


Is the coronavirus getting less deadly or is treatment getting better?

Countries hit by second waves of COVID-19 are seeing huge numbers but lower death rates. Why? Are we just getting better at treating the virus or could it already be mutating into something milder?


When the dreaded second wave of coronavirus hit Italy, doctors noticed something odd. Cases were climbing again but deaths weren’t– at least not in the numbers expected. On average, patients fronting up to hospitals didn't seem as sick as those that had arrived months earlier. And they were younger.

These muted mortality rates began to puzzle doctors elsewhere across Europe too. Intensive care beds in Madrid did not fill up as fast. Germany's low numbers began to look more than just a product of its famously efficient public health regime. But was it a quirk of the data? The calm before the storm?

When physicians Pranatharthi Chandrasekar and Said El Zein noticed this phenomenon all the way over in Detroit, they followed a hunch - swabbing patients to find that their viral load (or the amount of virus people shed while sick) was itself trending down. "We were surprised," El Zein says. "And we [thought]...could this help us predict the course of the pandemic?"

But by then a second wave was crashing into Melbourne too and this city wouldn’t be a second time lucky - it bucked the worldwide trend, recording Australia’s deadliest run of cases so far (before the virus was all but stamped out under lockdowns). Still, at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, infectious disease physician Steven Tong says Melbourne’s hard winter offers its own clues as to why second and third waves of the virus overseas have (mostly) come with improved survival odds, even as cases accelerate.

Doctors treating a patient in the ICU ward of Western Health's Footscray Hospital in Melbourne.

Doctors treating a patient in the ICU ward of Western Health's Footscray Hospital in Melbourne.Credit: Penny Stephens

What do the numbers tell us?

When the virus first came to America in early 2020, few places were hit as hard as New York - COVID claimed more lives than any local disaster before it, including the 9/11 terror attacks. Now, after a lull in which the city that never sleeps has begun to wake from shutdowns, cases are ticking up again. But so far, the second wave silver lining is holding - fewer people are dying. Neha Dangayach runs neurological intensive care at Mount Sinai Hospital in the city and says the trend is more than a blip. She's beginning to feel hopeful.


"We're all talking about it, right around the world. But we still don't know for sure why it's happening."

In the vast jungle of data that has grown up around COVID, one number is perhaps more closely watched (and hotly debated) than any other: the mortality rate. Calculating the chances of dying from a virus that can spread by stealth, infecting some people without ever making them sick, is as difficult as it sounds. If you don’t have the total patient numbers, it's harder to see how often a case turns fatal. As testing regimes have ramped up across the world (and our understanding of the new virus has grown), we are finding more of these milder and asymptomatic cases and that’s likely affecting the maths, experts say, driving death rates down. But it's not the full story.

Even patients hospitalised with severe cases of the virus are more likely to pull through than they were when the virus first broke out in late 2019. Survival rates have jumped from 66 per cent in March to 84 per cent by August, according to an analysis of more than 68,000 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 by the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium, based at Oxford University.

That's encouraging, a testament at least in part to the breakneck speed of medicine during the crisis, even in the absence of a proven cure. But falling death rates at a population level do not make COVID-19 any less serious. It still took just 10 months to kill 1 million people, and scientists think it unlikely to have already evolved into a milder strain between waves as it's theorised the century's last great plague, the 1918 Spanish flu, did.

"We can't afford to take [COVID] any less seriously," says Dangayach. But even if the mortality trend doesn't hold (as some in Europe now fear), she says unravelling the mystery could still be important.


To assess how populations are faring against the pandemic, scientists tend to watch the case fatality rate - meaning the percentage of confirmed patients who die (often measured per 100,000 people in the population to offset other background noise such as differing testing rates between countries). This number can still vary wildly across borders - countries with better healthcare systems generally keep more patients alive, for example, but those with an older population can still see high death rates. Right now the US leads the world in both death toll and caseload.


But a major analysis examining 53 nations found 80 per cent of them, from Japan to the Netherlands, recorded a lower case fatality rate during their second peak.

Researchers noted that different seasonal patterns could be playing a role (the virus likes the cold). But, given outbreaks have taken hold in the heat of summer in India, Singapore and elsewhere, that seems unlikely. One trend that emerged in the data could offer an explanation, the team wrote - regions which mostly avoided the first big global wave in March, such as Australia and Hong Kong, were often hit harder by deaths in the second. This was also seen in cities during the 1918 pandemic.

COVID-19 could have a “harvest effect”, the theory goes, where many of the most vulnerable die in the first big hit. People with underlying health conditions and the elderly are not more likely to catch the virus than anyone else but they are less likely to survive a case of it. In Australia, an early March peak was mostly made up of returned travellers from overseas, an already reasonably healthy group, says Tong. The virus did not get a proper foothold in the community until June’s second wave in Melbourne - and this time it reached into aged care. “That’s a vulnerable group, and we saw a lot more deaths,” Tong says. “It was really tough.”

Are more young people getting sick?

Between the first and second wave, the median age of those hospitalised in Europe fell 10 years (from 67 to 57 years old), and the average age of those diagnosed fell from 54 to 39. In Australia, while most deaths have been in those over 70, most cases are actually among those in their 20s. Similar trends have been reported by hospitals across the US and in the developing world, and it’s already attracted plenty of theories of its own.

Is it that young people, often accused of flouting social distancing rules, are always the first ones back when pubs, restaurants and shops reopen? Or more likely to be on the frontline of the service industry working cash registers and waiting tables? Could it just be down to more of them being tested?


On any interpretation of the numbers, young people fare drastically better against the virus, though they are not invincible. In rare cases even children can die or face the enduring symptoms and longer-term damage of "long COVID".

Tong says countries might be getting better at protecting their most vulnerable, keeping COVID out of nursing homes, and so improving overall patient survival rates. But some experts fear if more young people are getting sick, then the pandemic might be harder to control. Others expect a swing back to older generations - and higher case fatality rates - is yet ahead.


Is the virus mutating into something less deadly?

Others wonder if the virus itself is changing - mutating into a less lethal strain as it adapts to humans.This is not unexpected. As virologist Seshadri Vasan at the CSIRO’s dangerous pathogens lab explains: viruses need to host to survive. Think of them as the zombie pirates of the microscopic world. Half living, half dead, they commandeer the cellular machinery of other organisms to make copies of themselves – and spread.

"If a virus kills its host, it has nowhere to go," Vasan says. "So they usually [evolve to] become less severe but more infectious over time, and they tend to hang around longer in the body so they can find the next sucker to infect."

Sometimes a virus makes mistakes, tiny variations while copying its genetic code known as mutations. Most don’t affect how the virus behaves, some slow it down, but those which do offer an advantage tend to show up again.


Unlike the wildly unpredictable genetic code of influenza, the new coronavirus is mutating at a fairly slow rate, Vasan says, at about 20 changes a year.

But, as hundreds of scientists track COVID’s family tree around the world, some think they are already seeing signs of this evolution.. Early on in the pandemic, one mutation began to pop up everywhere, particularly in Europe - a D had turned to a G in the code, quickly earning it the name "G strain". It's now found in 85 per cent of patient samples sequenced globally - including here in Australia. Vasan and other experts note the strain likely developed very early on in the pandemic, when viruses tend to be at their most unstable as they get used to a new host species.

"I would say G strain is the pandemic now," Vasan says. "Certainly, it's spread fast."

So far, at least three studies matching the G strain to patient records suggest it's not causing more severe illness, but it might be more infectious, helping accelerate COVID's spread around the globe. Vasan and his team have also tested the strain against vaccine candidates made using older virus samples and found they could still be expected to neutralise it. Other mutations are reappearing too, including whole deletions from the virus’s code, and another change known as the "F" mutation which Vasan says is "one to watch, though we haven't found it here in Australia and it's not as common".

"But we still don't have enough matching, [de-identified] patient data to see what these mutations actually mean in humans," Vasan says. "Without that there's a big hole missing. We're blind."

Viral evolution is rarely a straight line, there may be “bumps” along the way, Vasan says, where a pathogen beefs up its potency to overcome a roadblock - say to jump across species lines from animal to human or break free of a drought of new hosts to infect. So far experts say they are not seeing anything in the genomics to suggest the virus is getting any nastier, but most, including Vasan, remain sceptical that it will quickly lose its edge.


"The [World Health Organisation] estimates only 10 per cent of the world has been infected so far,” he says. “Maybe in some local areas with lockdowns and borders up for long enough there's already been some kind of selection for transmission...but I don't think we've forced this virus [into a] corner yet."

How is treatment changing the odds?

The quest for a COVID vaccine might be this century's space race but moving almost as fast is the hunt for a drug to keep patients alive. So far, large clinical trials, including the WHO's SOLIDARITY study, have not found a cure - and some contenders such as Donald Trump's infamous drug of choice hydroxychloroquine have already been ruled out.

But Tong, who heads up a major clinical trial in Australia and New Zealand, says two drugs have continued to show promising results against COVID - the antiviral Remdesivir, originally formulated to fight Ebola and now found by some studies to shorten COVID-19 duration, and the steroid Dexamethasone, which dampens down the immune system's often fatal "overreaction" to the unfamiliar pathogen. Both therapies are now given routinely to patients hospitalised with COVID in Australia and elsewhere, he says. Dexamethasone, the first drug shown to save lives, is the stand-out, while Remdesivir has had more disappointing results in SOLIDARITY but is considered safe.

Tong's trial, run by the Doherty Institute, is now testing blood plasma from surviving COVID patients to see if it improves recovery (though he admits his sample size has dramatically shrunk with so few cases left in Australia and New Zealand). Elsewhere in the US, antibody cocktails similar to those given to Trump during his own brush with the virus are being approved for use on people recovering at home.


Of course, it's not just drugs saving lives, it's smarter tactics. Shutdowns have helped slow spread, buying hospitals time to prepare and avoiding a crush of cases hitting all at once. And, in the COVID wards themselves, patients are now kept off ventilators for as long as possible via higher-flow oxygen or placed in a "swimmer's position" on their side or stomach to get more air into the lungs in a practice called proning.

Tong and Dangayach say the virus and all its strange manifestations (from strokes and delirium to red “COVID toes”) has challenged the usual infection rulebook but clinicians now have a much better idea of what to watch out for. The oxygen levels of patients recovering at home are often monitored remotely in case of a sudden crash. In the first wave, when doctors at Mount Sinai began finding dangerous blood clots among otherwise healthy COVID patients, they quickly made strong blood thinners a preemptive treatment for those in the ICU.

"We've since scaled down the dose a bit, but certainly we know now there is an association between COVID and stroke," Dangayach says. While the nose and lungs remain ground zero for the virus, it can also travel throughout the body via the ACE2 protein, found in the lining of blood vessels and almost every organ.

"The amount [we've learnt] about viruses in this pandemic would have taken years normally.”

Do masks stop us getting nastier doses?

Remember Chandrasekar, El Zein and their swab tests back in Detroit? When Italian doctors tested viral load, they also found that patients were shedding less virus as the pandemic unfolded.

El Zein says it's too early to say if there's a clear correlation between viral load and mortality. But the team plans to run more tests to see if the findings continue to trend down. Perplexingly, the dominant G strain has so far been linked to higher viral load, not less, so their theory works backwards - mask-wearing and social distancing rules could be reducing the amount of virus people are exposed to, leading to less severe cases in turn (with less viral load).

When it comes to many other infections such as influenza, Dangayach says the rule is that the more virus you're hit with, the more severe the illness tends to be. This helps explain why young, otherwise fit healthcare workers and family members caring for infected patients have fallen ill and succumbed to the virus at higher rates than expected. They'd been exposed to more virus.

For COVID, it's not known exactly how much virus you need to breathe in to become infected. It's not the sort of question tested in a lab on humans. But Tong notes experiments with hamsters, possibly featuring "whatever the equivalent of a mask is for a hamster", showed higher doses held the expected higher danger.

"There's so much now we didn't know worked in the first wave," Dangayach says. "The lessons we've learned in 2020 will hold us in good stead for 2021."

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