


How to take care of yourself (and others) in COVID-19 isolation

What precautions should you take if someone in your household has COVID? And what are the signs of the illness taking a nasty turn?


Eight months into the coronavirus pandemic, staying home is still the best way to stay safe from COVID-19. But what if the virus has already come to call?

While the big outbreaks hitting headlines usually emerge in places such as abattoirs, pubs and cruise ships, most clusters actually start in households.

Infectious disease expert Professor Raina MacIntyre says many of the same measures that keep us safe in public, from masks to the golden 1.5-metre rule of physical distancing, work in private too. Australia's leading coronavirus adviser at the World Health Organisation, Professor Mary-Louise McLaws, offers this rule of thumb: "Everyone needs to think like a healthcare worker; if it works in a hospital, it will work in the home ... you have to be a bit obsessional."

So what are the best precautions to take when COVID-19 is already under your roof? What must you do under your states’ new quarantine powers? And, if you're recovering at home, what are the warning signs to watch out for that mean the illness might have taken a nasty turn?

Most clusters actually start in households.

Most clusters actually start in households.Credit: Louise Kennerley

What are the official rules?

Don’t share plates or towels. Clean the toilet. Please stay in your room.


If you are one of the millions of people across the world going into temporary exile to stem the spread of COVID-19, then you may already be familiar with some of these new house rules.

Under stage three and four restrictions, Victorians are allowed to leave home only on essential business such as to care for someone, shop for groceries or exercise close to home. But if you’ve been ordered to self-isolate by authorities as a confirmed COVID-19 case, a close contact of one or someone awaiting test results, then the rules are much more complicated. And, after a wave of people under such isolation orders reportedly left their homes without permission during Melbourne’s second outbreak, they’ve become even tougher.

You can’t leave your property unless you need medical attention or it’s an emergency – not even to exercise or duck out to the shops. And you need to steer clear of the rest of your household. Wear a mask any time you are around others, don’t share a bed and isolate to a separate room, ideally with your own bathroom, where you can avoid communal areas. You can still get goods ordered to your door, but wear a mask and keep your distance during the handover. Police, health officials and possibly even soldiers will be knocking on your door to check you are home – but they are also there to see if you need anything, down to a prescription filled, so ask for help or call your state health authority if you are in need.


How do you keep the rest of your household safe?

MacIntyre has studied the “secondary attack rate” of the new pathogen in households – on average between 10 and 25 per cent of people living with a case will catch it too.

That's because the virus is highly contagious – it can build up in the air indoors or land on surfaces as tiny droplets sprayed from the nose and mouth. It can spread before symptoms appear or even if they never do, MacIntyre warns, which is why wearing masks around others when you are deemed to be at risk is crucial, whether you have symptoms or not.


In a study of more than 100 households in China with a confirmed COVID-19 case, MacIntyre and other researchers found hand hygiene alone was not enough to stop the virus spreading. But when patients wore masks when in the same room from day one of isolation, it reduced the likelihood of transmission by 79 per cent.

Regularly disinfecting surfaces, particularly in high-touch points such as light switches, door handles, toilet lids and taps, was also effective, dropping the risk by 77 per cent. Meanwhile frequent close contact between the patient and their household increased the risk 18 times over.

“Don’t watch TV together, don’t eat at the same table,” MacIntyre says. “And flush the toilet with the lid closed; flushing can aerosolise the virus [into the air], particularly if the patient has diarrhoea, that puts up the risk factor.”

In Australia, only people living with a confirmed case need to stay home with them (as close contacts). But when someone is in isolation, everyone needs to practise good infection control, particularly regular hand washing, says McLaws. Based on the science so far, a person seems to start shedding the virus three to five days after they are first infected, usually becoming infectious two days before they develop symptoms. "And they usually shed more virus as the symptoms kick in," she says. "So don't leave those tissues lying around."


Fortunately, the virus behind COVID-19 can be killed by a good detergent or disinfectant – arm yourself with something at least 70 per cent ethanol, or hydrogen peroxide or a weak bleach, and wipe down surfaces in an “S” pattern to cover the most ground without re-contaminating them. If you do need to share a bathroom, “spray something like Glen 20” and disinfect as you go, MacIntyre suggests. Perhaps take your showers during off-peak times for the rest of the household, airing out the room in between to allow the virus to break apart in the air or on surfaces.

Central heating and cooling can also be a risk factor, MacIntyre says, so check that the settings are not just recirculating the same indoor air, and keep windows open where possible. Victoria’s Health Department recommends the person isolating stay in one room with the door closed and a window open.


Official government guides also stress you shouldn’t prepare other people’s food. (In fact, better if they wait on you and you avoid the kitchen altogether.) Your linen and dirty dishes should also be washed separately. But hot water and the usual detergent will suffice, according to the experts.

Of course, isolating from some members of the family will be harder than others, particularly young children. If possible, vulnerable people such as elderly relatives should stay elsewhere if you are infected and children should be cared for by someone else, though so far, the young appear less likely to catch the virus (or at least a bad case). “Children who aren’t very young can be taught good hand and toilet hygiene,” MacIntyre says. “You can try to make it fun, decorating masks with stickers.”

"If might even be an opportunity to teach the kids self-care, how to pour their own cereal, that could be interesting," McLaws adds. "If you have to prepare food for others, cooking it will kill the virus, be methodical about your mask and hand hygiene."

As for your other roommates, some health authorities even advise against "close contact" with a pet. Outside the initial outbreak in China in late 2019, there is no evidence animals can pass the virus to people but a small number of pets (out of the many millions of human cases worldwide) have caught mild cases of COVID-19 from people. "Unless you're really up close and personal with your pets, it's probably fine," MacIntyre says. "Cats are maybe more susceptible, but I'd say you can still pat your dog, just remember your hygiene."

How do you treat COVID-19 at home?

Patients with a serious coronavirus infection face a range of dangerous complications. An overzealous immune response that fills the lungs with fluid. Tiny blood clots that form in the veins, making their way to the heart and brain.

But for most patients, COVID-19 will be nothing like that. The majority get better on their own without hospital treatment. Most of the 8400 active cases in Victoria are now recovering at home in isolation.


The most frequently reported symptoms include cough, fever, loss of smell and fatigue, but headaches, runny nose, shortness of breath, and diarrhoea are also fairly common.


The first thing you should do when you get a positive diagnosis, according to COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce chair Associate Professor Julian Elliott, is call your GP. They can do an initial assessment, and advise you on how to take care of yourself. Then you just have to ride the illness out.

If you find the fever difficult to bear, over the counter paracetamol or ibuprofen can help. Aspirin and ibuprofen also have mild blood-thinning properties, useful against a virus known to cause blood clotting in some cases, but MacIntyre adds aspirin should not be given to children as it can lead to a dangerous condition known as Reye's syndrome. Discuss with your GP what's best.

“Regular paracetamol is something we really recommend," says Royal Australian College of General Practitioners spokesman Dr Billy Stoupas. “And keeping up with your fluids is the biggest thing [even if] you may not have the biggest appetite.”

You might be able to ease a cough by lying on your side or stomach, Britain’s National Health Service advises, or with a spoonful of honey or lozenges. And avoid alcohol and smoking, MacIntyre says. "Especially smoking."

If you’re feeling breathless, try cooling the room by opening a window. Sitting upright in a chair can also help, the NHS says. If you are really struggling to breathe, seek medical help immediately.


And don’t forget your mental health, Stoupas adds. Once you're on your lonesome, official guides say you can ditch the mask and even venture outside into your garden or balcony. They suggest keeping up your spirits with a routine: working from home or getting homework sent to you, exercising, staying in touch with loved ones, perhaps tackling boredom with "crafts and board games". (There's even a helpful reminder not to "rely too heavily on television and technology" in the federal government’s isolation guide.)

What warning signs should I watch for?

Serious trouble breathing, pain or pressure in the chest, coughing up blood, confusion or fainting, difficulty staying awake, cold, clammy skin and bluish lips or face. If you have any of these symptoms, you should call triple zero and inform medical staff why you are in isolation. Even without these more alarming signs, if you feel you are getting worse, you should still call your GP, the national coronavirus hotline (1800 020 080), or the state health officials who ordered you to isolate.

If the illness is going to cross into a more severe case, Australia's clinical evidence taskforce says it usually intensifies around week two or three. “The symptoms they should be particularly looking out for are feeling breathless," Elliot says. "And that breathlessness may not be when they are sitting quietly, it may be when they are doing an activity.”


People typically recover from COVID-19 within a month but for some symptoms will linger – including fatigue, shortness of breath and even neurological issues. There may be lung tissue scarring left over from pneumonia during the infection. Or nerve pain.

McLaws warns patients not to rush their recovery and to check in with a GP to monitor any ongoing concerns.

“Just because you didn't need to go to hospital doesn't mean it's always a mild case. This can be a very nasty virus.”

Health authorities will give you the final all-clear to end your isolation. But, generally, if your test results come back negative, you will return to the rules governing the rest of your area. If you’re a close contact of a case, you will have to stay home for at least 14 days – the window in which symptoms of COVID-19 typically emerge. And if you have COVID-19, then you will need to wait at least 72 hours after symptoms vanish, although some exit testing may be required, particularly if you work in health or aged care.

If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080. If you are experiencing serious symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, call triple zero.

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