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Good Weekend letters to the editor: June 10

This story is part of the June 10 edition of Good Weekend.See all 14 stories.
Danielle Alvarez’s linguine with prawns and chilli.

Danielle Alvarez’s linguine with prawns and chilli.Credit: Instagram/@oscardarling

Dream Destinations

No passports, no visas, no vaccinations, no packing, and travel all around the world from the comfort of my armchair, 52 Dream Destinations [June 3]. I’ve crisscrossed time zones, have no jet lag, and I’m feeling totally relaxed and inspired. This was a weekend to remember!
Judith Caine
Donvale, VIC

Thanks for the 52 Dream Destinations but sadly, the dream for most Australians today is to maintain, or even find, a warm and safe roof over their head.
Ray Peck
Hawthorn, Vic

Don’t let the travel bugs bite in 2023 and beyond! Until re-ignition by 52 Dream Destinations, my wanderlust had been quelled by 100 days of “SE Asia Unlimited”. Minimising my carbon spend was enabled by mapping journeys onto a globe using a piece of string. The one that cut the shortest looped Indonesia eastward from Northern Sumatra to Flores across Java and Bali. After circumnavigating Borneo, I city-hopped northward from Singapore to Bangkok and Laos via Kuala Lumpur, then hugged Vietnam’s coast between Hanoi and Saigon in a southerly hurry before flying home to Brisbane.
Joseph Ting
Kelvin Grove, QLD



Two of Us
“Ammin Nullah (Bobby) Shamroze met Janet Shamroze, when they were teenagers. They ran away to be together and have been married for almost 60 years” [June 3]. Just the most wonderful story! “Love at first sight” – for sure (it can happen)! Warmed the heart of this “grumpy old bloke” on a cold Friday, thank you. Pronoun

These are the uplifting stories and wonderful lives lived and we need their uplifting stories to balance all the negatives that stalk the news. More please! Gracie

That’s the secret to a long & happy relationship, right there! He doesn’t argue back! Lol! Lovely, heartwarming story. Where there’s a will (and one mind, but two hearts beating as one) there will always be a way! Kel


Beautiful story. Restores one’s faith in humanity. I wish them all well and thank them for sharing their story - it made me cry. grant

The Lanerossi throw rug.

The Lanerossi throw rug.

Oh my goodness, their story is so beautiful! And they still live in the same house! And they have a big, gorgeous family! And they will love each other forever! So romantic and just the best. Thanks, you two, for sharing your story with us. I’m blown away with delight. wiej

The writer of the best letter to the editor for this issue will win a Lanerossi throw rug, woven in Italy from a fine wool blend. RRP$550. The June 3 winner was Jan Dennis of Port Macquarie, NSW.

Want to chat? We’d love to hear from you. Send your letters to goodweekend@​ Or send us a picture or Instagram one of Good Weekend in your life, using the hashtag #goodweekendmag.

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times.

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