

This was published 2 years ago


For Albanese to succeed the PM had to fail: Scott Morrison did not disappoint

It’s time for Anthony Albanese to get some credit. The Prime Minister is calling the election and Albanese is exactly where he planned to be. Ahead.

Under years of intense pressure to find some inner mongrel, to get more aggressive, Albanese stayed calm and carried on with his plan.

From the outset, Albanese was determined to avoid Labor’s mistakes under Bill Shorten’s leadership.

It’s time to recognise Anthony Albanese’s strategy has paid off. Now the campaign awaits.

It’s time to recognise Anthony Albanese’s strategy has paid off. Now the campaign awaits.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

One of Albanese’s favourite refrains was “more strategy, less tactics”. He shrugged off pressure to produce exciting new policy ideas every week. He urged colleagues to “think about where we want to be in three years, not three weeks”.

Shorten Labor took nearly 300 detailed policies to the 2019 election. That was a lot of targets for Morrison to shoot at. Albanese presented, by contrast, a “small target”.

He refused to be panicked into the non-stop attacks that define most opposition leaders. He signs his correspondence as “Labor leader”, not Opposition Leader.

When he first took the job, he even tried to get the sign on his parliamentary office doorway changed in the same way. He failed; the post of opposition leader carries an official status that Labor leader does not.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit: The Age


When the pandemic hit, Albanese made the threshold decision that Labor would be constructive, not critical.

He came under sustained pressure as a result. The government put a series of emergency spending and stimulus bills to the Parliament to get the country through. Labor broadly agreed that they were necessary but objected to some elements.

Before the bills came to a vote, Albanese declared publicly that Labor would seek to amend them. But, if the amendments failed, Labor would vote for them anyway. Albanese was seeking to be constructive, not obstructionist. And avoiding the accusation of committing a “backflip”, expressing reservations but yielding nonetheless.

But this pre-emptive capitulation looked weak. The government dismissed him as ineffectual. Morrison called him gutless.

By mid-2020, Morrison’s COVID policy was looking good. The public health measures and the economic response were effective. Australia was one of the world’s standout pandemic performers.

As a result, Morrison’s approval rating was strong, edging towards 70 per cent in July 2020, with Albanese’s around 40. The Prime Minister had recovered from his disastrous failures of the black summer bushfires of 2019-20. The government was polling well ahead of Labor.

Labor partisans complained that their leader was hopelessly passive, even cowardly. Commentator Shaun Carney conveyed the party sentiment at the end of 2020 in this journal: “The Labor caucus is going to have to make a hard decision in the first few months of 2021 about his leadership ... It owes that much to its supporters, party volunteers and people it claims to represent.”

A few weeks later the ABC’s Laura Tingle wrote of Albanese: “He’s now in trouble, as is any leader when the tumbrel wheel-like rumble of party room despair and leadership speculation begins when there isn’t even an alternative candidate.”

Some in Labor’s parliamentary ranks snidely nicknamed him “Uncle Arthur” as my colleague Rob Harris wrote, after a 1990s TV comedy character created by Glenn Robbins, a doddery, old-age pensioner, a keen gardener and deaf as a post.

And the betting agency Sportsbet wrote him off altogether: “Anthony Albanese won’t be Labor leader at the next federal election,” it announced in January last year. It was taking wagers on likely replacements. Tanya Plibersek was most favoured to be leading Labor into this campaign.

Among true believers, despair was in vogue as recently as December. “On Twitter,” summarised Per Capita’s Emma Dawson, “the cries for Albanese to ‘stand for something’ have become desperate over recent months.”

No one in Australian politics, it seemed, had heard of the Greek historian Thucydides’ pronouncement: “Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most.”

He needed the Prime Minister to fail, and Morrison did not disappoint.

It took a lot of nerve for Albanese to stay the course through all of this. He displayed considerable confidence in his judgment. But he couldn’t have done it alone. His strategy was heavily dependent on Scott Morrison. He needed the Prime Minister to fail, and Morrison did not disappoint.

Morrison failed generously, even extravagantly. After the initial COVID response, the government lapsed into complacency. Triumph slowly turned to tribulation.

Vaccines were slow to arrive, hotel quarantine leaked plague into the community repeatedly, the aged care system festered with gratuitous death. With the failures came plenty of blame and the state premiers gave it to the Prime Minister in cantata then in chorus.


New variants arrived and new vaccines did not. Neither did RAT tests. Even the centrepiece of the economic response, the vaunted JobKeeper, was exposed to have handed $20 billion of taxpayer funds to thriving businesses with growing revenues.

Crises multiplied and the Prime Minister failed multiple leadership tests. The government is under siege from progressive independents in heartland seats over climate change, justice for women, integrity in government.

Its own traditional Liberal support base feels betrayed by the Morrison-Frydenberg debt mountain, his random interventions into the market economy, the absence of any reforms of the economy or labour market.

The crises kept coming. Morrison was judged inadequate in the summer’s floods in Queensland, the autumn’s floods in NSW. In a final blaze of ignominy, members of Morrison’s own party have slandered him and his own division, the NSW Liberals, defied him over his choice of candidates. Like Nero’s fiddle, the ukulele has become synonymous with a complacent dereliction.

The net result is that Morrison goes into the campaign poised to lose. Albanese could not have done it without him. The smartest thing Albanese did was not to get in the way of Morrison’s failure. In essence, he stepped back and allowed the Prime Minister to fail on his own terms. He gave Morrison no excuses. The election is shaping up to be a referendum on Scott Morrison, the least trusted politician in Australia, according to the annual Roy Morgan Research survey.

Albanese is not the most trusted. That accolade goes to Labor’s Senate leader, Penny Wong. But by avoiding chronic oppositionism, resisting the pressure to over-promise and keeping aloof from sheer political nastiness, Albanese is rated the second most trusted politician in Australia. Many in the electorate, it turns out, appear to agree with Thucydides on the value of restraint.

Of course, the acid test awaits and Albanese could well lose. The Coalition’s last best chance is a mighty scare campaign, and it has started already. Labor’s vulnerability was described by the director of Resolve Political Monitor, Jim Reed, pollster for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age this week: “Labor’s vote is best described as wide but shallow. They are ahead, but there is a weakness to their vote when our polling finds it is largely predicated on a protest against the government and the Prime Minister’s performance rather than an endorsement of the Opposition Leader or any major policy shift.”

The task ahead for the Labor leader is twofold. His party has actually produced a number of serious policy initiatives; he needs to let the electorate know about them.

Cheaper child care, fixing aged care, expanded renewable energy, a national reconstruction fund to invest in manufacturing, a systematic approach to skills and training, an anti-corruption commission, infrastructure spending allocated by an independent agency rather than a pork wholesale operation.

That, and much more Labor policy, is already out there. You can be forgiven for not having heard about any of it. It’s Albanese’s job to change that.

Second, Albanese needs to close the deal. The people are inclined to vote Labor into power, based on every published poll, the parties’ internal research, the betting markets and every other indicator.

Morrison will be doing everything in his power to frighten them away from Albanese. Scare campaigns are easy and effective and Morrison, however diminished, still has a good deal of power. Clive Palmer, promising to spend $70 million on advertising, more than all other parties combined, will wreak mischief that inevitably will aid the Coalition over Labor. Just as he did last time.


Albanese must now emerge in his own right to set out his plan for Australia, packaged into a consensus-based program of “safe change”, if he hopes to win. He’s got the referendum on Morrison that he hoped for. But voters poised to vote “no” to Morrison need to be assured that there is a positive alternative. He must do all this, and he has only a little over five weeks in which to do it.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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