

This was published 1 year ago

He fell for her in 10 minutes. Eleven years later, she said yes

By Nicole Abadee
This story is a part of the February 24 edition of Good Weekend.See all 13 stories.

Canadian John Stewart, 69, was a celibate Hindu monk when he met his future wife, Karina, 61, at an ashram in India in 1982. What followed was a very slow courtship – and a masterclass in patience.

John and Karina Stewart. “I just had to wait,” John says. “Being a monk is all about … subduing one’s desires.”

John and Karina Stewart. “I just had to wait,” John says. “Being a monk is all about … subduing one’s desires.”Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Karina: In 1982, I was 21 and on sabbatical from Princeton University at an ashram in Uttar Pradesh in India. Very early one morning, I was sitting in a chai house wondering how I was going to make the long journey to Delhi to meet my mother. In walked John. When I told him my problem, he stopped some villagers and asked them, in dialect, if they’d take me to the right bus stop. I thought, “What a can-do guy!” It was really impressive to me: there he was suddenly, like some kind of superhero. Every day after that, he’d find me in the ashram and we’d sit and talk. Six months later, I flew back to the US and we started writing to each other.


In 1989, we coincidentally found ourselves at the same temple inauguration in Colorado. We spent every free moment together. John told me he loved me, that he wanted to marry me, but I was in a six-year relationship. Not only did I not want to hurt that person, but I felt that I didn’t really want to be in any relationship just then. I wanted to be free; I had plans. Although he was upset, John understood and our letter-writing – warm with a hint of romance – resumed. He was deeply in my heart.

In 1993, he was leaving India after 16 years and he wanted me to arrange a trip for us both in the US. We met in the Yucatan in Mexico. One day, when we were remembering our time in India, he asked me if I felt I was truly living the teachings I’d embraced there. It was like he’d shot me with an arrow. So when, on August 12 that year, 11 years after we first met, John asked me to marry him again, I finally said yes. I felt so light.

We spent the next nine years in Kathmandu. John worked as an art dealer there and I studied Chinese medicine, shuttling between China and Japan. We talked endlessly about building something that would allow us to share with others what we’d learnt, a place where people could come, learn, grow and be inspired [the couple opened Kamalaya, a wellness sanctuary in Thailand’s Koh Samui, in 2005].

“John was dangerously ill … I became his doctor and his mother – and nobody wants that in a partner.”

Karina Stewart

In 2000, John was dangerously ill with hepatitis C. I have a master’s degree in Chinese medicine and put him on a strict diet and exercise program. Ultimately, I became his doctor and his mother – and nobody wants that in a partner. Alcohol was like poison for his liver and I’d cry if he had a glass of wine. He couldn’t understand why I was so upset. I’d say, “I don’t understand why you don’t see the anguish you’re causing me by hurting yourself.”

In 2013, when he was cured, I said, “It’s time you took care of you now.” And he has. I have immense respect for the way he lives his life, continually learning and growing. Love is important in a relationship, but respect is essential.


John showed his true self that day in the chai house: someone who’s always willing to help. And just as he did in the ashram, he still seeks me out. Even now, he’s always scanning a room to find me, which makes me feel so cherished. We all seek to be found.

I am who I am because of him – and we complement each other in the business. Although I bring my own gifts, he’s the captain of the ship.

John: When Karina and I met, I’d been a Hindu monk at the ashram for five years. She was sitting on a bench at the top of a flight of 108 stairs; I sat down, too, to catch my breath. Ten minutes is all it took for me to fall in love. She touched me with her gentleness and piercing intelligence. I knew I’d found my soulmate. I told my guru that I’d met the girl I wanted to marry; he replied, “Not yet.” He knew my training wasn’t over; he wasn’t done with me yet.

“I didn’t understand boundaries. Karina had to say to me, ‘We don’t share toothbrushes – or towels.’ ”

John Stewart

We saw each other every day and our friendship grew. It was never a boyfriend-girlfriend thing, but I knew we’d end up together. I’d always known that I’d rejoin the world one day. When she left, I asked if I could keep her shawl.

We wrote aerograms to each other three times a year. Even though I was in love, these weren’t love letters. I wasn’t like Prince Charles, telling her we could both fit in one pair of pants. I wrote about life in the ashram, shared insights. I hadn’t even known I was looking for someone. But she was so intelligent, so curious, so full of life … oh my god, this was the woman of my dreams! I just had to wait. Being a monk is all about patience, subduing one’s desires.

In Colorado, our connection was so strong. Even though I knew she was in a relationship, I told her I loved her and wanted to marry her. It was so painful to me that I couldn’t convince her. Shortly afterwards, though, I received a letter from her mother saying that she knew Karina loved me – and that gave me hope.


When Karina said yes to my proposal four years later in Mexico, I had a moment of total panic. And yet, in the end, rejoining the world after so long felt completely normal. Learning to be one half of a couple was a different matter. I’d been a senior monk; people listened to me. Now I had to consider another person’s point of view. And I didn’t understand boundaries. Karina had to say to me, “We don’t share toothbrushes – or towels.” She had to help me a lot. And also, I’m a white man and my wife is a brown woman who’s 10 times smarter than me. I had to learn about the privilege I’d taken for granted.

When I got hepatitis, it was hard for me to do everything Karina asked – and we fought a lot. But what I heard as anger was really her pleading with me to do better because she loved me. It’s a testament to our love that we got through that. Doctors have told me that she saved my life.

Karina is extraordinarily caring. When she’s talking to you, you honestly feel as if you’re the only person on the planet. Sometimes I feel she’s not actually of this world and it’s my job to take care of her. I’ve certainly learnt more about life being married to her than I ever did as a monk. It’s been an incredible journey.

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