THIRTY years after the onset of the Golden Age, it succumbed to a new phenomenon called stagflation, which meant both high inflation and high unemployment at the same time. Who killed the Golden Age and how did the transformation occur?
I would like to give the answer to this in three parts.
The first is summarised in one word: inflation. The second is to point out that the form of Keynesian economic policy that came to be practised was fundamentally unstable. The third is to say that what was initially a good policy eventually was pushed too far - well beyond its natural limits.
As I describe these three explanations, I think it will become apparent that they are all different dimensions of the one problem.
I would like to start with the last of the three explanations - the gradual tendency to push the system too far. Again, I return to the late 1960s when I first entered the economics profession. Most economists at that time thought that the Keynesian system of demand management had provided the answer to the macro-economic problem. Furthermore, they felt that if the economy was not attaining the desired rate of economic growth and low level of unemployment, the remedy was simply to apply more of the Keynesian medicine. Any deficiency in private demand was to be met by an increase in public demand.
Few took the threat of inflation seriously for the good reason that no one could remember a time when inflation had been high enough to cause any problems. This is because inflation had not been an important issue through history other than in wartime, when governments had created money to pay for their war efforts.
For most people, the likelihood of high inflation was thought to be a negligible risk. The view, in any case, was that a rise in inflation would be a small price to pay for a reduction in unemployment. Expressed this way, it was almost a moral choice. Unemployment was clearly a bad thing, but slightly higher inflation seemed to be only a minor irritant to most people. Not surprisingly, most people of all political persuasions largely dismissed the inflation threat and supported policies that were aimed almost exclusively at growth and employment. As a young economist at the time, I shared this consensus view and, like most others, did not really change it much until the damage became apparent. The tendency to focus almost exclusively on unemployment became most pronounced in the second half of the 1960s and the early 1970s. An important turning point occurred when the United States, which had been reluctant to pursue Keynesian policies for quite a while after the war, changed to a clearly expansionary setting of policy under the Kennedy/Johnson administration in 1964.
An example of extremely expansionary action is provided by the changes to monetary and fiscal policy in Australia in 1971 and 1972. By then, inflation had been rising steadily and reached 7.3 per cent over the course of 1971. At the same time, average weekly earnings were rising at over 10 per cent per annum. From today's perspective, we would regard this as a dangerous inflationary situation with further upside risks. But not so then. After a few years of largely ineffectual attempts to rein in inflation, macro-economic policy turned sharply expansionary in 1971 because the unemployment rate had risen from 1.7 per cent to 2.1 per cent through 1971. Monetary policy was eased in late 1971, a supplementary budget was introduced in April 1972 containing significant tax cuts, and the August 1972 budget contained further tax cuts with an expansionary impact equivalent to 1.6 per cent of GDP. The main motivation for these actions was to head off rising unemployment, which it failed to do other than in the very short term.
It did not prove possible to lower the already low unemployment rates, and the attempt to do so resulted in a deteriorating inflation performance. It was not just that the inflation rate rose to a higher level, it accelerated, reaching higher rates year after year.
Between 1965 and 1973 unemployment edged up in all countries, while the rate of inflation rose appreciably - doubling, or even tripling in some cases. What about Australia? It was much the same story. Our unemployment rate of 1.6 per cent in 1965 edged up to 2.3 by 1973. At the same time, our inflation rate rose from 4.1 per cent to 10.1 per cent. Thus, we had already achieved a double-digit rate of inflation before the first oil shock, known as OPEC I.
In Australia's case, we had additional factors that made the situation worse and set us up for a bigger fall when the crunch came.
Our centralised wage system resulted in some big increases that spread across the board. As well, with a booming resources sector and rising commodity prices, the Australian dollar was under upward pressure, which was staunchly resisted for a long time, resulting in a rapid growth in our money supply. The exchange rate was finally revalued, but by then the upswing had largely come to an end.
Finally, just as the world economy was starting to turn down, we had a real-wage surge led by the public sector. This was a deliberate policy, the brainchild of Clyde Cameron, the minister for labour in the Whitlam government, and led to growth in wages in Australia of 30 per cent over the course of 1974. When adjusted for inflation, this yielded a rise in real wages of 12 per cent, by far the highest rate of increase we had ever had, and the highest in the OECD area. Not surprisingly, it made a major contribution to the increase in unemployment in the mid-1970s. Obviously, all these factors put the Australian economy in a vulnerable position once the world downturn arrived.
By 1972 and 1973, the world economy had become overheated. The clearest sign of this was the commodities price boom, which saw the price of most agricultural and resource raw materials rise at exceptional rates, adding further fuel to world inflation. This was a classic late-cycle boom, which in the past had usually been followed by a downturn in prices and a recession. On this occasion, the event that triggered the recession was the fourfold increase in crude oil prices announced by OPEC in December 1973 (OPEC I).
This was what economists refer to as a negative supply shock - an event which simultaneously pushes up the price level, and reduces real spending in the economy. It was thus inflationary and contractionary at the same time, and so it was not long before most developed economies were in recession, but still experiencing high or double-digit inflation.
In Australia, the unemployment rate jumped from 2.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent during the 1974-75 financial year and was 5.3 per cent by December 1975, a time when the inflation rate was 14.4 per cent. This was a situation that had never been experienced before, so a new word had to be invented. The word was stagflation.
Stagflation persisted for about a decade in Australia - the worst of it was between 1973 and 1983. Over that time, the unemployment rate rose to a peak of 10.2 per cent in mid-1983. During that decade, Australia changed from being a low unemployment country to a high unemployment one. At the same time as this was happening, the average rate of inflation for the decade as a whole was 11.6 per cent per annum - something that cost $100 in 1973 was $300 in 1983.
An alternative explanationfor the transition from the Golden Age to stagflation is to say that it was all caused by OPEC - that OPEC I was an exogenous event, one coming from outside the system, like an earthquake or a pandemic. What do we make of this explanation? For a start, we can dismiss it as an explanation for the large rise in inflation because a lot of that had already occurred before OPEC I. What about it then as the explanation for the recession? There is more truth to this assertion, but if we look more closely at the circumstances that led to OPEC's decision, I think we should conclude that OPEC I was the occasion for the recession, not the cause.
While inflation was not a disruptive problem during most of the Golden Age, it was still occurring at low positive rates year after year. When these are accumulated over nearly 30 years, particularly taking into account the five years to 1973, they add up to a significant rise in the average price level. For example, consumer prices in the OECD area rose at an average annual rate of 4.1 per cent in the 28 years from the end of the war to 1973, and the rise placed strains on the economic system, especially as the prices of some key goods, such as gold and oil, were fixed in nominal terms and did not rise with the rest.
Eventually the dam burst, the official price of gold was also allowed to rise, and the US took the opportunity in 1971 to devalue [the greenback], not only against gold, but against other currencies in general.
The second price that had largely been fixed for a long time was the price of oil. This time it was not fixed by government decree, but by the existence of long-term contracts between the large petroleum companies and the oil-producing countries. But as inflation continued to whittle away at the real price of oil, OPEC acted. OPEC no doubt had geopolitical motives relating to the situation in the Middle East behind its decision to quadruple the oil price, but it also had a reasonable economic basis for a significant rise to restore the real value of the price of oil. Seen in this light, the large rise in oil prices was largely a "catch-up" that was bound to occur at some stage.
Some economists, who recognised the error relatively early, have suggested that the stagflation of the 1970s could have been avoided if action had been taken earlier. But no one - not the governments or the central banks - had the mandate to take the rather drastic action required until the excesses of the 1970s had been experienced and had found their political expression. This did not really happen until about 1980 in some countries and up to a decade later in others.
Ian Macfarlane was the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia from 1996 until his retirement in September.
This is an edited extract of the second of the ABC's six 2006 Boyer Lectures. The full lecture will be broadcast on ABC Radio National tomorrow at 5pm, and will be repeated on Tuesday at 1pm. A book of the lectures will be published in December.
The Herald will publish extracts of the remaining lectures over the next four weeks.