

This was published 11 years ago

Hogan chases missing millions

By Kate McClymont and Francois Pilet

Crocodile Dundee star Paul Hogan may have settled his tax case with Australian authorities, but now he is accusing his once trusted tax adviser of absconding with the $US34 million he helped Mr Hogan hide in offshore tax havens.

There is already an international warrant out for Philip Egglishaw, known as the ''bowler hat Englishman'', who is the alleged mastermind behind Australia's biggest tax evasion scheme.

Cash chase: Paul Hogan with his wife Linda Kozlowski.

Cash chase: Paul Hogan with his wife Linda Kozlowski.Credit: Getty Images

But now the international fugitive has the Crocodile Dundee star on his tail, with Hogan's advisers taking legal action in the US alleging Mr Egglishaw, who set up elaborate corporate structures in tax havens for his clients, has stolen the $US34 million.

Swiss newspaper Le Matin Dimanche has reported that Hogan's $US34 million ''has been lying for almost 20 years in account number 379865 at the Corner Bank in Lausanne'' run by the Geneva-based firm Strachans. But now Hogan can't get his hands on it.

Philip Eric De Figueiredo leaves Brisbane Magistrates Court.

Philip Eric De Figueiredo leaves Brisbane Magistrates Court.Credit: Glenn Hunt

Mr Egglishaw is alleged to have ''absconded with or spent all'' of Hogan's millions, according to documents filed in the Californian District court by Hogan's representative, Schuyler ''Sky'' Moore.

In October 2012, Mr Moore sent an email to Mr Egglishaw's lawyer in Geneva, Paul Gully-Hart. ''The actions of Egglishaw have now crossed the boundary of legality, and he is now engaging in criminal fraud, theft, and breach of fiduciary duty, and you are now directly aiding and abetting his criminal actions,'' it said.

''The Carthage Trust's beneficiary [Hogan] is not going to stand idly by in the face of this theft, and he is going to take every step possible in every country possible to hold Egglishaw, Strachans, you, and your firm liable and brought to account,'' Mr Moore thundered.

Throughout last year Hogan and his US advisers became increasingly anxious after Mr Egglishaw refused to provide any bank statements or accounts relating to the millions in the Carthage Trust.


An added problem for Hogan is the other signatory to the Carthage account is in jail in Australia.

Philip De Figueiredo, Mr Egglishaw's partner at Strachans, is serving 2½ years in prison. Last month, in the Queensland Supreme Court, De Figueiredo pleaded guilty to three counts of conspiring to defraud the Australian government of more than $4 million in tax. His guilty plea related to aiding clients to avoid paying tax.

A string of Stachans' clients, such as prominent entrepreneur Glenn Wheatley, Brisbane entrepreneurs Adam Hargraves and Daniel Stoten, have already served time for tax evasion.

De Figueiredo had money laundering charges against him dropped and he has agreed to assist authorities with ongoing investigations. An arrest warrant has been issued for Mr Egglishaw over the same matters. It is believed he is in Switzerland.

Operation Wickenby, a joint investigation by the Australian Crime Commission and the Tax Office, has taken years and cost millions investigating Mr Egglishaw's and De Figueiredo's Australian clients including Hogan.

After years of legal battles, Hogan and partner John Cornell settled with the Tax Office on confidential terms. The ATO's battle with their financial adviser, Anthony Stewart, continues.

After the Crime Commission and Tax Office began stepping up their inquiries into Hogan in 2005, back in Switzerland Mr Egglishaw set up a new trust for Hogan called the Carthage Trust.

This trust replaced the Quatre Saison Trust which was alleged to have been a vehicle set up by Strachans to enable Hogan to stream revenue from his famous Crocodile Dundee franchise into offshore accounts and thereby avoid paying tax - a claim Hogan disputed.

The initial beneficiary of the Carthage Trust was listed as the ''British Red Cross'' but later documents stated ''the sole intended beneficiary of the Carthage Trust is Hogan, and this structure was adopted to maintain his privacy''.

Mr Egglishaw used another entity Grasselle, a British Virgin Islands company, to run the Carthage Trust. Up to $US37 million was held by Carthage Trust in the Corner Bank in Lausanne.

Late last year, Schuyler Moore, who is listed as the trustee of Hogan's Carthage Trust, launched action against Mr Egglishaw and Strachans in the United States.

Hogan's Australian lawyer Andrew Robinson tried to distance Hogan from the US court proceedings, saying that Hogan was ''not a party and gave no evidence by way of affidavit or otherwise''.

''Paul has never denied the existence and operation of overseas structures set up in accordance with competent advice received,'' Mr Robinson said in an email to Fairfax Media.

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