

This was published 3 years ago

Eddie Obeid less culpable than his son or his colleague, court hears

By Kate McClymont

Former Labor minister Eddie Obeid played a lesser role than his co-conspirators, who included his son Moses and his parliamentary colleague Ian Macdonald, in the corrupt granting of a coal licence, his barrister told the NSW Supreme Court.

Moses Obeid (left), Ian Macdonald (centre) and Eddie Obeid (right).

Moses Obeid (left), Ian Macdonald (centre) and Eddie Obeid (right). Credit: Fairfax Media

April Francis, representing Obeid snr, also said that during these “dangerous times” Obeid had a high risk of contracting COVID-19 and that it would be preferable for Obeid to serve any sentence, which she suggested should be no more than two years, at home by way of an Intensive Corrections Order.

Macdonald’s barrister Jonathan Martin submitted that the former Labor minister’s chronic constipation is difficult to manage in jail and should be taken into account in sentencing.

Having found Obeid, 77, his son Moses, 52, and former Resources Minister Ian Macdonald,72, guilty of a conspiracy in which Macdonald breached his ministerial duties by providing confidential information to the Obeids over a coal exploration licence, Justice Elizabeth Fullerton is now hearing sentencing submissions.

It was submitted that Obeid snr’s role in the conspiracy was less than the others and there was no evidence he even knew that the conspiracy between his son Moses and his colleague Macdonald was ongoing.

However, Crown prosecutor Sophie Callan, SC, had previously submitted that while Moses Obeid played a more active role in the conspiracy, effectively doing the legwork, it was his father who had a “higher moral culpability” due to his position as a member of parliament at the time the conspiracy was hatched and carried out.

Justice Elizabeth Fullerton presided over the criminal trial.

Justice Elizabeth Fullerton presided over the criminal trial.

Ms Callan also suggested that his father exercised a “measure of control” over his son and that it was Eddie Obeid who provided his son with access to Macdonald.

Earlier in the day, Justice Fullerton expressed frustration when Macdonald’s barrister Jonathan Martin attempted to downplay the role of the former minister, whom the judge has described as the “primary conspirator.”


“HE.WAS.THE.MINISTER,” said Justice Fullerton, who added that Macdonald “committed successive and multiple willful acts of misconduct in the office he held as minister.” His “moral culpability” was of the highest order, said the judge.

During the lengthy trial, Mr Martin had argued that Macdonald “was acting in the interests of the people of NSW” and not the Obeid family when he opened up areas of the state for coal exploration.

However, Justice Fullerton found he was acting solely for the benefit of the Obeids. She has determined that the trio’s conspiracy commenced sometime in May 2008. At that time Macdonald met his colleague Obeid, and the following day the minister put in place a chain of events which ultimately resulted in his department drawing a drawing up a coal exploration area which covered the Obeids’ rural property at Mount Penny in the Bylong Valley.

Macdonald leaked to Moses Obeid a list of those who had tendered for the licence. This enabled the Obeids to muscle into a joint venture with the winning bidder which delivered them a $30 million windfall with the promise of a further $30m.

The court will hear Moses Obeid’s submissions on Friday.

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