

This was published 2 years ago


For a few short days, we experienced the awesome power of personal responsibility

There was a late entry to the word of the year this week, rivalling the year’s earlier frontrunners “vaccine hesitancy”, “booster shot” and “love circle”.

“Personal responsibility” became the new catch cry of both the Prime Minister and NSW Premier regarding mask mandates, and for nine glorious days, we got to experience its awesome potential.

Confusion over whether to still do the QR check-in, feeling peeved when you saw someone maskless sharing a confined space with you … it really was a golden age. If nothing else, this period will be fondly remembered for that brief shining moment when those in government advocated for the need to act responsibly, even if the mantra was only applicable to the general public.

Masks are mandatory again in indoor spaces in NSW.

Masks are mandatory again in indoor spaces in NSW.Credit: Getty

It is certainly a lovely idea, personal responsibility, even if its limits became apparent almost from the moment COVID-19 first reached our shores in 2020. In that first month of the pandemic, we saw people exercising personal responsibility to such an extent that many Australians were forced to go without toilet paper. Of course, the supermarkets then implemented buying limits and those of us who had run out could finally loosen our sphincters both metaphorically and literally.

After nearly two years of the Prime Minister informing us that various issues were “a matter for the states”, is it any wonder that our Premier would embrace this spirit of buck-passing in determining that the issue of mask-wearing should be a matter for the individual? What a thrill to be able to tell our grandchildren that we were there to witness the birth of the next big thing in political theory: trickle-down responsibility. It went about as well as trickle-down economics.

Of course, we’ve all got our own experiences of just how effective personal responsibility proved to be, and I do think people were broadly doing the right thing. That said, earlier this week my family and I visited the Sydney Aquarium, and I would describe the display of personal responsibility there as pretty piss-weak. At one point, the only other person I could see wearing a mask was cleaning the shark tank.

On a flight last week, the two passengers in front of me had to be repeatedly reminded by the flight attendant to put their masks on, with the attendant ultimately having to say “Can you do it now?” while she stood there waiting for them. As a result of this type of behaviour, I fully expect job adverts for customer service roles to start stating that duties include “adult babysitting”.

You see these sorts of displays of personal responsibility on other forms of transport too. I know some trains have “quiet carriages”, but I seem to keep getting on the ones with the “feet on seats” carriages. I’m only 36, yet I feel my inner curmudgeon creeping ever closer to becoming my outer curmudgeon.

I also felt myself prematurely ageing while watching the Prime Minister’s appearance on The Today Show last week. Although he strongly encouraged everyone to wear masks, he rejected the suggestion of reintroducing mask mandates by saying “we don’t have to mandate people wearing sunscreen and hats in summer”, which must have come as a shock to the generations of Australian school children who had their beloved lunchtime handball sessions shattered by the words “No hat, no play”.


Indeed, it is this same Prime Minister who, as Social Services Minister in 2015, introduced the policy of “No jab, no pay”, so he is surely aware that such a concept exists. Unless, that is, the naming of the policy was some freak coincidence like the announcement this week that Strictly Ballroom star Paul Mercurio, who played Scott Hastings in that film, is running in the next Victorian state election in the seat of Hastings. Then again, maybe that’s no accident, and Mercurio is actually the savviest political player since “The Preference Whisperer”.

So despite the Prime Minister’s protestations, here we are again with a mask mandate and a now-defunct skincare analogy that didn’t even make sense in the few hours it was relevant. It’s fair to say not a great deal of thought, if any, was put into it, and it was rather hastily slipped, slopped and slapped together. It seemed to hang on the premise that skin cancer, like COVID-19, is contagious. If that’s the case, be careful out there, people could be breathing skin cancer onto you. I had a melanoma removed from my neck last year, and my god, if I ever find the bastard I caught it off, no amount of hats or sunscreen will protect them.


Sadly, the hat and sunscreen routine wasn’t the most incomprehensible analogy to fall out of the PM’s mouth this month. At a press conference in Terrigal last week, the Prime Minister announced: “Today we have had tremendous news, that in the jobs figures today, there were 366,100 additional jobs. That’s what I call shaking and baking the economy. That’s what I call shaking and baking those jobs.”

I have already submitted Logie nominations for the three colleagues standing behind Morrison for their performances nodding in the background, thrusting their heads forward with such enthusiasm as if saying “Ah, yes, shaking and baking those jobs, we all know what that means”.

How does one shake and bake a job? And, like a “decision taken, but not yet announced”, can a job be shaken, but not yet baked? And, crucially, could a hat and sunscreen mandate for jobs minimise their risk of being baked?

It’s going to be a long, mind-numbing election campaign, isn’t it?

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