotel staff finally intervened by turning the lights off and telling everyone to go home.

Meanwhile, Families Minister and MC Gareth Ward "made a whole bunch of insider jokes that no one understood", a lucky raffle winner took home a Johannes Leak cartoon signed by Alan Jones, and an unknown young Tory forked out $850 to buy lunch with federal MP Jason Falinski.

Not all students are crying poor, it seems.

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