

This was published 2 years ago

Google scores major win in High Court defamation battle

By Michaela Whitbourn

Google is not legally responsible for defamatory news stories and other material viewed when users click on its non-sponsored search results, the High Court has ruled, in a major victory for the US-based search engine.

On Wednesday the High Court overturned a Victorian Supreme Court decision ordering Google to pay $40,000 in damages to prominent Melbourne criminal lawyer George Defteros for linking to a 2004 article in The Age newspaper.

George Defteros leaves court in 2019.

George Defteros leaves court in 2019.Credit: Paul Jeffers

The Supreme Court, and later the Court of Appeal, had found Google was liable as a “publisher” of the full Age story when users searched for “George Defteros” and clicked on the link to the article.

The majority of the High Court disagreed with that finding and entered judgment in favour of Google. In a joint judgment, Chief Justice Susan Kiefel and Justice Jacqueline Gleeson said “it cannot be concluded” that Google published the article.

“The provision of the Search Result, including the hyperlink, has no connection to the creation of the ... article; its creation was in no way approved or encouraged by the appellant [Google]; and the appellant did not participate in it being placed on The Age’s website,” Kiefel and Gleeson said.

“Whilst it may be said that the use of a hyperlink may mean The Age gains a reader, that does not make the appellant something other than a reference provider.”

They noted it was possible that search results “may themselves contain matter which is defamatory” but “that is not this case”.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald are owned by Nine Entertainment.

Sponsored links may be different


In a separate judgment, Justice Stephen Gageler agreed with Kiefel and Gleeson. He noted the search result in this case was not a promoted or “sponsored” link for which Google received advertising revenue, and said the legal position in those cases may be different because there was a degree of “enticement or encouragement to click on the hyperlink”.


In the case of non-sponsored links, Gageler said, “Google does not, merely by providing the search result in a form which includes the hyperlink, direct, entice or encourage the searcher to click on the hyperlink”.

Justices Patrick Keane and Michelle Gordon would have found against Google, while Justices James Edelman and Simon Steward said Google “in no way participated in the vital step of publication”.

Edelman and Steward said the case did not require the court to consider if sponsored links were in a different category, but it was arguable that Google and a third party shared a “common intention to publish” in such cases.

The Victorian decisions

The Age story, published in June 2004, followed Defteros’ arrest on charges of conspiring to murder notorious underworld identity Carl Williams and others. The charges were dropped in 2005.

Defteros did not sue The Age over the report, but the masthead removed the story from its website in December 2016 after correspondence with his lawyers.

He launched proceedings in 2016 against Google for linking to the article. In 2020, Victorian Supreme Court Justice Melinda Richards found Google defamed Defteros by publishing a snippet of the article and the full article when readers clicked on the link.

The search result and article defamed Defteros by suggesting he “crossed the line from professional lawyer to confidant and friend of criminal elements”, Richards said. She ordered Google to pay $40,000 to Defteros.

“Critically”, Richards said, neither the search result nor the 2004 article “gave any indication that the charges against Mr Defteros were later withdrawn” in 2005. She said that in 2016 Defteros “had a settled reputation as an ethical lawyer”.

The Victorian Court of Appeal upheld the original decision last year and said Google effectively “incorporated ... the content” of the article by generating a link to the story. Google was able to rely on a defence of statutory qualified privilege in relation to many, but not all, of the readers of the article, meaning the damages payout was relatively small.

Proposed reforms

The states and territories had been preparing to amend the country’s defamation laws in relation to search engines, partly in response to the Victorian decisions.

The country’s chief legal officers agreed at a meeting on Friday to prioritise online defamation reform this year and NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman released a background paper setting out a suite of proposed changes for public comment.

Among those changes was a plan to provide a conditional exemption from defamation liability for “standard search engine functions”. The background paper noted “the treatment of search engines in Australia diverges from other comparable jurisdictions” and proposed that an exemption should apply where the search engine’s role was solely technical and automatic.

The exemption “would not cover autocomplete functions provided by some search engines, or content that is paid advertising”, the paper said.

Some of the proposed changes may need to be tweaked in light of the High Court decision.

What the experts say

University of Sydney Professor David Rolph, a defamation law expert, said: “The concept of publication in defamation law is broad, but this decision shows that it has its limits.”

Justin Quill, a media lawyer and partner at law firm Thomson Geer, said the decision was “a common sense decision that is in line with what Google really does – which is not to encourage, endorse or produce the content the subject of search results”.

“Changes to Australia defamation legislation are still needed, and I welcome many of the proposals released for comment last week by the attorneys-general. While the Defteros decision is consistent with the recommendation for law reform in relation to the liability of search engines, the recommendations go further – as they should.

“For example, the Defteros decision doesn’t deal with the situation that occurred in the recent [High Court] Voller case where the media were held liable for comments made on Facebook by other people about the media’s articles.”

Under separate changes being considered by the states and territories, administrators of Facebook pages and other social media accounts would have a new defence against being held liable for defamatory comments posted on their pages by third parties.

Michael Douglas, senior lecturer at the University of Western Australia’s Law School, said “the meaning of ‘publication’ in defamation law has always been very broad”. He agreed with the dissenting judgment of Justice Gordon, who said “Google’s attempt to portray itself as passive has an air of unreality”.

“Google links stuff on purpose, to support a business model that earns it billions of dollars. Many millions of that fortune come from Aussie users,” Douglas said.

He said the latest reform proposals included changes that were “no longer needed” in light of the High Court decision.

In a statement, Defteros said that he took the action “as a matter of principle” and believed his “good family name has been preserved, not only in the law, but also within the community at large”.

While the High Court did not find that Google was a publisher of third-party sites, he said he felt “totally vindicated”.

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