By Brian Yatman.
Find words of four letters or more. Every word must include the centre letter and each letter is used once only. Find at least one nine-letter word. No colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes or hyphens. No verbs or plural words ending in “s”. Solution list is not exhaustive.
Reference source: Macquarie Dictionary.
Today’s Target: 12 words, average; 17 words, good; 22+ words, excellent.
Yesterday’s Target: aver, gave, give, given, giver, grave, graven, naevi, naive, nave, quaver, QUAVERING, quiver, rave, raven, ravine, raving, rive, riven, uvea, vague, vaguer, vain, vainer, vair, vane, vang, vegan, vein, vena, vina, vine, vinegar, virga.