

This was published 9 years ago

Top ATAR, HSC performances the result of years of achievement

Seventy thousand students walk into an exam. Who will get the highest scores?

By Inga Ting

For Jiamei Liu, who graduated last year from comprehensive public school Cherrybrook Technology High, year 12 was "the last chance to prove yourself".

And prove herself she did, achieving honour roll scores of 90 or above in six courses and finishing with an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank of 98.95.

Great expectatIons: Jaimei Liu, who scored an ATAR of 98.95 last year, says sitting the HSC was a chance to prove herself.

Great expectatIons: Jaimei Liu, who scored an ATAR of 98.95 last year, says sitting the HSC was a chance to prove herself.Credit: Nick Moir

"People say the ATAR doesn't count for anything but it's a number that determines what uni you can get into, what you do for the rest of your life," Liu says.

More than 76,000 students sat the HSC this year. Over the three-four weeks of written exams, more than 675,000 exam papers were distributed. Answers were scrawled in 2 million writing booklets. Students pondered 14 million pages of questions.

Right environment: Madi Cooper (right), of Maitland Grossmann High, who last year achieved an ATAR of 96.4, says success is related to students’ support system at school and at home.

Right environment: Madi Cooper (right), of Maitland Grossmann High, who last year achieved an ATAR of 96.4, says success is related to students’ support system at school and at home. Credit: Peter Stoop

But despite the big numbers, it's pretty easy to work out the characteristics of the students who will makethis year's honour roll.

Chances are, they attended a selective school in the Sydney metro region, their parents are educated professionals and they've been getting good marks at school as far back as year 3.

And – bucking international trends – their language background isn't English.


The prediction of academic success based on such factors has become a hotly-contested science. Education researcher Gary Marks, of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, doesn't have a formula, but he is convinced that there's one ingredient that's more powerful than any other.

"The strongest influence is going to be [cognitive] ability", or intelligence, Marks says.

"There's a whole lot of factors that affect cognitive development in children. Among them, of course, is ... plain old 'nature'."

In modern democracies, your parent's jobs and wealth no longer determine how high you'll climb on the social ladder. In an era of social mobility, people are more or less sorted according to their IQ, rather than their socioeconomic background, Marks argues.

If you've got the brains, you'll probably make it in the Australian education system. And if you don't, you won't.

It’s nothing to do with nature. It’s about cultures that prize educational success and make considerable sacrifices to achieve it.

University of Sydney professor of education Anthony Welch

Environment plays a role, he says, but it's nowhere near as large as social scientists, policymakers and journalists would have us believe.

"I know people don't like that much but that's how it seems to be," Marks says.

"There is something out there called ability, it is important to student achievement and it's influenced by not much."

Marks knows he's championing an unpopular view – particularly given how clearly academic performance in Australia is divided along class, cultural and geographic lines.

Students in the lowest socioeconomic quartile are about 2.5 school years behind their peers in the highest quartile, according to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development figures on mathematical and reading literacy.

Students in metropolitan schools are roughly two years ahead of students at remote schools and indigenous students are more than 2.5 years behind non-indigenous students.

Last year, HSC students from metro schools were 2.7 times more likely to make the honour roll than their country school peers.

And new research commissioned by Fairfax Media shows students of east and south-east Asian background were the top performers in 10 of the 13 most popular courses on the 2013 HSC honour roll.

Marks' own research suggests these demographic, ethnic and socioeconomic differences shrink or even disappear after taking into account how students performed in earlier tests. If a child is struggling to keep up in year 12, that same child was probably struggling back in year 3.

School performance isn't fixed from birth, Marks says, but it largely comes down to cognitive ability – a sizeable chunk of which is genetic.

Does that mean Asian kids are smarter? "We have an immigration policy that favours people who have got skills and high ability ... On average, they're probably higher-IQ immigrants than the Anglo-Saxon students," Marks says.

Does it mean people from lower classes have lower intelligence? "I don't want to say that but, on average, yes they do."

Doesn't that seem kind of depressing and deterministic? "Well, there's always variation within [socioeconomic] groups. There's always random situations."

Besides, Marks adds, "The same criticism could be applied to the SES [socioeconomic status] model ... You can't do much about SES."

But not everyone agrees.


Madi Cooper graduated in 2013 from comprehensive public school Maitland Grossmann High, in the Hunter, with an ATAR of 96.4 and honour roll scores in four courses. Her father is a doctor, her mother, a nurse.

"Dad helped me a lot with my maths. Mum would sit and listen to me talking about legal studies or history," she says.

"[Success] is very much to do with the support system you have around you ... at school but definitely at home too."

Both Cooper and Liu say their parents played a key part in their HSC success. "It was little things like making me the food I like or bringing me fruit so I would remember to take study breaks," Liu says.

But in all likelihood, that family support started long before year 12.

"Social context is a strong shaper of what people describe as cognitive ability and academic success," Victoria University education policy researcher Stephen Lamb says.

Occupation and income have a powerful influence on where people live and who they mix with, as well as the way parents raise their kids.

"This affects who children have contact with, the way they come to interact with language, with reading, with words, with numbers," Professor Lamb says.

Middle and upper-class parents tend to have high expectations of their children. They invest considerable resources to help their children meet those expectations and they draw on the cultural advantages that come with social class.

"Effectively, they've learned to play the rules of the game," says University of Sydney professor of education Anthony Welch.

"They know the right schools. They have friends who go to those schools. They may know the principal.

"In a market environment, they're the ones with the knowledge and skills to make the sophisticated choice."

All of which is why, come the first day of school, some kids walk into class six to 18 months ahead of their peers.

"Prior achievement is based on socioeconomic background," says Sue Thomson, the head of educational monitoring and research at the Australian Council for Educational Research.

"It's a compounding affect. If you start off behind other students, it just gets worse as school goes on."

In a school system that pools economic and cultural advantage, the kids with the most need become concentrated in certain schools and, more often than not, just fall further behind.

And that's why prior achievement as early as year 3 remains such a strong predictor of academic performance in year 12, she says.


Judith Poole, the principal of Abbotsleigh, a high-fee private girls school in the privileged Sydney suburb of Wahroonga, recalls a set of parents who came to see her one afternoon. They wanted to take their daughter out of school for three months so the family could sail around the world.

"We tell [parents like that] that this will impact the girl's education ... if they still want to do that, we suggest they find another school more in keeping with their values," Poole says.

Abbotsleigh ranked No. 8 in the state for its performance last year and nearly 90 per cent of the students come from the state's "educational elite", according to an index of socio-educational advantage that takes into account family occupation and education. It doesn't include income.

At Maitland Grossmann parents aren't interrupting school to take their kids sailing around the world, but principal Di Soltau also cultivates a culture that prizes education.

Maitland Grossmann was one of the most successful comprehensive public schools outside Greater Sydney in the 2013 HSC."Some of these people here are third-generation unemployed. It's very difficult sometimes to overcome ... the idea there's no value for education because you're not going to get a job anyway," Soltau says. Home life for these kids can be "wild - and I mean, really wild. Aggressive."

The key, she says, is a culture of success that includes all students, regardless of wealth, intelligence, race or religion. "It's the melting pot. You've got to have it. It raises the bar for everybody" because kids have the chance to mix with peers who grew up with different values.

Poole puts it another way when she talks to Abbotsleigh parents about role modelling: "You can't be what you don't see."

Principals at every school Fairfax Media interviewed emphasised the importance of culture. But at Sydney's selective schools – where more than 80 per cent of students at the top handful come from non-English speaking backgrounds – debates about culture and ability often have racial overtones.

The "acid test" is to take the long view, Welch says, citing early 20th century Jewish migrants to the US.

"The IQ tests of the time categorised them as low ability but within two, three decades their performance was well above the national average. The same is now true of east Asian kids," he says.

"It's nothing to do with nature. It's about cultures that prize educational success and make considerable sacrifices to achieve it."

At James Ruse, the selective public school that has topped the HSC performance list for the past 18 years, principal Megan Connors says academic success is not about "where your family are from". Ninety-seven per cent of James Ruse students come from non-English speaking backgrounds and 85 per cent from the top socio-educational quartile.

"It's to do with family values. It's the valuing of education and the willingness to support students in whatever path they choose in education."

But while culture is not a synonym for ethnicity – culture is not innate or "natural" – it is passed on through our attitudes and practices.

"When we look at [Western] kids with a high socioeconomic background, it's highly likely their parents have a good education, and usually those parents stress hard work and the value of education," Thomson says.

"But in Confucian culture, those values are not as closely tied to socioeconomic background."


Socioeconomic background and ability are notoriously difficult to disentangle, not least because measuring intelligence in young children is problematic. Studies estimate the heritability of intelligence at about 50 per cent, although some suggest the heritability varies significantly by social class.

"Can an argument be made that some people are more intelligent than others? Sure," says University of Southern Queensland curriculum and pedagogy lecturer Stewart Riddle.

"[But] for every study that says intelligence is really important I can get another that says that's the least of our concerns."

Ultimately, questions about nature versus nurture are the wrong ones to be asking,Lamb says. At best, intelligence tests compare how well people do in an environment that provides unequal opportunities to flourish. At worst, they justify social inequality as "natural".

"If you take [the ability argument] to its end, it means that schooling can't work for the poor because the poor are naturally dumb, and I don't accept that," he says.

David Gillespie, author of Free Schools, a book on whether money really does buy a better education, says test scores merely "[measure] the ability of institutions to gather together the people who would have high outcomes no matter where they were … What we should really be measuring is the amount of value the institution added to each student."

We need to think about whether academic success and competitive results in the HSC are the same thing, says University of Sydney professor emerita Raewyn Connell. "Festivals of ranking and shaming", which use one student's learning to "put others in the shade" are little help to anyone.

"Australian education in the last few years has been infected by a toxic ideology of testing and ranking," she says.

"Real academic successes ... are often shared as much as they are individual."

At the end of the day, biology is not destiny. Nor is socioeconomics. These are statistical probabilities, after all. For all the debate about IQ and social class, geography and culture, there's one clear message: the family (and society) that values education is the most likely to succeed.


A previous version of this article incorrectly stated Abbotsleigh was ranked 88th for its HSC performance last year. Abbotsleigh was ranked 8th. This has been amended above.

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