

This was published 1 year ago


Dutton is driving the Liberals off a cliff - and his colleagues are passengers watching on

It was never the subject of a formal announcement but at some stage in the past few years the Liberal Party at the federal level seems to have ceased to be a conventional political organisation.

Think about it. It cut itself off from new ideas. It mocked electric cars. It scoffed at climate change and accountability while pretending to believe in both.

The electorate has moved to the left but Peter Dutton continues to look right.

The electorate has moved to the left but Peter Dutton continues to look right.Credit: Marija Ercegovac

To rouse its supporters, it talked of an impending war. And it started treating its leaders like gurus, even when they behaved oddly.

There’s a cult-like feel to today’s Liberal Party, with too many of its MPs meekly following their leader even if it will keep them out of favour with most of their fellow citizens and take them over a political cliff.

This was the case under Scott Morrison, but it also applies to his successor Peter Dutton who so far is sticking close to the “all politics all the time” Morrison model – heavy on tactics, light on strategy.

There is something grimly poetic about Dutton inheriting the wreckage left behind by Morrison’s stint as leader. In 2018, when Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership got its final case of the shakes, it was Dutton who looked set to take over – until a majority of his colleagues went into a panic at the genuine prospect of putting Dutton in the driver’s seat.

Former prime minister Scott Morrison.

Former prime minister Scott Morrison.Credit: James Brickwood

So they opted for Morrison, whose inherent combination of superficiality and weirdness would reach full bloom thanks to the Coalition’s surprise 2019 election win and three subsequent years of solid obedience from his cabinet and party room. These behaviours would also provide the foundation for last May’s election loss – the Liberal Party’s worst federal election outcome since its first electoral outing in 1946.

The awful truth for the party is that Morrison didn’t do that on his own; he managed it only because he was given free rein by his parliamentary team, the party’s dysfunctional organisational wing, and even its diminished and enervated rank-and-file. The challenge of rebuilding is immense.


That’s been made clear in the official review of the Liberals’ election performance by former federal director Brian Loughnane and Victorian senator Jane Hume. Their 60-page report, released a few days before Christmas, received limited news coverage before being overtaken by the holidays.

It contains the usual soft-soaping: the campaign team was good; its advertising was effective; its polling was spot-on; Labor, the Greens and the Teals conned the public with a story about the Morrison government’s shortcomings that caused the Coalition to lose “control of its brand”. It also refers to Morrison, who’s still an MP, only obliquely.


But once you get past the obligatory niceties, you’re presented with a portrait of a party that’s close to broken, failing on just about every important measure. Of the 44 seats classified as inner-city, the Liberals hold just four. Of the 24 provincial seats, the Liberals and Nationals together hold 10. It’s only in rural Australia that the Coalition commands a majority.

It has lost majority support among women in every age cohort and especially younger women. Remember how Morrison and Dutton seemed to be in a bellicosity competition in their China rhetoric, with Dutton talking about preparing for war last Anzac Day? The report has this to say: “In the top 15 seats by Chinese ancestry the swing against the Party (on a two-party preferred basis) was 6.6 per cent, compared to 3.7 per cent in other seats. There are more than 1.2 million people of Chinese heritage living in Australia today. Rebuilding the party’s relationship with the Chinese community must be a priority.” How do you think Dutton will go with that?

The report nominates the lack of a comprehensive policy agenda, poor preselection practices, a failure to engage with ethnically diverse communities, sclerotic state divisions, an incapacity to campaign on the ground unlike its opponents on the “activist left” and a general cluelessness about contemporary society as just some of the party’s problems. It makes 49 recommendations, the last of which suggests how out of touch the Liberals found themselves. Observing that the community’s beliefs and aspirations are changing rapidly, it recommends “a ‘deep-dive values study’ on the attitudes and values of the Australian community”.


Yes, the community is changing. The Coalition didn’t want to know, so it was turfed out. A clear majority of Australian voters now favours the centre-left and won’t have a bar of the reflexive resort to politics ahead of policy that came to characterise the Liberals in government. Which makes Dutton’s overt spoiling tactics on the proposal for an Indigenous Voice to parliament, assisted by his senior colleagues, so bewildering. That won’t win back the Liberal voters who defected last year.

The broad coalition of voters who ousted the Liberals won’t hold forever, but the way the current leader is going, it’s got a good chance of sticking together for a few more electoral cycles yet.

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