

This was published 3 years ago

Financial Review columnist joked businesswoman 'doesn't have a brain'

By Michaela Whitbourn

The columnist at the centre of a defamation fight between The Australian Financial Review and businesswoman Elaine Stead joked in a private message to a source that she "doesn't have a brain", the Federal Court has heard.

Joe Aston, the Financial Review's US-based Rear Window columnist, entered his second day in the witness box in Sydney on Tuesday in the defamation suit brought against him by Dr Stead, former managing director of venture capital at the now-defunct fund manager Blue Sky Alternative Investments.

Joe Aston outside the Federal Court on Tuesday.

Joe Aston outside the Federal Court on Tuesday.Credit: Dean Sewell

On Monday Aston defended calling Dr Stead a "cretin" in the first of two columns at the centre of the case, published in February 2019. In a subsequent column in October that year he called Dr Stead a "venture capital pyromaniac" who "set fire to people's money". Blue Sky entered into receivership in May last year.

In a message read in court on Tuesday, Aston joked to a source in response to a social media post by Dr Stead about her mother's brain tumour that "Elaine's scan would show she doesn't have a brain".

Asked by Dr Stead's barrister, Sue Chrysanthou, SC, if this comment was "disgraceful", Aston replied it was a "poor joke" and "a private conversation".

Elaine Stead and barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC outside the Federal Court on Tuesday.

Elaine Stead and barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC outside the Federal Court on Tuesday.Credit: Dean Sewell

"The words are not comfortable to hear back, obviously. I can see why people would think it was uncalled for," he said.

In defence of his column branding Dr Stead a "cretin", Aston said on Monday that statements on her private social media accounts on Twitter and Facebook, including after the ASX-listed Blue Sky entered a trading halt, were "stupid" and "absurd". He pointed to a tweet by Dr Stead, reading "I need a hug", that was published around the time of the trading halt.

On Tuesday he doubled down and said "stupid is as stupid does" and a person who did stupid things repeatedly was "by definition, stupid".


"Do you accept that's a very offensive thing to say about someone?" Justice Michael Lee said of the word "cretin".


"Yes," Aston replied.

Ms Chrysanthou alleged Aston had made comments in court "asserting positively my client was stupid and was a cretin", which went further than his written evidence and defence filed in court, and it marked a "significant escalation" of his views.

But Aston said it was "not an intentional [escalation]" and "I'm just answering the questions you ask me". Asked if he knew those comments would be reported and it would "humiliate" Dr Stead, Aston replied he was in court as the respondent in the case and his "sole concern" was answering the questions.

The Financial Review and Aston are seeking to rely on the defence of honest opinion in relation to the columns, which Justice Lee has found convey a total of four defamatory imputations, including that Dr Stead is a "cretin" and "rashly destroyed the capital of business ventures with which she was associated".

Dr Stead had also sued over an accompanying tweet by Aston in October 2019. However, on Monday Justice Lee ruled the tweet did not convey the defamatory meaning alleged by Dr Stead's lawyers. It marked the end of that part of the case.

Aston agreed his own Instagram account included "banal" content including photos of food, his feet, clothing, selfies, and comments about being hungover. He said he "certainly" did not post the latter "while my company was in a trading halt".

In explanation of this line of questioning, Ms Chrysanthou said Aston had "gone to some effort to criticise my client" over her social media posts.

Asked if it was "ridiculous" to label a person stupid or a cretin because of their social media posts, Aston said it was "extremely stupid" for Dr Stead to make the posts she did when Blue Sky was in financial difficulty and under "enormous public pressure".

The hearing continues.

The Financial Review is owned by Nine Entertainment Company, which also owns this masthead.

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