

This was published 6 years ago

Failing to take down Dastyari pub video could take its toll on Erikson

By Adam Cooper

Anti-Islam activist Neil Erikson faces punishment for contempt after a judge found he breached court orders by publishing material about two high-profile confrontations that displayed his former employee's uniforms.

Federal Circuit Court judge Suzanne Jones found two of the three charges brought against Erikson proven, as he had defied court orders by not removing You Tube footage of a run-in with then senator Sam Dastyari, who was called a "terrorist" at a Melbourne pub; and taking down from social media a news photograph of a friend in a scuffle outside a speaking event that featured controversial commentator Milo Yiannopoulos.

Neil Erikson outside court after an earlier hearing.

Neil Erikson outside court after an earlier hearing.Credit: Jason South

The Dastyari footage featured Erikson wearing a uniform belonging to his former employer, logistics company Toll, and the photograph of the clash outside the Yiannopoulos event showed Erikson's friend, Ricky Turner, in a Toll uniform. Mr Turner has never worked for the company.

Justice Jones on Thursday found Erikson breached court rules by defying orders for him to cease publishing the Dastyari footage on YouTube and the photograph of Mr Turner on Twitter.

Erikson told the court last month he had so many videos and photographs on his social media accounts he forgot the offending material was there, even though the court had ordered that it be taken down.

But Erikson was cleared of one charge of contempt, as Justice Jones said she was not satisfied he breached other court orders, relating to the activist returning the uniform to Toll. The judge found Erikson's claim that he had thrown out the uniforms last year without informing his former employer was plausible.

Toll sacked Erikson both in 2014 and last year, after a stint when he returned to the company, and first requested its uniform back from him several years ago.

It again requested he return the uniform when Erikson featured in a video of men racially abusing Mr Dastyari in November. Mr Dastyari was told he was a "terrorist" and that he should go back to his birth country of Iran.

The footage shows one of the women in Mr Dastyari's group asking Erikson and his sidekicks if they worked for Toll, and that they were representing the company if wearing the uniforms.


Erikson is due to return before Justice Jones next month for a hearing that will determine whether he is punished for contempt. The offence carries fines and possible jail time.

He is also due to appear before a magistrate later this year, having been charged with affray, behaving in a riotous manner and two counts each of assault with a weapon and unlawful assault over the fights outside the Yiannopoulos event in Kensington in December.

Erikson told Justice Jones last month he was unfairly sacked by Toll last year when news emerged he had been charged over a mock beheading he and United Patriots Front colleagues Blair Cottrell and Christopher Shortis performed outside the City of Bendigo offices in 2015, in protest against plans to build a mosque.

All three men were last year found guilty by a magistrate of inciting contempt, revulsion and ridicule of Muslims. They were each fined $2000.

In her rulings, Justice Jones found Erikson understood the meaning of the word "publish" when she previously ordered he remove the material from social media accounts; that he not only refrain from publishing but remove material already online.

Erikson had claimed he had had hundreds of photographs and videos on his social media accounts and was unaware the offending material was there until told by Toll, after the judge's initial orders. He also claimed he forgot he had a Twitter account.

Justice Jones said his last claim was "completely implausible" and found he was not a persuasive witness when he gave evidence in court last month.

During that evidence the court heard Erikson lied to Toll about his criminal matters when hired, and told the company he had passed Year 11 when he left school in Year 8. "Who doesn't lie on their resumes?" he told the court.

Justice Jones said in her findings: "I form the view that it was likely that when it suits him, the respondent [Erikson] has a tenuous relationship with the truth."

Erikson was not in court on Thursday.

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