

This was published 2 years ago


Extinction looms for dinosaurs as women take charge

Cometh the hour, cometh the women. For so long, men in suits have dominated the public realm, but wherever you look now the leaders shaping debates, nudging policy and making decisions are women.

It’s as though Australia emerged from the manosphere after the May election into a different world altogether. One where summoning a mental picture of a cabinet minister is just as likely to conjure a woman in a stylish lemon-yellow pantsuit as a suited man wearing a blue tie.

Powerful women are taking charge across society.

Powerful women are taking charge across society.Credit: Dionne Gain

But the change goes well beyond parliamentary politics. An extraordinary network of women has unleashed a co-ordinated campaign to structure policy across the workplace and welfare landscape ahead of this week’s two-day Jobs and Skills Summit in Canberra.

A joint television interview with ACTU secretary Sally McManus and Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott on Insiders on Sunday, in which they discussed the future of Australia’s industrial relations system, crystallised the moment for many.

Instead of two blokes representing labour and capital going at each other hammer and tongs, two women had a calm, reasoned exchange and identified areas of agreement.

Business Council chief Jennifer Westacott and ACTU secretary Sally McManus.

Business Council chief Jennifer Westacott and ACTU secretary Sally McManus.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer/Paul Jeffers

The backdrop was a joint Business Council-ACTU statement on shared economic goals ahead of the summit, which starts today.

Journalists and academics gathered on Sunday afternoon at Canberra coffee klatch favourite Muse were agog.

How to explain the civil and constructive exchange between the union boss and the business boss?


A young male journalist put it down to McManus’ and Westacott’s personalities.

An older male journalist, who’d been round the block, wised him up: “It’s because they’re women!”

On Monday, three women from different spheres publicly declared agreement on overlapping business, labour and welfare interests ahead of the summit.

Westacott, ACTU president Michele O’Neil and acting Australian Council of Social Service chief executive Edwina MacDonald held a joint press conference at Parliament House backing full employment, and announcing shared dot points on how best to get there.

Then on Tuesday two women publicly declared a shared small business and union interest in reintroducing enterprise bargaining as an option for small businesses.


Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Alexi Boyd and the ACTU’s McManus announced their agreement to explore multi-employer bargaining and simpler tests for approving pay deals.

That concord was the last straw for the stomping (male) dinosaurs of the business lobby group world.

The male-led Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Australian Industry Group recognised they’d been outmanoeuvred and drew the Business Council into a last-minute “united front” to push for contentious issues to be sorted out after the summit, not in it.

But it was too little, too late. Distressed dinosaur calls were audible in Canberra from outflanked, old think business lobby groups.

It’s the 21st century, guys. The women have arrived. At least the Business Council is up with the game.

Federal parliament reflects this underlying shift too.

The 2022 poll was a “genderquake” election.

Labor, the Greens and the teals all have more women than men in their party rooms. If not for the fact that women constitute barely a shade more than a quarter of Coalition MPs, the federal parliament would be majority female.

Even accounting for Coalition tardiness, 44.5 per cent of MPs in the parliament are women. The 50/50 metric is tantalisingly close.

A different type of masculinity is on display from key men in power as well.

Replacing the blustering boofhead types dominating the Morrison government is a thoughtful, conversational, engaged style typified in the approach of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Treasurer Jim Chalmers.

Cabinet is full of powerful women like Finance Minister Katy Gallagher, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil. With 10 of cabinet’s 22 ministers being women, they are not exceptions anymore.

It’s showing up in key government appointments too.


Former High Court justice Virginia Bell is conducting the inquiry into Scott Morrison’s multiple ministries, and former Queensland Supreme Court justice Catherine Holmes is in charge of the robo-debt royal commission.

This shift is not confined to the progressive side of politics.

The community independents who won half a dozen formerly blue riband Liberal seats at the last election are all women. They are moderate small ‘l’ liberals who have set up home on the crossbench, partly because of the knuckle-dragging chest-beaters they perceive in the Coalition parties.

Female Coalition frontbenchers are playing a big role in the media post-election. Liberal deputy leader Sussan Ley is at least as prominent as Opposition Leader Peter Dutton in day-to-day politics when parliament isn’t sitting.

Controversial resource sector giant Woodside Energy has a female chief executive: Meg O’Neill.

It's good to pause, note and appreciate what a moment this wave of women in the public realm represents.

We haven’t become a utopia overnight, but the content and brilliant co-ordination of the women who outflanked the dinosaurs in the run-up to this week’s summit is a case in point. There’s going to be a lot more of this and that’s a very good thing.

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