

This was published 1 year ago


Dutton is forgetting one major detail, and it’s nothing to do with the Voice

There is a powerful conservative argument for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to our national parliament. Peter Dutton should be aware of it, even if the Liberal Party’s base outside the capital cities would prefer to see the referendum fail for the simple, tribal pleasure of poking cosmopolitan Australia in the eye.

Times have changed. Has Peter Dutton?

Times have changed. Has Peter Dutton?Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The conservative argument for the Voice understands the consequences of a No vote for social cohesion. The defeat of the referendum, by whatever margin, would split the country and damage the interests of Old Australians just as surely as it would crush the collective spirit of First Australians.

It would leave unresolved the existential questions of identity and national purpose for the 21st century.

Opponents of the Voice assume that a No vote will settle these questions by default, in favour of Old Australia. But this ignores one very important detail that sets this referendum apart from its predecessor in 1999.

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Old Australia commanded a clear majority when the republic was rejected. In fact, its share of the total population at the 2001 census was equivalent to the national No vote in 1999: around 55 per cent. This is not to suggest that every Yes voter at the time was a migrant, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; or that every vote for the monarchy came from Old Australia. The headline numbers mattered because of the electoral clout that came with them. John Howard was able to translate a No vote into an affirmation of tradition, which he reinforced with election victories in 2001 and 2004. Nothing needed fixing because we were comfortable and relaxed with who we were.

Australia today is a majority migrant nation. We crossed the threshold just before the closure of the international border – to fight the coronavirus – in 2020.

Opponents of the Voice may wish to ignore this detail, but Liberals already know what this looks like on the ground, from the city-based thrashings they suffered at last year’s federal election and in the Victorian state election. A No vote doesn’t restore the position of Old Australia as our national storyteller, or make the Coalition parties suddenly viable.

On the contrary, it increases the risk that New Australia will eventually call the white man’s bluff and write its own story. For the record – as the child of Greek migrants – I do not want to see the many glorious tribes of New Australia coalesce around the idea that we can repurpose the barbs of our childhoods, and tell Old Australia that this is our country now, and you can go back to where your ancestors came from.


Yet this is the fire that the opposition leader - and the culture warriors who are urging him to obstruct the Voice - are playing with. Dividing the country to achieve a short-term political goal on the referendum kills the opportunity contained in the Uluru Statement from the Heart for all Australians to walk, and work, together.

To understand both the risk and the opportunity of the referendum, consider the three essential elements of our national story, and the people who are represented by each. Imagine our 26 million people embodied in a family tree with First Australian roots, an Old Australian trunk and New Australian branches.

Old Australians are non-Indigenous people who have been here for at least three generations, with parents and grandparents who were also born here. New Australians were born overseas or have at least one migrant parent.

At the 2021 census, the New Australian branches covered almost 51 per cent of the population, comprising the 29 per cent born overseas and the 22 per cent who had one migrant parent. The Old Australian trunk contained 45 per cent of the population, while First Australians were almost 4 per cent of the total. I’ve rounded these numbers for the sake of simplicity. They are based on exclusive data I developed in collaboration with the Australian Bureau of Statistics last year.

They translate today to 13.2 million New Australians, 11.8 million Old Australians and almost one million First Australians.

What should give Dutton and his team pause is how quickly the family tree has changed its shape and will continue to evolve in favour of New Australia. The branches grew five times faster than the trunk between the 2011 and 2021 census – 31 per cent for New Australia compared to just 6 per cent for Old Australia. This reflects the double edge of demography for the latter. As developed nations like ours rely on migration for the majority of our population growth, we also rely on migrants for the majority of our net natural increase (births minus deaths). Old Australia had almost 600,000 children in net terms between 2011 and 2021, where a country of birth was stated. New Australia had almost double that number – 1.15 million.

For a glimpse into the future, consider what has been happening to the trunk of Sydney’s family tree. The Old Australian population fell in absolute terms for the first time as the departures to other parts of Australia exceeded net natural increase. The figure itself was tiny – less than 1 per cent over that 10-year period. But it underlines the delicate balancing act of identity in 21st-century Australia.

This is why we need to include Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in each and every conversation about who we want to be: we need strong roots to support a family tree with a shrinking trunk. First Australians happen to be the fastest growing part of our family tree; their population increased by 48 per cent between 2011 and 2021. What purpose will it serve to deny them their aspiration to be heard and be treated equally?

Referendums are, by design, harder to pass than elections are to win. They require a majority of the national vote and a majority of states. The family trees of the states are evenly divided, reflecting the concentration of the migrant waves in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.


Old Australia retains a majority in Dutton’s home state of Queensland (53 per cent), as well as Tasmania (65 per cent) and South Australia (52 per cent). The New Australian majorities are 53 per cent in NSW; 55 per cent in Victoria; and 59 per cent in Western Australia.

Dutton may see an opportunity in these numbers to obstruct by narrowcasting to those states that feel most alienated by the rise of New Australia.

But this is precisely why Old Australia needs the Voice to succeed. A No vote would fracture our family tree at the expense of both the roots and the trunk. The cultural weight of the New Australian majority will grow regardless.

The language for a new binding national story that includes everyone – without recrimination or condescension – can only flow from a successful Yes campaign. The Voice serves as both a vehicle for reconciliation between First Australia and Old Australia, and a bridge between Old Australia and New Australia.

George Megalogenis is an author, political commentator and regular columnist.

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