This was published 4 years ago
How Australia is making the AstraZeneca vaccine
By Liam Mannix
The first batch of the vaccine that will bring us a step closer to ending the COVID-19 pandemic is sitting in a freezer at CSL’s Parkville laboratories.
In coming days, the vaccine will be thawed – scientists may have already started when you read this – and the final steps to purify, test and fill it into vials will begin, before it is shipped out to be given to people across the country.
Scientists at CSL’s Parkville vaccination facility.Credit: Jason South
The vaccine, which spends much of its life as a cloudy pink liquid inside a stainless steel vat, is grown using living components over about six weeks, before another six weeks of testing, purification and filling into bottles.
Coaxing a living system to grow quickly – and speed is very much of the essence – is as much an art as it is a science, CSL staff say. The first two batches the company made did not produce as much vaccine as they had hoped, requiring a tweak in technique.
“It takes a considerable amount of finesse. It is not like bacterial work where it just thrives – they are fastidious. Art form, that’s probably a fair description,” said Fraser Goodwin, CSL Behring’s senior manufacturing manager of upstream operations.
“It’s a biological system. Anyone who has kids knows, kids aren’t the same. Every batch is different.”
But the production line is now humming, with the company expecting to be able to ship more than one million doses of vaccine a week when at full capacity.
AstraZeneca’s vaccine is known as a viral vector. The jab itself contains a chimpanzee virus, modified so that it cannot replicate inside our bodies.
The chimp virus has been genetically manipulated so it carries the genetic code for SARS-CoV-2’s crucial spike protein: the cellular harpoon the virus uses to infect our cells.
When the chimpanzee virus infects our cells, the cells read the code and produce copies of the spike protein; our immune system then thinks it is under attack from SARS-CoV-2 and generates antibodies.
‘It takes a considerable amount of finesse’ to make the vaccine says Fraser Goodwin, CSL Behring’s senior manufacturing manager of upstream operations.Credit: Jason South
In phase three clinical trials, those antibodies have shown between 62 and 90 per cent efficacy in preventing symptomatic infection. And the vaccine appears to offer near-total protection against falling seriously ill or dying.
Producing the vaccine is a two-step process. It begins life as two tiny frozen vials, shipped to CSL from AstraZeneca’s European laboratories.
One vial contains the cells the vaccine will grow in. The other contains the genetically modified virus that makes up the vaccine itself.
The cells – genetically modified human kidney embryo cells – are grown first. “You start off with a millilitre, and you end up with 2000 litres. It’s a slow process of expanding from 1 millilitre to 10 millilitres to 50 millilitres,” said Dr Anthony Stowers, senior vice president of recombinant product development at CSL.
The cells live in a cloudy-pink soup, which contains all the nutrients they need to grow. After about four or five weeks of growth, the cells are added to CSL’s giant stainless steel bioreactor – currently covered on top with a blue curtain to protect the light- sensitive fluid inside.
Then the virus is introduced.
The chimpanzee virus is genetically modified so it cannot replicate inside human cells. But the cells inside the bioreactor have been modified as well, allowing the virus to replicate in them. Over a couple of days the virus infects the cells, replicates inside and then kills them, until the tank is filled with virus.
Then the filtration process begins. The pink goo is run through a series of filters to remove the dead cells and other waste products, leaving just the virus. The vaccine is now substantially complete.
The liquid is then frozen in Cryovac lockers, and shipped the 22 kilometres between CSL’s Broadmeadows and Parkville sites. At Parkville, fill and finish begins.
The vaccine spends about a week being tested to ensure it is potent, pure and safe. “Then we feel comfortable cracking them open and starting using them,” said Chris Larkins, senior vice-president of global operations at CSL’s flu vaccine arm Seqirus.
“Once it’s thawed, the clock starts on a very short timeframe. Every minute it is not refrigerated has to be recorded and tracked, and we have very strict limits.”
The vaccine is added to a buffer, which contains ingredients that stabilise it. It is then filtered again to ensure it is sterile, before the liquid is injected into a glass vial – which has undergone its own separate heat treatment to sterilise it.
Scientists working in CSL’s production facility for the AstraZeneca vaccine on Thursday.Credit: Jason South
Each vial holds 6.5 millilitres, enough for 10 doses. The rest of the bottle is made up of “grade A air” – “the cleanest pharmaceutical grade air,” Mr Larkins says. “And it is very difficult to make.”
Before the vials can be shipped to pharmacies, every vial – all 10 million of them – will be inspected by hand by a specially trained person, looking for defects or issues. Between 2 and 5 per cent of vials will get tossed at this stage, CSL expects.
Then the vials are shipped to the Therapeutic Goods Administration – who will do their own further testing – before it is shipped the pharmacies, and then, in late March, injected into the arms of a thankful nation.
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This article originally stated CSL was contracted to produce 50 million vials of AstraZeneca’s vaccine. The correct number is 50 million doses, in 10 million vials.