

This was published 4 years ago

Infected coronavirus doctor has readers divided over who is at fault

By Kirsty Needham

Online readers of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age made 43,379 comments on 852 stories last week.

Public criticism of a Melbourne GP who continued to work before he was diagnosed with coronavirus divided readers.

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos.

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos had said she was "flabbergasted" Dr Chris Higgins, who thought he had a mild cold, continued to treat patients when presenting with "flu-like" symptoms after a trip to the US.

A story reporting Dr Higgins had "demanded an apology ... as colleagues fume at his treatment" was the most commented-on story.

Many readers liked CET's comment: "Stop bashing politicians. They are human too. Mild flu symptoms in current circumstances? A doctor should know better. It is a normal reaction not grandstanding."

Dr Chris Higgins kept working although he had the symptoms of a mild cold, which later turned out to be COVID-19.

Dr Chris Higgins kept working although he had the symptoms of a mild cold, which later turned out to be COVID-19.Credit: ASRC/Facebook

But almost as many readers agreed with David: "It is disingenuous of the Health Minister to blame a doctor for looking after his patients with a runny nose when he has not been to a country identified at risk of COVID-19. Will she be 'flabbergasted' when asymptomatic Italians from an identified hit risk zone infect crowds during the Grand Prix? Chris Higgins deserves an apology."

Professor Fegg wrote: "So the man had a sniffle, didn’t meet the government's own guidelines for a test (but did it anyway just in case) and now gets pilloried by a dullard with a face full of TV cameras and no medical degree? I hope she knows how to empty a bed pan - methinks staff numbers in the hospitals are going to plummet now everyone needs to self quarantine their sniffles!!!!"

The second-most popular story among commenters was Herald political editor Peter Hartcher's column, "If Scott Morrison cares about the country he will do four key things to save it from recession". Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy had started Australia's health response to the coronavirus pandemic. "Now it's Scott Morrison's turn," Hartcher wrote, flagging the need for a crisis budget.


Grandma was among the many readers who were less than confident: "Daggy dad Morrison with his baseball caps and three word slogans is way out of his depth. It is truly unfortunate that he is not Kevin Rudd, and that we do not have Wayne Swan as Treasurer in such tumultuous times.

"The LNP is so preoccupied with differentiating itself from any policy that Labor has ever implemented that it has left itself with nowhere to go. Australians will pay very dearly for its ideologically based hubris and self absorption."

Grandma was the top commenter on the story.

Frank won almost as much applause with this advice: "Here are the four things the PM should do to save us from a recession: 1) Resign; 2) Call an election; 3) Go to Hawaii; 4) Take the rest of the cabinet and all his coal lobby mates with him (including Barnacle Joyce and the Nats)."

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