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Good Weekend letters to the editor: February 17

This story is a part of the February 17 edition of Good Weekend.See all 11 stories.

Do You Like What You See?


I enjoyed your story about the social media platform OnlyFans [February 10]. The question in your headline – Do You Like What You See? – should have had the obvious answer running under it: If You Do, it’s Gonna Cost Ya! That’s because OnlyFans boils down to one thing: customers willing to pay for exclusive images and videos, whether it’s to a celebrity and influencer or an average unknown confident enough to flash some flesh for dollars. Personally, I’m on the side of people like Lora Carmichael in your story, a struggling artist living in a flea-pit flat, who found that flaunting her plus-size butt on OnlyFans took her to a luxury apartment with ocean views. Lora isn’t a catwalk model, she’s not a movie star, she’s not glamorous, but she has something people are willing to pay to see, and she can offer it from a safe, controlled environment: her home. So why not? What Lora’s success shows is that beauty, and sexual attraction, is in the eye of the beholder and doesn’t always conform to the stereotypes that permeate our films and TV shows. For her thousands of paying fans, Lora is beautiful and super sexy – far more so than any rake-thin model stepping out of the pages of a fashion magazine.
George Jones
Northcote, Vic

Reflections: A Question of Luck

Mark Brandi’s piece on being twice lucky in his life [February 10] should be well heeded by many of us (myself included) who chanced a good upbringing of education, opportunity and comfort that remains historically and geographically rare. (Tim Minchin is another who speaks candidly about the role of luck in his life and career success.)

However, there is a deeper message, at which Brandi only hints. Even with the luck of his stable upbringing, his journey to a vocation that brings his best to the world (as an author) only occurred with a financial windfall, which allowed him to take this chance.


The role of such a financial safety net in unlocking human creativity, innovation and in preventing poverty is the core idea behind universal basic income (UBI).

Assuming it took a year or two to write his novel, Brandi’s winnings ($50,000) are not far off the recommended amount for UBI (Andrew Yang proposed $US12,000 – $18,000 – per annum for everyone over 18 in his 2020 US presidential campaign). His four novels since are a reasonable return on that investment.

In a world where too many Australians are locked into jobs they don’t like, producing questionable value to humanity, such ideas are worth considering. And in doing so, perhaps we might find a way to diminish the role that luck has on life outcomes.
Bryn Davies
Castlemaine, Vic



Indian student Raghav found a place to rent. The catch? It was a garden shed 

Heartwarming to read this story [February 10] – coming to Australia myself as an international student over 20 years ago and now calling this my country. Sad to see not much has changed in terms of assistance for international students, when we clearly pay a huge amount of fees and taxes once we settle in. Simple things like discounted public transport (which is available for most students) were all we cared for back in the day. As some have rightly said, unis should also support this, considering they are charging two to three times the course fees for international students. Good on you, Motani, for working through the hard times. I can only say from experience; the future is only bright for you from here on – go well, mate! Draj07

The universities are chasing the higher-fee-paying international students for understandable reasons: their viability due to chronic long-term underfunding (bad) and price capping (good) for domestic students. But in this frantic pursuit, they take almost no responsibility for the complete non-academic needs of the student. No place should be offered without a matching housing solution. Period. The universities need to own the problem of housing these students. That is not to say that they have to build/lease/contract and operate student dormitories (though that may be part of the solution) – but they must own the problem and ensure that no student is without acceptable accommodation. Before they arrive. Lazarus

Universities should be required to provide custom, purpose-built housing for every international student. 56384

Within my home I have a self-contained unit. I cannot rent it out unless it is certified as a secondary dwelling through the Department of Planning. The cost and red tape involved makes it unviable. No wonder there is a shortage of rental accommodation. View from the ground


Landlords renting out sheds, garages and other unsavoury places, not just to international students but to desperate Australians, is now commonplace. And they are not cheap. But neither major political party has the will to tackle the housing/rental crisis, so things will only get worse. RobOz

Many years ago, I bought a rundown property in inner Sydney. My first home. A friend told me about an American student program – definitely not for poor students. The program itself set the rates for bed and board. Over six years I had five students. Some are still friends, 40 years on, and I have travelled to their homes and been treated like royalty. Maybe because I looked after them well. Yes, some of the money went on the mortgage, but much of it went on having fun and showing the students around. The experience enriched my life. Obviously, language wasn’t an issue, but the cultural exchange was fabulous. We did a full-on Thanksgiving dinner every year! I encourage people who are able to take in a student to try to do so. It could be one of the best things you ever do, and not just because of the income. LizS

Empty-nest pensioners should be doing this. Means their multi-bedroom houses are used to their potential, and they earn a good stream of income, as well as help around the house. My 90-year-old grand aunt has had boarders for years. forthrightone

I had homestay students for 10 years. Most are great, some are not. Elderly people can be very vulnerable if they don’t have family watching out for them. Swannies fan

This has opened my eyes. I’ve never thought about these types of arrangements before, and I can see the benefits all round. While I still need my spare bedroom while our kids are growing up, I’ll consider this option down the track. GL

Two of Us with radio presenter Thomas Oriti and reporter Nas Campanella

Another instalment of why I love the Two of Us page [February 10]. Thanks Nas and Thomas for sharing your lives. News hound

Really enjoy them both as journalists and didn’t know they were together. Great surprise and go them! eMs

I always love listening to Tom in the mornings – calm, measured, intelligent, well-informed, personable and warm. Not surprised to hear he is wonderful at home too, well-matched by Nas. Beautiful story, beautiful people. Sending best wishes to both of them. Sarah Therese

Nas is a wonderful journalist ... I think Thomas got lucky to have such partner in life. Bloo

What a gorgeous story. Yes, Nas is disabled. Has she let that stop her? Not on your life. Why do we rarely consider how the disabled can do things in their own way, and not employ more of them in the workforce. They need not be so invisible in society. I hate lying politicians

I listen to Thomas every morning and have always been impressed with his range and depth of knowledge, as well as style. Reading this just makes me think even more highly of him. And as for Nas, what can I say? What an incredible, strong, smart, professional and courageous woman she is. What she does as a journalist, as a parent and just as a person is so impressive. A wonderful couple, and so nice to read more about them here. Helen

One of the most endearing stories I have read in a long time. Hope their marriage continues to go in good directions. Suzee

Beautiful, and can I say, I love Nas’s reporting. Always thought she was rather mighty! Violet

Oh man, Nas and Thomas sound like my favourite kinds of people – I don’t care about having rich or powerful friends, I want people of generous spirit and resilient joy. I’m so glad they have each other, to make their journeys rich. Matt


Nas, I am so inspired by your determination, talent and sheer hard work. What a brilliant role model for all women and those living with a disability. Thank you for your work and for providing a positive example for so many. tuppence

I can’t think of a Two of Us feature more heart-warming than this one. Freddy Longbottom

True love and romance doesn’t come much richer than this. Their story reaffirms that there will always be positives in life. Meesy

Want to chat? We’d love to hear from you. Send your letters to goodweekend@​ Or send us a picture or Instagram one of Good Weekend in your life, using the hashtag #goodweekendmag.

All letters are edited for reasons of clarity, syntax and space.

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times.

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