

This was published 6 years ago


Harper is not an impudent child, she is hope

By Wendy Squires

I was around nine years old when I found my voice as a free-thinking human being with every right to be so. It took place in a scripture class when I was being told God created the world and I smelt bull.

Harper Neilsen and her father, Mark, on The Project.

Harper Neilsen and her father, Mark, on The Project.Credit: The Project.

“But what did he make it from if there was nothing?” I asked the stern-looking woman teaching the class.

“He just did,” she snappily replied.

As the lesson continued, and Adam and Eve was explained, again my hand shot up.

“What now?”

“Well, if women are the ones who have babies, who was Adam’s mother?”

“God was his mother and father,” she said, the tone in her voice indicating my question was both stupid and annoying.

“But,” I continued valiantly, “you can’t be a boy and a girl at the same time [LGBTQI awareness was a way off]. That’s just silly.”

And with this, the teacher lost it. I was told God is everything and my questioning of Him showed a lack of respect. I was told I had to have faith and if I didn’t, I would go to hell.


With tears welling, I puffed out my chest and told this “teacher” that I was a good girl and didn’t think I should go to hell because what she was saying just didn’t make sense. And so I was sent to the principal’s office, where I was given a week of detention for daring to oppose a teacher. Who was I to question an adult or the centuries-old institution of Christianity, I was told. I should shut up and listen and stop being so impudent.


For me, being forced to accept what I believed to be the biggest fairy tale since Rapunzel let down her golden hair was immoral. And I wasn’t going to stand for it. So, that night I went home and defiantly informed my father that I am not a Christian and I would like him to accept this without judgment. He did.

I then asked to be excused from all scripture classes in the future as I didn’t want to be punished any further. He asked me my reasons and I explained them. He listened carefully and then respectfully wrote a note to the school.

I remember presenting my scripture exemption letter to the headmaster with a heady mix of fear and pride. It was my first experience of feeling autonomous, that I could have my own beliefs and did not have to sheepishly “follow” doctrine I don’t believe. And I believe this incident made me the free-thinking and self-possessed woman with a strong sense of justice I am today. It was my first instance of standing up for what I believe and not just blindly accepting what I am told. And I applaud my young self for having the guts to do so.

Which is why this week, I have been championing the stance made by another nine-year-old, Harper Nielsen, for refusing to stand for the national anthem at Queensland’s Kenmore South State School. The school had demanded the year 4 student either stand or leave the building – she refused to do either. As a result, she was told she would be forced to sign a written apology or risk suspension. So much for letting a child have a mind of their own.

Harper conducted her peaceful protest against Advance Australia Fair because she said it was not inclusive of Indigenous Australians.

“I feel we should respect Indigenous people and their culture,” Nielsen explained to Waleed Aly on Channel 10’s The Project on Wednesday. “[The anthem] says 'Advance Australia Fair', which when it was originally written meant advance white Australia. It says we are young, but we’re not young if we count the Indigenous Australians, who were here for over 50,000 years before the British colonised Australia.”

Hear, hear!!! Good on this young girl for stopping and looking at the words others mouth mindlessly and refusing to join in a chorus she sees as unethical. I feel exactly the same way as an atheist and republican when expected to sing along with God Save the Queen. Nor will I bow my head in prayer to be polite or swear on a Bible. Call me disrespectful but at least you can’t call me a hypocrite.

Naturally, Harper has ruffled feathers, with the usual conservative parrots squawking in protest. One Nation leader Pauline Hanson was one of the first, taking to Facebook to declare Harper needed “a kick up the backside”.

Tony Abbott (can we stop running to this backbencher who has shown us via actions and words he is far from a pious role model) claimed it was “good manners” to stand while the anthem played.

Meanwhile, Mark Latham, another disgraced politician, claimed Harper should be placed in a “special school for children with behavioural problems”. Give. Me. Strength! She has behavioural problems? I say pot, kettle and black!

Let’s have a look at what else happened this week while the moral minority were trying to shame a nine-year-old, shall we? Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins presented a report showing sexual harassment at work is on the rise in Australia from 21 per cent in 2012 to 33 per cent in the post-#MeToo present, with one in three targeted in the past five years.


In addition, an alarming 71 per cent of Australians claim to have been sexually harassed at some point in their lives, with women comprising a massive 85 per cent of victims.

The new figures even more alarmingly show that only a fraction of victims report sexual harassment, for fear they won't be believed or because they think it's easier to stay quiet.

Like the NFL players in the US who have been kneeling during the US national anthem to bring awareness to black people's deaths at the hands of authorities, Harper is displaying her right to protest – and doing so peacefully.

I could say a mighty amen to that, but I won’t because it is my right to shun that phrase with its religious connotations. So, I will say, “You go, girl!” Because the figures on sexual harassment in the workplace show more young women need to find their voice and say “hell no” when they feel their rights, ethics and morals are being violated. Harper is not an impudent child, she is hope.

Wendy Squires is a Fairfax columnist.

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