By Michael Gordon and Istanbul
THE first, and only, contact between the Turks and the Diggers on a battlefield after Gallipoli could, very easily, have ended in tragedy, according to one of the young men who observed it in fading light on a freezing day in Korea 62 years ago.
Jack Galloway, who was 20, remembers ''pot shots'' being exchanged before the two groups realised they were on the same side and set up camp together at Kunu-ri, a village of mud-and-stick houses near the Yalu River in North Korea.
''We didn't understand the Turks too well and we finished up getting into a dust-up with them,'' Galloway, now 82, tells The Age. ''We got it all sorted out pretty quickly, but when we first ran into them, they fired on us and we fired on them. No one was shot.''
The confusion was understandable. Not only did both sides confront a language barrier, the Turks had been in a hurry to get to a front line that was, in the words of one observer, ''a bit of a mess'' after the arrival of 400,000 Chinese troops transformed the contest late in 1950.
But, very quickly, mutual suspicion gave way to trust and even affection as young men whose relatives had fought against each other at Gallipoli acknowledged and then celebrated a shared history that bound them and their countries together.
My father, Harry Gordon, now 86, was the youngest of the Australian war correspondents in Korea and he recalls that the meeting took place on ''one of the really bad days, when the cold used to pierce deep into your marrow, until your joints ached miserably".
It was so cold that the Australians fossicked everywhere for something to burn, tearing up railway sleepers and hacking at telegraph poles, until the squatting Turks, huddled around their own fires, beckoned them across.
"I remember walking through a railway tunnel and finding a group of Turks at the top of an embankment at the other end. From the centre of the group came a yell, flatly and unmistakably Australian: 'Come and join us, mate. We're all flamin' Anzacs here','' Gordon wrote.
In the huddle, one of the Australians, Norm O'Neill (whose mates called him Peggy), was telling a group of Turks proudly about his father, who had been a machine-gunner at Gallipoli.
The Australians offered cigarettes and chewing gum; the Turks reciprocated with something that looked like pancake and was sweet to chew, and the numbers around the fire increased. A dozen more Turks joined the group, and one of them shyly pulled a bundle of snapshots from his wallet to pass around.
"It was hard conversation (it took 10 grinning, gesturing minutes for him to extract the information that they had been in Korea 22 days) … but it was rewarding. Their ready acceptance of us, their eagerness to make us feel at home among them, weren't just standard behaviour for new-found allies. They, too, had had the Gallipoli story drummed into them during childhood,'' Gordon wrote.
"Scores of similar Turko-Australian bunches huddled round fires that afternoon and evening, and learned about each other. The fact that there were no interpreters did not affect the harmony of the little groups. They talked in signs, and got along fine.''
Galloway agrees. ''It was great fun. They were slapping us on the back and all sorts.''
For the Australians, it was a night when many illusions were shattered.
''Somehow the Anzac speeches of their youth had built the Turks up in their imagination as massive, heavily moustached fighters who carried daggers in their belts and remained sullen and aloof,'' wrote Gordon. ''Nothing could be further from the truth; these Turks were not large men, and they were shy and gentle … and a few looked absurdly young in their oversized greatcoats. There were moustaches, certainly, but they were soft, boyish, kitten-tail affairs with the texture and quality of those that 19-year-old Australian soldiers were managing to cultivate."
They may not have looked intimidating to their new friends, but the Turks in Korea could fight. The day after they camped together, the two groups were split up - the Australians sent to the south-east, the Turks to the east, where they were victims of faulty intelligence and surrounded by a huge Chinese force. First, they were pounded with mortar. Then, waves of Chinese infantry flooded in from every side.
Initial reports from the battle said the 5000-strong brigade had been virtually wiped out. In fact 741 were killed in action, 2068 wounded, and 244 taken prisoner. Many of those casualties, undoubtedly, were young men who had shared such a convivial time with the Australians less than 24 hours before.
The truth was that the Turks, in their baptism of fire, had fought against horrendous odds in sub-zero temperatures against an encircling enemy, and acquitted themselves superbly. They surprised the Chinese by using bayonets and long-bladed knives effectively in hand-to-hand fighting.
Galloway insists the result would have been very different had the Australians not been deployed elsewhere.
That first savage battle had a sequel late in January 1951 when the Turkish brigade attacked a Chinese position south of Seoul and avenged that first defeat.
The Turkish commander later confessed that he wanted to get them in a fighting mood, and told them the unit on top of the ridge was the one that cut them up so badly in that first battle. "My men went up that slope as if they were running in an Olympic sprint," he said. "They were in a desperate mood."
As Gordon noted, the Turks continued to fight with a ferocity that made them something of a legend in Korea.
Shocked Australian stretcher bearers often reported that wounded Turks had refused assistance, and given a terse, scornful explanation: "Me Turk!" Their durability was such that some were known to treat bullet wounds by simply dabbing mercurochrome over the point of entrance.
And such was the American regard for the Turkish fighters that their bakers made them heavier bread that was more to their liking - using wheat, rice flour and olive oil. After one savage action in mid-1951, Gordon reported that an American supply depot received this message from the Turks: "Enemy attacked. We attacked. Send more bread."
Anzac Day of 1951 had been planned as a day of commemoration in Korea, with the Turks rehearsing songs and arranging an elaborate barbecue, but the party never happened because the Australians were caught up in the battle of Kapyong. Even so, the bonds were such that many visited each other's country after the war.
Ali Batman, 80, still feels the bond keenly. His grandfather died at Gallipoli and he was injured in Korea. He has been back to Korea twice and to Gallipoli more than a dozen times, piecing together his grandfather's story and discovering in 2005 where he was buried.
In his breast pocket when we meet, he has the casualty list from Korea. The stories need to be told, he says, so that the sacrifice of those now ''sleeping in the same soil'' is honoured, and is not in vain. ''War is brutal,'' he says.
Anzac Day reunions
When and where to meet:
10th AUST FIELD AMBULANCE: Wednesday, 11am, Seasons Restaurant, Botanic Gardens. Contact: Brendon Holmes 0419 896 477
13 ARMOURED REGT ASSN: Thursday, 12.10pm, Rising Sun Hotel, 2 Raglan Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Bruce Donelly 9714 8375
14/32 AIF: Thursday, 11am, Middle Park Bowling Club. Contact: George King 9397 5672
2/1 MACHINE GUN BN: no longer holding formal reunions
2/10 FIELD COY RAE: Wednesday, 12.30pm, RAA Depot, 8 Chapel Street, East St Kilda. Contact: Frank Holland-Stabback 9598 8192
2/11 BN ASSN: tomorrow, 12pm, Bayview on the Park, 52 Queens Road, city. Contact: Ben Tatterson 0447 376 674
2/16 INF BN: Wednesday, 12pm, Palmerston Hotel, Kingsway, South Melbourne. Contact: Trevor Ingram 0419 333 347
2/21 INF BN (GULL FORCE): Wednesday, 12pm, The Bridge Hotel, 642 Bridge Road, Richmond. Contact: Des O'Brien 9499 9056
2/22 INF BN (LARK FORCE): Wednesday, 12pm, Bells Hotel, corner Moray and Coventry streets, South Melbourne. Contact: Norm Furness 9808 2127
2/23 BN ASSN: Wednesday, 12pm, Botanical Hotel, Domain Road, South Yarra. Contact: Neil Graham 9817 4414
2/29 BN AIF ASSN: Tomorrow, 12pm, Rendezvous Hotel, 328 Flinders Street, city. Contact: Bob Christie 9509 7052
2/3 AUST LAA REGT: Today, 11.30pm, RACV Club, Collins Street, city. Contact: Colin Bragg 9592 1642
2/4 FD REGT: Wednesday, 12pm, Middle Park Bowling Club. Contact: Pat Cahir 9470 1979
2/4 INF BN: Wednesday, after march, Clayton RSL, Carinish Road, Clayton. Contact: Bill Panter 9557 5171.
2/4 LAA REGT: Wednesday, 12pm, Elsternwick Hotel, 259 Brighton Road. Contact: Fred Wells 9807 8115
2/5 FIELD AMBULANCE: Wednesday, after march, Tobruk House, Albert Park. Contact: Alan Eldridge 9379 6245
2/7 INF BN: Wednesday, 11.30am, Richmond Union Bowling Club, 2 Gleadill Street, Richmond. Contact: Roger Walker 0407 844 992
2/9 AUST ARMD REGT: Wednesday, 12.30pm, Royal Oak Hotel, 527 Bridge Road, Richmond. Contact: Peter Coghlan 9874 5786
2/9 FIELD AMBULANCE ASSN: Wednesday, after march, TBA. Contact: Geoff Greening 0414 436 334
21 (CITY OF MELBOURNE) SQN ASSN: Wednesday, after march, 21 Squadron Memorial Tree behind the shrine. Contact: Flt Lt Michael Garnett 5429 5092
22 SQN ASSN: Wednesday, after march, TBA. Contact: Ken Pulling 9859 3016
26 INF BN: Wednesday, 1pm, Bells Hotel, 157 Moray Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Jeff Collings 0425 702 280.
3 AUST FIELD SURVEY COY (AIF) ASSN: Wednesday, 12pm, Bull & Bear Tavern, 347 Flinders Lane, city. Contact: Bill Black 9889 2143/ Pat Hogan 9885 3849
3 DIV AASC: Wednesday, 12pm, Celtic Club, 316 Queen Street, city. Contact: Kevin Taylor 9354 8808/ Jan Wadge 9889 6031
3 DIV SIGS (3’66 CLUB): Friday, 11.30am, Legacy House, 293 Swanston Street, city. Contact: Saul Spielman 9853 3028.
31 SQN BEAUFIGHTERS SQN: Wednesday, 12.30pm, The Olive Tree Bistro, 19 Park Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Tom Stevens 5229 4646
36 SQN ASSN (Vic): Wednesday, 12.30pm, Railway Hotel, 280 Ferrars Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Tom Hobday 9686 1118/ 0416 092 875
39 BN ASSN: Friday, 11am, Caulfield RSL, St Georges Road, Elsternwick. Contact: Alan Jameson 9587 5365
3MD RAASC/RACT ASSN: Wednesday, 12.30pm, Southern Cross Hotel, South Melbourne. Contact: Bob Tyler 9584 3791/ 8586 4201
4 ANTI TANK REGT: Wednesday, 11.30am Castle Hotel, 56 Courtney Street, North Melbourne. Contact: Jim Kerr 9551 7088
4 LIGHT HORSE ASSN: Wednesday, 1.30pm, Cricket Club Hotel, 435 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne. Contact: John Baker 9848 2902
4/19 PRINCE OF WALES' LIGHT HORSE REGT ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Cricket Club Hotel, 435 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Dr David Holloway 9645 3136
460 SQN: Wednesday, 1pm, Leonda, Wallem Road, Hawthorn. Contact: John Hodson 9598 8403
57/60 INFANTRY BN ASSN: Wednesday, Darebin RSL, Bell Street, Preston. Contact: Max Smith 9842 3811
58/59 INF BN: May 11, 12pm, Reservoir RSL, Spring Street, Reservoir. Contact: Harold Foots 9592 8021
7 BN AIF 1939-45 ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Middle Park Bowling Club. Contact: Elaine Towers 9802 4449
85 TPT PL RAASC: Wednesday, 12.30pm, Emerald Hotel, 415 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Robert Bruce 9889 4412 / 0417 399 200
9 AUST DIV SAPPERS: Wednesday, after march, South Melbourne Town Hall, Banks Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Bob Rowley 9354 6244
9 DIV CAV (CDO) REGT: Wednesday, after march, German Club Tivoli, 291 Dandenong Road, Windsor. Contact: Bruce Little 9872 5336 / 9874 4890
9RSU RAAFA: Wednesday, after march, Botanic Gardens Restaurant. Contact: R Kennedy 9379 7794
AATTV ASSN: Wednesday, 1pm, Kelvin Club, Melbourne Place, city. Contact: Bruce Davies 5258 3031
AMERICAN EX-SERVICEMENS ASSN: Wednesday, 2pm, 26 Kent Street, Kew. Contact: Ed Bartosh 0438 508 235
AUST SAS ASSN: Wednesday, 1pm, Kelvin Club, Melbourne Place, city. Contact: Barry Jones 0415 569 439
BRITISH AIRBORNE FORCES (VIC): Wednesday, 2.30pm, Elephant and Wheelbarrow, Bourke Street, city. Contact: Richard Murphy 9700 7450
CEYLON EX-SERVICEMENS ASSN: Wednesday, 1.30pm, BA Hall Centre, 358 Haughton Road, Clayton. Contact: Arden Perkins 9795 8181 / Reg Oorloff 9700 2506
CIVILIAN SURGICAL TEAMS — VIETNAM: Wednesday, 1.30pm, The Olive Tree, 19 Park Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Dr Dot Angell 5192 4119
FESR NAVY ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Bull & Bear Hotel, 347 Flinders Lane, city. Contact: Les Bailey 9876 3592
FLEET AIR ARM ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Melbourne Naval Centre, 146 Toorak Road West, South Yarra. Contact: Ron Christie 9764 5542
HMAS ANZAC/TOBRUK ASSN: Wednesday, Stella Maris Centre, 600 Little Collins Street, city. Contact: G D Gogh 5978 7808
HMAS AUSTRALIA VETERANS ASSN: Wednesday, after march, English Speaking Union, 146 Toorak Road, South Yarra. Contact: G Willrath 8707 0192/ 0431 598 126
HMAS BATAAN: Wednesday, after march, English Speaking Union, 146 Toorak Road, South Yarra. Contact: George Daniel 5971 2396 / 0407 804 785
HMAS MANOORA ASSN: Wednesday, after march, 12pm, Gateway Bistro, 312 St Kilda Road, city. Contact: Les Kennedy 0418 503 202
HMAS MILDURA: Wednesday, after march, Palmerston Hotel, 51 Palmerston Crescent, South Melbourne. Contact: Jack Tanner 9874 2834
HMAS QUICKMATCH ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Bull & Bear Tavern, 347 Flinders Lane, city. Contact: Bryan Burdett 9877 4443
HMAS SYDNEY & VLSVA: Wednesday, after march, Maori Chief Hotel, Moray Street, South Melbourne. Contact: David Dwyer 9720 8183
HMAS WESTRALIA: Wednesday, 12pm, Max Hotel, 32 Commercial Road, Prahran. Contact: Alan Hooley 9889 7135
KOREA VETERANS ASSN OF AUSTRALIA: Wednesday, after march, Stella Maris Seafarers Centre, 600 Little Collins Street, city. Contact: Alan Evered 0418 521 488/ 9874 2219
NATIONAL MALAYAN & BORNEO VETERAN ASSN: Wednesday, 1pm, Stella Maris Seafarers Centre, 600 Little Collins Street, city. Contact: Ben Thurlow 0411 051 985 / 5952 1794
NETHERLANDS EX-SERVICE ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Abel Tasman Club, Station Street, Carnegie. Contact: G Mechielsen 9795 8010
NEW ZEALAND RSL SUB BRANCH: Wednesday, 9am, city to the shrine. Contact: Wayne Harris 0413 661 946
No 3 RAAF SQN ASSN: Wednesday, 12pm, Leonda, 2 Wallem Road, Hawthorn. Contact: J McAuley 9877 4551
No 5 AIRFIELD CONST SQN ASSN: May 1, 12pm, 10 Cobham Street, Altona. Contact: John Burton 9731 1987 / 0412 689 521
ODD BODS (UK): Wednesday, 12.30pm, Leonda, 2 Wallem Road, Hawthorn. Contact: George Smith 9847 0617
RAA VIETNAM VETS ASSN: Wednesday, after march, RAA Depot, Chapel Street, Prahran. Contact: Max Murray 5942 5470
RAAC ASSN: Wednesday, 12pm, Cricket Club Hotel, 435 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne. Contact: John Paterson, (AH) 9465 1418
RAAFVVA : Wednesday, after march, Citro, 348 St Kilda Road. Contact: Rick Homes 9317 7304
RAAMC ASSN VIC BRANCH: Wednesday, 2.30pm, Clock Restaurant, Flinders Street Station and from 4pm at Glen Waverley RSL, Coleman Parade, Glen Waverley. Contact: Kevan Andrews 0425 785 598
RAASC VIETNAM ASSN: Wednesday, after march, St Kilda RSL, Acland Street, St Kilda. Contact: Paul Curran 9720 3860
RAE VIETNAM ASSN: Wednesday, 1.30pm, Prahran RSL, 301 High Street, Prahran. Contact: Vincent Neale 9786 1549
RAF ASSN: Wednesday, after march, Elephant & Wheelbarrow, 169 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda. Contact: Vic Leigh 9379 2939
ROYAL AUST REGT ASSN: Wednesday, 12pm, Duke of Kent Hotel, 291 LaTrobe Street, city. Contact: Bob Richardson 9434 2231
ROYAL AUST SIGNALS ASSN (Vic): Wednesday, 11am to 3.30pm, South Melbourne Town Hall, Banks Street, South Melbourne. Contact: Major Jim Gordon 0407 264 961
SIGNALS 7th AUST DIV: Wednesday, after march, South Melbourne Town Hall. Contact: Frank Pittock 9725 4673
VICTORIAN SCOTTISH REGIMENT — 5th AIB: May 1, 11am, 5/6 RVR Training Depot, Surrey Hills. Contact: Ed Hawkes 9898 4107
VIETNAMESE VETERANS ASSN OF VIC: Wednesday, 2pm, Footscray RSL, 48 Geelong Road, Footscray. Contact: Viet Long Nguyen 0401 256 918